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Xiaogang Ge,
Jun Yu,
Weiqi Liu,
Shuangchen Ruan,
Chunyu Guo,
Yewang Chen,
Peiguang Yan,
, 2018 , Chinese Optics Letters , 16 (2)
Type: article
Ioannis Begleris,
, 2019 , Journal of the Optical Society of America B , 36 (3) , 551--558
Type: article
A. Kamal,
& P.St.J. Russell
, 1993 , Optics Letters , 18 (9) , 693--695
Type: article
D. Faccio,
V. Pruneri,
G. Bonfrate,
A. Busacca,
D.W.J. Harwood,
, 2001
Type: conference
Teeradej Wuttipornpun,
Pisal Yenradee,
& Dirk Van Oudheusden
, 2006 , ScienceAsia , 32 , 307--317
Type: article
J. Erbacher,
O. Friedrich,
H. Birch,
& J. Mutterlose
, 2005 , Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems , 6 , Q06010
Type: article
Zhi-Jun Xin,
Richard J. Peaty,
Harvey N. Rutt,
, 1999 , Semiconductor Science and Technology , 14 (8) , 695--698
Type: article
Marta Meazza,
Michael Potter,
Mateusz Pitak,
Andrea Mazzanti,
& Ramon Rios Torres
, 2017 , European Journal of Organic Chemistry , 2017 (03) , 719--725
Type: article
Regina Frei
, 2016
Type: bookChapter
V.O. Ivchenko,
S. Alderson,
G.R. Bigg,
G. Madec,
A.T. Blaker,
Y. Aksenov,
B. Sinha,
A.C. Coward,
J. Le Sommer,
N. Merino,
& V.B. Zalesny
, 2015 , Geoscientific Model Development , 8 (5) , 1547--1562
Type: article