Doctor Christopher Barrio Froján

Dr Christopher Barrio Froján

Programme Officer for DOSI

Accepting applications from PhD students.

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28 publications
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David E. Johnson, Christopher Barrio Froján, Francis Neat, Dick Van Oevelen, David Stirling, Matthew J. Gubbins & J. Murray Roberts, 2019, Frontiers in Marine Science, 6(2)
Type: review
David Edward Johnson, Erick Ross Salazar, Anthony Gallagher, Aldous Rees, Carolina Sheridan Rodriguez, Sergio Cambronero Solano, Gustavo Rojas Ortega & Christopher Barrio Froján, 2018, Marine Policy, 96(10), 235-242
Type: article
David E. Johnson, Christopher Barrio Froján, Phillip J. Turner, Philip Weaver, Vikki Gunn, Daniel C. Dunn, Patrick Halpin, Nicholas J. Bax & Piers K. Dunstan, 2018, Marine Policy, 88(2), 75-85
Type: article
Christopher R.S. Barrio Froján, Keith M. Cooper & Stefan G. Bolam, 2016, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 104(1-2), 20-28
Type: article
Christopher Barrio Froján, Anna Leena Downie, Mar Sacau Cuadrado, Ellen Kenchington & Andrew Kenny, 2016, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73(2), 405-419
Type: article
Roger Coggan, Christopher R.S. Barrio Froján, Markus Diesing & John Aldridge, 2012, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 111(10), 118-128
Type: article
Christopher R.S. Barrio Froján, Stefan G. Bolam, Jacqueline D. Eggleton & Claire Mason, 2012, Journal of Sea Research, 69(4), 53-65
Type: article
Christopher R.S. Barrio Froján, Kevin G. MacIsaac, Andrew K. McMillan, María Del Mar Sacau Cuadrado, Philip A. Large, Andrew J. Kenny, Ellen Kenchington & Enrique De Cárdenas González, 2012, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69(2), 213-222
Type: article
W. M.Rauhan Wan Hussin, Keith M. Cooper, Christopher R.S. Barrio Froján, Emma C. Defew & David M. Paterson, 2012, Ecological Indicators, 12(1), 37-45
Type: article
Keith M. Cooper, M. Curtis, W. M.R. Wan Hussin, Christopher R. S. Barrio Froján, E. C. Defew, V. Nye & D. M. Paterson, 2011, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(10), 2087-2094
Type: article