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gsm.c File Reference

Talk to the GSM modem. More...

#include "gsm.h"
#include "log.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>


int get_line (SerialPort *sp, char *const buffer, int buflen)
 Read a CR LF terminated line from the serial port.

int GSMSendCommand (SerialPort *sp, const char *const msg)
 Send a command to the GSM modem, and listen for the echoed response.

int GSMSendMessage (SerialPort *sp, const char *const number, const char *const msg)
int GSMCheckSignal (SerialPort *sp)
 Check the network association and signal strength of the GSM modem.

int GSMSetSMSMode (SerialPort *sp)
int GSMSendFile (SerialPort *sp, const char *const number, const char *const filename)


const char *const  CREG_MESSAGE = "AT+CREG?\r\n"
 Message to read Network Registration Status.

const char *const  CREG_MESSAGE_RES = "+CREG: "
const int CREG_MESSAGE_RES_LEN = 10
const char *const  CSQ_MESSAGE = "AT+CSQ\r\n"
 Message to read signal strength.

const char *const  CSQ_MESSAGE_RES = "+CSQ: "
const int CSQ_MESSAGE_RES_LEN = 9
const char *const  CMGF_MESSAGE = "AT+CMGF=1\r\n"
 Message to put modem into SMS mode.

Detailed Description

Talk to the GSM modem.

Copyright (C) 2004 Alistair Riddoch, The University of Southampton

Function Documentation

int get_line SerialPort sp,
char *const  buffer,
int  buflen

Read a CR LF terminated line from the serial port.

The CR LF characters are stripped, and the buffer is NULL terminated so the result can be used as a string.

sp serial port to read from
buffer buffer to store the line in
buflen size of buffer to read data into
the number of bytes read, or minus one if an error or timeout occured.

int GSMCheckSignal SerialPort sp  ) 

Check the network association and signal strength of the GSM modem.

sp pointer to serial port to be used to talk to the modem.
zero if the modem is associated with a GSM network, and has good enough signal strength to send messages, or 1 if GSM network is not available, 2 if GSM signal strength is too weak, or -1 if an error occured talking to the modem.

int GSMSendCommand SerialPort sp,
const char *const  msg

Send a command to the GSM modem, and listen for the echoed response.

zero if the message was echoed back correctly, and one otherwise.

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