This button will terminate the current simulation, recompile, and run it. It is equivalent to interrupting the simulation and entering the '$finish;' command and issuing the Run command.
Continue Button
This button will continue the simulation from the point it was interrupted. This command is equivalent to typing a '.' command.
Stop Button
This button will interrupt the current simulation. Once the simulation is interrupted, you will be prompted for input.
Exit Button
This button will terminate the current simulation. It is equivalent to interrupting the simulation and entering the '$finish;' command.
Step Button
This button will execute the next statement and return control to you. This command is equivalent to typing a ';' command.
Trace Button
This button will execute the next statement, printing out a list of all simulation activity associated with the statement. Control will then be returned to you. This command is equivalent to typing a ',' command.
Zoom In Button
This button will increase the display magnification 2x.
Zoom Out Button
This button will decrease the display magnification 2x.
Zoom To Button
This button will change the display magnification such that the region between the two cursors occupies the entire window.
Zoom Max Button
This button will change the display magnification such that the entire simulation is visible in the window at once.
Browse Button
This button will open the Signal Browser Window allowing the creation, deletion, and modification of signal groups.
Combo Box Group List
This combo box selects the group of signals to be viewed. Signal groups may be created using the signal browser, loading a group file, or during a simulation via the $vw_groupsystem command.