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probe_packet_struct Struct Reference

Packet structure used to communicate with the probes. More...

#include <glacsweb_protocol.h>

Data Fields

unsigned char header
 Packet header.

unsigned char size
 Packet size.

unsigned char id
 Identifier of packet target.

unsigned char command
 Command byte.

unsigned char data [16]
 Packet payload.

Detailed Description

Packet structure used to communicate with the probes.

Field Documentation

unsigned char probe_packet_struct::command

Command byte.

One of the values defined as CMD_ in this header

unsigned char probe_packet_struct::header

Packet header.

  • 0x30 command
  • 0x50 info and reciever doesn't need to reply

unsigned char probe_packet_struct::size

Packet size.

Length of packet in bytes.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Mon Aug 9 13:41:45 2004 for Glacsweb by doxygen 1.3.5