AS/A-level Workshops

Hubble Constant Workshop (AS/A-level)


Each A-level student is given a worksheet to calculate the distances and recessional velocities of various galaxies in order to find the Hubble Constant.

Dr Sadie Jones can come into your college and give this workshop- she has a powerpoint presentation that goes with it which includes links to astrophysics reasearch here in Southampton. Please email her if you are interested.

NOTE:The workshop takes about an hour and the school/college is expected to provide the rulers and calculators for the students. Ideally the school should print out enough worksheets for everyone in the class and have given them out to the students before Sadie starts the workshop to save time.

For the pdf of the worksheet click here. Please feel free to download it for your own use.

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Email Sadie

to book a free astronomy workshop at your school/college..