Introduction to Magic 7

If you are reading a paper copy of this document, your first task is to find the corresponding web page so that you can make use of the javascript walkthroughs (just click on one of the little coloured icons at the end of a paragraph).

Starting Magic 7

First change to a suitable directory (in general a new directory should be used whenever a new design is started):

    cd ~/design/magic/test

This directory should already exist but if not it can be created using the mkdir command.

To start magic using the On Semi 0.35µm CMOS process type magic -T c035u. A new window will appear. (Magic can also accept a design name on the command line, e.g. magic -T c035u example.)

If magic won't start you may need use the remote login facility to access one of the older servers which run a slightly different version of the Linux operating system (Hart):

  Applications -> Remote Login -> Hart

Move the mouse pointer over the new window. Notice that the border of the new window becomes highlighted and the cursor changes from an arrowhead to a crosshair. This is an indication that the active window has changed merely because the mouse has moved (no mouse click is required). Magic expects this focus follows mouse behaviour, if this doesn't happen for you, seek help from a laboratory demonstrator.

Commands to magic are given in three ways: through the mouse, as single character macros and as long commands starting with a colon (:). To start editing a cell, magic requires a cell name. Type :load test. Magic responds with Cell test couldn't be found. Creating new cell. The frame of the new window changes to test EDITING test.

The Palette

A palette containing the available layers can be created by typing p. The palette window is created at the bottom right of the screen. There are a number of layers shown. Note that these are abstract layers, not mask layers. The last pattern is the ERRORS pattern. You can't draw with this pattern, but this is what magic uses to indicate design rule violations.

Screen Layout

Whenever you run magic you should arrange your windows on the screen as shown below:

The main editing window takes up a large part of the screen, overlapping with the terminal window from which magic was started. The bottom few lines of text in the terminal window are clearly visible. Do not be tempted to "maximise" the editing window (so that it occupies the whole screen) since you will not be able to see the information, warning and error messages provided by magic.

Unless you are fortunate enough to have access to a computer with two screens when you run this tutorial, you will have to display two web browser windows on the screen at the same time as the three magic windows.

A suggested layout is shown below with a small browser window top left and the javascript popup window top right:

It's a tight squeeze but the benefits of being able to navigate the javascript walkthrough while you are working on your own design outweigh the disadvantages of having to use smaller windows. Of course none of this will work if your screen resolution is set too low; a resolution of 1280x1024 or greater is ideal.

Drawing an Inverter

NMOS Transistor

To show how magic works with abstract layers, we'll start by drawing an NMOS transistor. Move the crosshair cursor to the left of and below the centre of the editing window. Click the left mouse button. A small box appears. Now move the cursor up about a third of the window and slightly to the right. Click the right mouse button. The box changes to a long thin rectangle. Now move the cursor over the red patch labelled poly in the palette window. Click the middle mouse button. The box in the editing window is now filled with the poly pattern. This poly "tile" will provide the gate connection for our first transistor.

You can increase the width of the poly tile by selecting a new area slightly to the right using the left and right mouse buttons then filling it using the middle button as before.

Similarly you can reduce the width of the poly tile by selecting an area that overlaps the unwanted part of the existing tile and then clicking the middle mouse button over the background grey colour in the test window.

Note that you can use the same process to delete any unwanted tiles from your design; draw a box around the tile or group of tiles and click the middle mouse button over the background.

Design Rule Errors

If your poly tile is less than the minimum width specified by the design rules, the error pattern will appear along the right edge of the box. If you haven't got an error pattern, reduce the width of the poly tile to see how errors are flagged.

To find the cause of an error, draw a box around the error pattern, and type y. You may find that some errors are due to more than one design rule violation.

The poly tile can be expanded to the correct thickness by drawing a box that exactly includes the poly tile and the error pattern and filling it with poly.

Note that setting the poly to exactly the right width as done here reduces the design area and improves the design performance.

Completing The Transistor

Move the cursor to the left of the poly rectangle and click the left button. Move to the right of the poly and slightly up and click the right button, so that you have a rectangle crossing the poly. Move the cursor to the green patch labelled ndiff in the palette window and click the middle button. The rectangle will be filled with the ndiff pattern. If the rectangle is not wide enough, an error pattern will appear above the rectangle. If this happens move the cursor to the top right corner of the error pattern and click the right button. Then click the middle button when the cursor is over a patch of ndiff.

Where the poly and ndiff layers intersect, the pattern has changed to that of an nfet. Magic "knows" that where polysilicon crosses over n-diffusion, an n-channel MOSFET device is formed.


To see the size of the objects, type g. This toggles a grid on the editing window. If the grid is not visible, type G. This makes the grid five times as large. The original grid is 0.05µm. This is the basic unit used by magic for this technology (i.e. 1 magic unit = 0.05µm and 1µm = 20 magic units). The minimum width of poly is 0.35µm and the minimum width of ndiff where it crosses the poly is 0.5µm. Note that when you are drawing, points snap to the 0.05µm grid. If at any time you want to turn the grid off, type g again.

Connection to Metal

Move the cursor near to the right end of the ndiff at the bottom edge. Draw a box and fill it with ndiffcontact. You will notice that the minimum dimensions of ndiffcontact are 0.8µm x 0.8µm. Make the contact this size. Now draw a rectangle of metal1 from this contact upwards. The metal must be at least 0.5µm wide.

At this stage, you might find it useful to know that the u macro undoes your last command. Up to 20 commands can be undone. If you change your mind, the U macro can be used to redo a command that has been undone (note that the macros are case sensitive; u for undo, U for redo).

Wiring Tool

There is an alternative, easier way to connect metal1 to ndiff. Move the cursor to the left end of the ndiff. Now press the space bar. The cursor changes to an arrowhead and a message appears, saying Switching to "wiring" tool. While pointing to the ndiff, click the left mouse button. A box appears on the ndiff, together with the message Using ndiffusion wires 10 units wide. Now move the cursor to the metal1 patch in the palette window. Click the centre button. An ndc box 0.8µm x 0.8µm appears on the ndiff, together with the message Using metal1 wires 10 units wide. Now move the cursor to a point below the ndc box and click the right mouse button. A strip of metal1 0.5µm wide appears. Press the space bar three times to get back to the "box" tool.

PMOS Transistor

To make a p-channel MOSFET on a p-substrate, we need to create an n-well. You will find that the n-well must be at least 1.0µm from the n-diffusion. Make a box at least as wide as the ndiff and about 5µm high then fill it with nwell.

Note that you can move around the magic design by clicking the middle mouse button on the scroll bars at the side of the edit window. Other related commands are v (zoom to design) and z (zoom to box).

Now extend the poly through the nwell for the gate of the PMOS transistor. This can be done by drawing a box which touches or overlaps the existing poly and filling it, or by stretching the existing poly. To stretch the poly, place the cursor over it and type s. This selects the area of poly, surrounding it by a box. The macro T moves the box to the new cursor position and fills the new box and the space between it and the old box with the contents of the old box. Note that the bottom left corner of the box is moved to the cursor position; if you stretch the poly too far, you can use u to undo the stretch.

About a third of the way up the nwell draw a strip of pdiff like the ndiff below it.

Using the wiring tool draw a strip of metal1 down from the right end of the pdiff to the existing metal1 and up from the left end of the pdiff. You may find that the first time you click on the pdiff with the left mouse button the nwell is highlighted. If this happens, click the left button again and the pdiff will be selected.

Connections & Labels

Draw strips of metal1 across the top and bottom of the cell, connecting to the existing metal1 for the power and ground rails. Since the power and ground rails carry more current than the signal wires, we will make them slightly wider. For this exercise a size of 1.0µm is appropriate.

Extend the existing poly to the top and bottom of the cell for the input and draw a second strip of poly the full height of the inverter to the right for the output. Connect the poly to the metal1 with a polycontact, or pc.

Label the connections at the edges of the cell. The power rail must be labelled Vdd! and the ground rail must be labelled GND!. For this design we shall label the input; in and the output; out. To create a label on the power rail use the box tool to draw a zero width box along the end of the metal to be labelled and use the command :label Vdd!. Place the remaining labels in a similar manner. Note that it is usual to place labels wherever a connection reaches the edge of the cell. Hence the power and ground rails will be labelled at the left and right of the cell and the input and output connections will be labelled at the top and bottom.


Finally, you can put a 0.8µm x 0.8µm square of nwt on the power rail for an n-well tap and a 0.8µm x 0.8µm square of pst on the ground rail for a p-substrate tap.

Finishing The Basic Design

In order to use your inverter cell in other CAD tools, we need to set the origin of the design (the lower left corner) to (0,0). The (0,0) position is indicated by a small black square at the intersection of two grid lines.

The following sequence of commands can be used to select and move all of the "paint" in your cell:

    :move to 0 0

Note that the f macro selects the cell and is used here as a quick way of setting the box to surround the cell exactly. The a macro selects all the paint within the newly positioned box.

The v macro (zoom to design) can be used re-centre the design in the window. To check the alignment of the cell select a very large grid size, :grid 1000.

To save your design and give it a new name, type :save inv.

Your finished inverter design should look something like the figure:

To quit magic, type :q.

Checking The Basic Design

From the unix prompt you can type

    check_magic_leaf_cell -T c035u -M 1 inv
to perform some basic checks on your design. In particular it will check that all your labels have been correctly drawn as line labels along the edge of the cell.

The requirements of this checking program may at first seem overly fussy, but cells which don't match these requirements will give at best unpredictable results when used in larger magic designs and cannot be ported to other design tools.

Details of the sort of problems identified by this program can be found on the Checking Magic Cells web page.

Further Refinements

Although this design as it stands is complete, it is possible to improve it.

Transistor sizing

The minimum dimension transistors (W=0.5µm, L=0.35µm) used so far will give the inverter a poor drive capability. For this exercise an NMOS width of 0.8µm (this is chosen to be the same as the minimum width of the ndc tile) and a PMOS width of 1.8µm (this is chosen to be just over twice the NMOS width value) will be used.

To connect the to the wider PMOS, larger contact tiles will be used, this should result in lower contact resistance.

Were a slight adjustment in the position of a tile is required, it may be selected using the s macro and then nudged using one or more of the unit movement macros: q, w, e and r (q moves 1 unit left, w moves 1 unit down, e moves 1 unit up and r moves 1 unit right).

An alternative approach is to use the unit stretch macros for the nudging process (these are Q, W, E and R). The advantage of the stretch macros is that they stretch the paint behind the moved object thereby avoiding unintended gaps.

The unit stretch macros are used to tidy up the design, firstly to re-align one of the ndc tiles and then to remove a notch violation.

N-Well Extension

In order to allow n-wells to connect between adjacent cells, the n-well is extended to the left and the right edges of the cell.

Design Compaction

Producing compact leaf cells leads to smaller and cheaper ICs with better performance due to reduced parasitics.

Using the area select macro a and the unit stretch macros Q, W, E and R provides an excellent method of compacting the design. Each selected area is nudged repeatedly until a design rule violation is detected at which point the last nudge is undone.

Occasionally you will have to use stretch to increase the size of the cell to remove a design rule violation.

Sometimes the compaction will create a notch violation which can be removed by filling the notch before further compaction is attempted.

Getting the Cell Boundary Right

The amount that the power and ground rails extend beyond the rest of the cell is constrained by the requirement to place cells side by side. Similarly the extension of the inputs and outputs above and below the power rails is related to the requirement to route signals above and below a row of cells.

An extension of 0.3µm for metal1 power and ground rails and 0.25µm for poly inputs and outputs is suggested for this exercise. The area select and stretch process can be used shrink the design to match the chosen extension values.

Note that the top extent of the nwell has been adjusted so that it coincides with the top edge of the power rail and hence it overlaps the nwt by the minimum value (0µm) specified in the desgn rules. Similarly the bottom edge overlaps the pdiff by exactly 1.0µm (again as specified in the design rules). Since the drawing of nwell is optional in magic, these design rules are not enforced by the checker, you must check them by hand.

Finishing Off

Having changed the position of the cell boundary it is necessary to re-align the cell to (0,0) as before.

Although most signal tracks will narrow between contacts in order to reduce capacitance (c.f. the 0.5µm metal1 track between the 0.8µm wide drain connections to the two transistors), there is no need for power and ground tracks to narrow unless the narrowing results in an overall space saving.

For this reason we now increase the width of the power/ground tracks that run to the to the transistor sources.

Use the :save command to save the cell without giving it a new name.

The result is a standard cell appropriate for use in more complex designs:


Inverter Design

During the lab you have created a magic layout for a CMOS inverter cell. The transistor level circuit diagram and stick diagram for this cell are shown below:

Note that the source (S), gate (G), drain (D) and substrate/bulk (B) connections for the PMOS and NMOS transistors are labelled on both diagrams.

The Magic VLSI Editor

As mentioned at the beginning of the lab, magic deals with abstract layers rather than true masks. The result is that a magic design looks very similar to the stick diagram from which it is derived.

When this abstract layers approach is combined with the magic on-line design rule checker, the result is a significantly simplified design process. This simplified process enables novice designers to produce functional and space efficient cell layouts with minimum effort (this explains why we use magic for cell design teaching).


Although some magic abstract layers map exactly to a single mask layer (e.g. metal1), others map to multiple masks; in particular a magic contact between layer X and layer Y will map to mask data for layer X, mask data for layer Y and mask data to describe the contact windows that allow the two layers to connect.

Thus an ndiffcontact tile will map to metal1, ndiff and contact window:

Magic will ensure that each of the two conductor layers overlaps the contact window by the correct amount to satisfy the design rules (so you don't have to worry about it).

Where a larger ndiffcontact tile is placed, magic will attempt to include multiple contact windows if there is sufficient space:

Note that we have multiple small contact windows because that way we get a lower resistance than with a single large contact window (strangely the current carrying capability is determined more by the sum of the perimeters of the windows than by the sum of the areas).

The overall result is that metal1 is generated wherever metal1 or any contact to metal1 is specified. Similarly ndiff is generated where ndiff or ndiffcontact is specified:


Each magic diffusion area will map to mask data to describe the active area, plus mask data to describe the appropriate implant. In the case of the pdiff abstract layer, magic generates active area and p-implant mask data with the p-implant mask overlapping the active area by an amount specified in the design rules:

Note that an n-well mask will also be generated if you forgot to draw one. Unfortunately the autogenerated n-well mask seldom gives exactly the the n-well that you need so you should always draw your own.

Viewing the Real Masks

You can look at the mask data that will be generated by magic using the :cif see command. For example to see all the contact windows that will be generated within your inverter cell, draw a box around the whole cell and type :cif see CON.

In order to clear the results of this command so that a new :cif see command can be run type :feedback clear.

The "cif" names of the masks generated by magic for the "c035u" technology include:

CIF nameMask nameDescription
AAactiveActive Area
PPIpplusP-Plus Implant
CONcontactContact Cut
M1metal1Metal 1
V1v1Via 1
M2metal2Metal 2
All but V1 and M2 are used in the inverter design.

Summary of Commands and Macros

The following table summarises the magic commands and macros covered in this laboratory.

The table is incomplete. On your paper copy of this lab sheet you should fill in the long command and description for all the macros that have been used in this lab.

Details of the long commands for macros can be found in the file $CAD_HOME/lib/magic/sys/.magic. Corresponding descriptions can be obtained from this lab sheet or via the magic help command :help.

Long CommandDescription
:load <cellname>load a cell into a window
:save [<filename>]save edit cell on disk
:qexit magic
:label <labelname> [<pos> [<layer>]]place a label
:grid <gridsize>set size of grid
:move to <x> <y>move selection and box to (x,y)
:cif see <ciflayer>display CIF layer under box
:feedback clearclear all feedback info
:help print out synopses for all commands valid in the current window
MacroLong CommandDescription

Before Your Next Lab Session

Finish This Lab Sheet

You should finish this lab completely before the beginning of next the next lab session. This includes creation of a compact inverter design and checking it with the check_magic_leaf_cell program.

Ensure this Lab is Properly Documented

As documentation for the lab, you should have a paper copy of this lab sheet stuck in your log book annotated with your comments and observations. You should ensure that you have filled in the summary of commands and macros table in the review section.

Additional Documentation

Mark Zwolinski
+Iain McNally