Cadence Place & Route using AMS 0.35µm Libraries


This design flow expects that you are working in a design directory (e.g. ~/design/ams/ams_demo) with a number of sub-directories containing files created during the preceding synthesis stage:

If your files aren't in these directories or don't have these names, then the first thing to do is to create any missing directories and copy the files into place with the correct names.

If you don't have a pad ring specification file (and if the example file is not what you want) then you can generate the .io file from a simple text file using the "prcess_pad_ring" script. The format of the text file can be seen in this example: qmults_pads.txt


Note - if you read the whole of the preparation section before typing any commands you may save yourself some time and some typing.

Within your working directory (e.g. ~/design/ams/ams_demo), create a new sub-directory for the place and route files and change to the new directory:

    mkdir place_and_route
    cd place_and_route
Now run the ams_edis script with appropriate options to specify a 4-metal 0.35µm process running at 3.3 volts with core cells from the CORELIB library and pad cells from the IOLIB library:
    ams_edis -tech c35 \
      -vn <topcell>.v -vt <topcell> \
      -metlay thin4M \
      -corelib CORELIB \
      -corevolt _3.3V \
      -corevolt_wc _3.3V \
      -corevolt_bc _3.3V \
      -iolib IOLIB \
      -iovolt _3.3V \
      -iovolt_wc _3.3V \
      -iovolt_bc _3.3V \
      -ediver EDI13.1ISR4
Following this, you will need to add symbolic links for the gate-level netlist and the constraints file mentioned above to ensure that the place and route software can find them:
    ln -s ../../gate_level/<topcell>.v VERILOG/<topcell>.v
    ln -s ../../constraints/<topcell>.sdc CONSTRAINTS/<topcell>_func.sdc
    ln -s ../../constraints/<topcell>.sdc CONSTRAINTS/<topcell>_test.sdc

Note that the AMS scripts expect separate constraints files for functional mode (<topcell>_func.sdc) and test mode (<topcell>_test.sdc). This might allow us to specify tight timing constraints for the functional mode and looser constraints (e.g. a slower clock speed) for the test mode. For this walkthrogh we have generated only one set of timing constraints, so we link both of the expected files to the single constraints file (design.sdc).

If if the source files are as specified in the prerequisites section above and you do not want to change any of the options to the ams_edis script, you can use the following sequence of commands in place of those above:

    prepare_edi <topcell> place_and_route
    cd place_and_route

Import the design

Within your new place and route directory (e.g. ~/design/ams/ams_demo/place_and_route), use the "encounter" command to start the place and route tool:


You should see a new GUI window where you will later see the chip layout take shape. For now you should look at the terminal window where you should find the encounter prompt: "encounter 1>". Here you should type the following sequence of commands to import the design:

Note that commands in the list above which start with "ams" are AMS specific commands. These commands are defined in the "amsSetup.tcl" file which is a TCL script created by the "ams_edis" script. This "amsSetup.tcl" script invokes Cadence commands; later you will write your own TCL script to invoke the commands needed to place and route your design.

Place the Pad Cells

Specify Floor Plan

At the floor planning stage we divide the chip into different areas some of which may be used for standard cells while others will be used for macro blocks such as ROMs and RAMs. In this simple design a single area for all of the standard cells should be enough.