This command will create a new project. You will be prompted for a name for this project. The project, editor, and console preferences will be set to the VeriWell application default preferences.
Open Project
This command will open a previously created project. You will be prompted to select a project file.
Note: You can have only one project document open at a time.
Close Project
This command will close the currently opened project. You will then be able to open an existing project or create a new project.
Add File
To add an unopened text document to a project, chose the Add File... command in the Project Menu. Only one file at a time may be selected to be added to the project. Click on the file you wish to add and choose Open.
Remove File
To remove a file from a project, select a file in the project window and choose the Remove File command from the Project Menu. This command will remove the file from the project and does not delete the file from your disk. If you remove a file accidentally, you can add it back into the project.
This command will add the active window to the project file list.
This command will compile and run the currently opened project. If any project files have not been saved, a dialog box will prompt you to bring these file up to date. If the Prompt On Save box is not checked, then the project will automatically be saved before running. The Prompt On Save box is located under Preference->Project from the Edit Menu.
This command will terminate the current simulation, recompile, and run it. It is equivalent to interrupting the simulation and entering the '$finish;' command and issuing the Run command.
This command will terminate the current simulation. It is equivalent to interrupting the simulation and entering the '$finish;' command.
This command will interrupt the current simulation. Once the simulation is interrupted, you will be prompted for input.
This command will continue the simulation from the point it was interrupted. This command is equivalent to typing a '.' command.
This command will execute the next statement and return control to you. This command is equivalent to typing a ';' command.
Step And Trace
This command will execute the next statement, printing out a list of all simulation activity associated with the statement. Control will then be returned to you. This command is equivalent to typing a ',' command.