Research project

Convergent evolution of placental villi in primates and ungulates: Are some placentas more efficient than others?


Lead researcher

Professor Rohan Lewis PhD, FTPS

Prof of Placental&Integrative Physiology
Connect with Rohan
Other researchers

Dr Bram Sengers

Associate Professor
Connect with Bram

Dr Neil J. Gostling BSc PhD FLS

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Palaeobiology
  • Molecular Biology
Connect with Neil J.

Research outputs

Davis Laundon, Ella Proudley, Philip J. Basford, Orestis L. Katsamenis, David S. Chatelet, Jane K Cleal, Neil J. Gostling, Pascale Chavatte-Palmer & Rohan M. Lewis, 2024, Placenta, 154, 216-219
Type: article
Davis Laundon, Thomas Lane, Orestis L. Katsamenis, Jeanette Norman, Lois Brewer, Shelley E. Harris, Philip J. Basford, Justine Shotton, Danielle Free, Georgina Constable-Dakeyne, Neil J. Gostling, Pascale Chavatte-Palmer & Rohan M. Lewis, 2024, Placenta
Type: article