Consistency Verification of Specification Rules (BiBTeX)

  author = 	 {Thai Son Hoang and Shinji Itoh and Kyohei Oyama and Kunihiko Miyazaki and Hironobu Kuruma and Naoto Sato},
  title = 	 {Consistency Verification of Specification Rules},
  crossref =     {butler15:_formal_method_softw_engin_proceed},
  pages = 	 {50--66},
  url = 	 {}

  year = 	 2015,
  booktitle =    {ICFEM 2015},
  editor = 	 {Michael Butler and Sylvain Conchon and Fatiha Za{\"{\i}}di},
  volume = 	 9407,
  series = 	 {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  address = 	 {Paris, France},
  month = 	 nov,
  publisher =    {Springer},
  url = 	 {}

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by Thai Son Hoang