The 1st British Gravity Meeting

University of Southampton, 27/28 March 2001

Stop press: Britgrav organisation and future meetings


The Southampton GR group is hosting the 1st "British Gravity Meeting" on 27/28 March (Tues/Wed) 2001.

The purpose of the meeting is to bring the relativity community in Britain together, and to provide a forum for young researchers (students and postdocs).

The topic of the meeting is general relativity, classical, quantum and experimental. The boundary would be drawn at topics that are more suitable for the existing annual high energy physics and cosmology meetings.


There is no registration fee. Please register by email to, by March 1st if possible.


All participants who have submitted a talk before 1 March will be able to give it. The format of the talks is 10 minutes plus 2 minutes for discussions. The timetable and the abstracts of all submitted talks are given below.

Final timetable.

Final schedule of talks (HTML). (Postscript).

Abstracts of talks in order given(HTML). (Postscript).

Final list of all participants in alphabetical order (HTML). (Postscript).

Student prize

Classical and Quantum Gravity have kindly offered to sponsor a 50 pounds book token prize for the best talk by a PhD student at the conference. Stop press: the prize was won by Ed Porter of the University of Cardiff.


The meeting takes place in the Mathematics Department of the University of Southampton. This is Building 54, a high-rise building in the NW corner of the Highfield Campus.

All talks sessions are in lecture room 5A on level 5. Tea and coffee breaks, including tea before the first talks session, and the wine reception on Tuesday night, take place in the Senior Common Room on level 4.

The Southampton Relativity group has its offices on level 2. Toilets are on level 3. Computing facilities for conference participants will be on level 3.

Map and directions.




Lunch and dinner venues will be suggested. Tea and coffee will be provided in the breaks. Classical and Quantum Gravity is kindly hosting a wine reception on the Tuesday night. Afterwards there will be the occasion to attend a buffet dinner in Kuti's Brasserie (Oxford Street, in the city centre, a coach will be provided).

Lunch venues.


Participants will have telnet acccess in the the conference building.


Participants are asked to make their own accomodation arrangements.

Accommodation list.

The Southampton GR group: R d'Inverno, J Vickers, N Andersson, C Gundlach

Last modified 29.3.01.