Checking Magic Cells

A unix script program is available to perform basic checks on magic cells.

The syntax for use of the script is:

    check_magic_cell [-v] [-q] [-T <tech>] [-M <n>] <cellname>
    check_magic_leaf_cell [-v] [-q] [-T <tech>] [-M <n>] <cellname>


-T <tech>set technology name
default: tech=cmos05
-M <n>set number of metal layers
default: n=2

For example typing

    check_magic_leaf_cell -v -T c35b4 -M 1 inv

will check the magic leaf cell inv (in the file inv.mag) assuming that the cell uses just one metal layer and that the c35b4 technology is used. Verbose status information will be given during the execution of the script (without the -v option, very little status information is given making it easier to identify the warning and error messages).

The checks performed by the script are detailed below:

File Checks

Before performing any other checks, the script will check that the <cellname>.mag file is a magic file with the correct technology and that it has not been obviously corrupted. The most common corruption is the inclusion of DOS format control characters caused by the mailing of magic files using PC based mail programs like Microsoft Outlook.

Should you believe one of your cells to be corrupted in this manner, you should be able to recover it using the following command:

    dos2unix  <cellname>.mag  <cellname>.mag

Origin Check

The script will check that the lower left hand corner of the cell is at position (0,0). Cells without their origins at (0,0) will work well in magic but cannot be ported easily to other layout tools such as Tanner L-Edit.

In some cases the nwell layer may overlap the bounding box of the cell, under these circumstances the nwell layer will be ignored when performing this check.

Sub-cell Check

If the script is invoked as check_magic_leaf_cell, it will check that no sub-cells are used in the cell.

Simple Label Checks

Label Conflict Checks

Label Layer Checks

Label Layer Confusion

Where a label overlays more than one layer, it is not obvious which layer was labelled. In the figure below the label sig1 may be on the metal1 layer or the metal2 layer:

Where a label overlays multiple layers, magic will tell you which layer is labelled when you create it. For example in response to the :label sig1 command it may respond Moving label "sig1" from space to metal2 in cell xxx. If you would rather the label was placed on another layer you will need to specify the text position and the layer in the label command. Hence :label sig1 down metal1 will cause the label to be placed on metal1 rather than metal2 with the text positioned below the label anchor.

To avoid confusion, it is best to place labels in positions that overlay only one layer:

Sometimes it is not possible to place a label over just one layer. This is the case in the figure below where the Vdd! label overlays nwell and metal1:

Where the wrong layer has been labelled it is likely to be picked up by either the label layer checks or the label conflict checks performed be the script.

Required Items Checks

Correcting Labels

Although magic labels can be selected using area select and then moved to another location using the standard move and stretch commands, magic does not provide facilities to edit the shape of a label or its text. For this reason the only solution for a label with the wrong shape or wrong text is to delete it and create a new one. It is possible to delete only the labels in the area under the box (leaving the paint intact) by using the :erase label command.

Remember that the label command allows you to specify the position of the label text (e.g. up down left right) and the layer to which the label will be attached. The arrangement of square brackets [] in the label command syntax below tells us that both position and layer are optional parameters, but layer cannot be specified without position:

    :label <labelname> [<position> [<layer>]]

If labelling seems to be taking up too much time, the netlist menu window, documented in Magic Tutorial #7: Netlists and Routing, provides a number of more advanced facilities and is particularly useful where bus signals are to be labelled.

Iain McNally