Southampton High Energy Physics group


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
A.M. Sirunyan & Alexander Belyaev, 2018, Journal of Instrumentation, 13, 1-55
Type: article
Simon J.D. King, Stephen F. King & Stefano Moretti, 2018, Physical Review D, 97(11)
Type: article
A.M. Sirunyan & Alexander Belyaev, 2018, Physical Review C, 97(6), 1-42
Type: article
A.M. Sirunyan & A. Belyaev, 2018, Physical Review Letters, 120(23), 1-17
Type: article
Alexander S. Belyaev, Steve F. King & Patrick B. Schaefers, 2018, Physical Review D, 97(11)
Type: article