Conference and workshop organization

Co-organizing the AI Assurance and Certification Workshop—OR Enabled AI, Southampton, UK, 15 November 2023 Chaired the EPSRC funded International Conference on Bilevel Optimization, Southampton, UK, August 8-11, 2023 Organized the Mini Symposium on Bilevel Optimization (with 12 talks) at the SIAM Conference on Optimization, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 31 - June 3, 2023 Organized the the Continuous Optimization Stream at the 64th Annual Conference of the UK OR Society, University of Warwick, Coventry, 13 - 15 September 2022 Scientific Committee Member for the International Online Conference on Applied Mathematics, Fez, Morocco, 1–3/6 2022 Scientific Committee Member for the International Online Conference on Optimization, Fez, Morocco, 19-21 January 2022 Organized the Continuous Optimization Stream (15 talks) at the OR63 Conference, Southampton/Online, 14 - 16/9 2021 Co-organized the EPSRC & OR Society Workshop on Writing a Successful Grant Proposal, Southampton/Online, 15/9 2021 Organized the Bilevel Optimization Stream (30 talks) at the 31st European Conference on OR, Athens/Online, 11-14 July 2021 Organized the Turing Stream on Data Science (with 9 talks) at the 3rd IMA and OR Society Conference on Mathematics of Operational Research, Birmingham/Online, 20-23 April 2021 Chaired the Organization of the Workshop on Optimization and Machine Learning, Southampton, 18 October 2019 Organizing Committee Member and Host of the SIAM-UKIE Annual Meeting, Southampton, 11 January 2018 Chaired the Organization, Workshop on (Bilevel) optimization, Data Analysis and Forecasting, Southampton, 3 - 4/7 2017 Organizing Committee Member for the International Conference on Bilevel Optimization, Dresden, 4-6 May 2016 Organized the Bilevel Optimization Stream (15 talks) at the 17th British-French-German Conference, London, June 2015

Learned socities and community service

Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College Member of the OR Society Research Committee Member of the INFORMS Computing Society Student Paper Award Committee, June 2022 Member, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Member, Institute of Mathematics & its Applications (IMA) Member of the Operational Research Society UK
General Secretary, Southern OR Society Group, 2014-2022
Member of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS) Member of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Member of the Institute for Life Science (IfLS)

Referee and review service

4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research Annals of Operations Research Applied Mathematics and Computation Applied Mathematics & Optimization Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research Cambridge Prisms: Precision Medicine Computational and Applied Mathematics Computational Management Science Computational Optimization and Applications Digital Health Dynamic Games and Applications eBioMedicine Energy Systems EURO Journal on Computational Optimization European Journal of Operational Research INFORMS Journal on Computing International Journal of Production Research Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing Journal of Convex Analysis Journal of Forecasting Journal of Global Optimization Journal of Inequalities and Applications Journal of Machine Learning Research Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis Journal of Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Journal of the Operations Research Society of China Journal of the Operational Research Society UK Management Science Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Mathematical Problems in Engineering Mathematical Programming Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Society Mathematics of Operations Research Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization Optimization Optimization Letters Optimization and Engineering Operations Research Operations Research Letters Pacific Journal of Optimization Positivity RAIRO - Operations Research Set-valued and Variational Analysis SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences SIAM Journal on Optimization SN Operations Research Forum TOP - Official Journal of the Spanish OR Society Transportation Science Vietnam Journal of Mathematics Multiple projects submitted for funding reviewed for the EPSRC

Administrative roles at Southampton

Director of OR MSc Programmes, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, Oct 2023 - present Director of Student Employability, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, 2022 - present Postgraduate Research Cordinator for the OR Group within the School of Mathematical Sciences, 2019 - 2022 Examination Officer for OR MSc Programmes within the School of Mathematical Sciences, 2018 - 2021 Co-founder and Faculty Adviser for the University of Southampton SIAM Student Chapter, 2017 - present Director of the Master of Science Programme in Data and Decision Analytics, 2017 - 2018 Interim Coordinator for the BSc MORSE, BSc Maths with Finance, and MMORSE Programme, 2017 - 2018 PGT Staff Representative at the Programme Board and at the Staff-Student Liaison Committee, 2015 - 2018