Southampton High Energy Physics group


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
W. Abdallah, A. Hammad, S. Khalil & S. Moretti, 2019, Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 788, 65-69
Type: article
A. Belyaev, S. Moretti, T.R. Fernandez Perez Tomei, S. F. Novaes, P.G. Mercadante, C.S. Moon, L. Panizzi, F. Rojas & M. Thomas, 2019, Physical Review D, 99(1), 1-19
Type: article
Alexander Belyaev, Enrico Bertuzzo, Cristian Caniu Barros, Oscar Eboli, Giovanni Grilli Di Cortona, Fabio Iocco & Alexander Pukhov, 2019, Physical Review D, 99(1), 1-22
Type: article