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- William Gilbert's magnetic model of the Earth
- Coulomb's dipoles and Faraday's lines of force
- An exploded view of the Hitachi Microdrive
- Increasing storage density
- A three-platter IDE hard disk drive, manufactured by Fujitsu in 1999
- Energy density due to uniaxial anisotropy
- Cubic anisotropy energy surfaces
- The unit vectors of two moments
- The functions
- The effect of altering the number of cells in a geometry
- Finite difference and finite element meshes
- Relaxed magnetisation from edge- and diagonally-aligned states
- Typical hysteresis loops
- Magnetic recording ideals
- A typical ferromagnet
- Domains formed in sample with closed flux
- Micromagnetic system states
- The simplified simulation process
- OOMMF memory requirements
- Memory usage scaling with magpar
- Memory usage of OOMMF and magpar
- A visualisation showing surface maps, streamlines, magnetisation and an isosurface
- Massless particles highlighting core vortex
- Out-of-plane and in-place vortices
- Patterned and non-patterned media
- Magnetoresistive random access memory
- Single-domain and vortex states
- Anisotropic simulation domain
- Hysteresis loop for a flat nickel cylinder
- Cylinder overview with magnetisation in a high applied field
- Magnetisation in flat cylinder
- Flower state and onion state in a cylinder
- Flat cylinder entering the vortex state
- Flat cylinder just before leaving the vortex state
- Height dependence of state transition in cylinders
- Phase diagram for nickel cylinders
- Hysteresis loops for nickel spheres of diameter =200nm
- Nickel sphere in high applied field showing spin tapering
- Sphere at high applied field
- Sphere immediately after entering the vortex state
- Sphere in vortex state
- Sphere in late vortex state
- Size dependence of nickel spheres
- Hysteresis loops for nickel spheres of diameter 50nm and 80nm
- Remanent magnetisation states in conical geometries
- Phase diagram of remanent states in cones
- Hysteresis loop for cone of 100nm
- Detailed points for cone reversal mechanism where 100nm
- Scanning electron microscope image of a droplet array
- MOKE measurements for a nickel dot array
- The double-template self-assembly technique
- A typical nanodot ``droplet'' geometry
- Hysteresis loop for a nickel half-sphere of diameter 200nm
- Half-sphere at high applied field (point in figure 5.5)
- Half-sphere in remanent vortex state
- Half-sphere in late vortex state
- Reversal mechanism phase diagram for part-spheres
- Reversal mechanism for =50nm, =0.5
- Reversal mechanism for =100nm, =
- Hysteretic comparison of OOMMF (FD method) and magpar (hybrid FE/BE method)
- Hysteresis loop for an isotropic nickel half-sphere of diameter 350nm
- Two vortex states in an isotropic nickel half-sphere of diameter 350nm
- Hysteresis loop for isotropic nickel half-sphere of diameter 750nm
- Vortex ``pinning'' in three-quarter sphere
- Reversal mechanism for nickel droplet of diameter 140nm
- Hysteresis loops for droplets of bounding sphere diameter 140nm, 350nm and 500nm
- Size dependence of coercive field in droplet nanodots
- Comparison of experiment and simulation for nickel nanodots
- Different hysteresis characteristics in droplet nanodots
- Reversal mechanism of a droplet in a perpendicular applied field
- Size dependence of out-of-plane coercive field in droplet nanodots
- Size dependence of out-of-plane and in-plane coercivity in droplet nanodots
- The single-template self-assembly technique
- Scanning electron microscope image of an antidot array
- Oscillation of coercivity observed experimentally
- Cubically and hexagonally packed spheres
- 600x600x150nm cut of simple cubic nickel antispheres
- Magnetisation of a cobalt hexagonal antidot array in zero field
- Hysteresis loop for permalloy antidot array
- Microscopic images of an antidot array
- Measured and computed demagnetising field of an antidot array in zero field
- Measured and computed MFM signal of an antidot sample in a small applied field
- Overview of Monte Carlo simulation
- Coercivity of small permalloy nanodots
- Coercivity of large permalloy nanodots
- Monte Carlo simulation results
- MOKE and numerical measurements for cobalt antidots
- Polar plot of anisotropy energy and reversal conditions
- The complete simulation process
- The OOMMF Oxs framework
- Simple constructive solid geometries
Richard Boardman