geoparsepy.geo_parse_lib module¶
- Geoparsing is based on named entity matching against OpenStreetMap (OSM) locations. All locations with names that match tokens will be selected from a target text sentence. This will result in a set of OSM locations, all with a common name or name variant, for each token in the text. Geoparsing included the following features:
token expansion using location name variants (i.e. OSM multi-lingual names, short names and acronyms)
token expansion using location type variants (e.g. street, st.)
token filtering of single token location names against WordNet (non-nouns), language specific stoplists and peoples first names (nltk.corpus.names.words()) to reduce false positive matches
prefix checking when matching in case a first name prefixes a location token(s) to avoid matching peoples full names as locations (e.g. Victoria Derbyshire != Derbyshire)
- Location disambiguation is the process of choosing which of a set of possible OSM locations, all with the same name, is the best match. Location disambiguation is based on an evidential approach, with evidential features detailed below in order of importance:
token subsumption, rejecting smaller phrases over larger ones (e.g. ‘New York’ will prefer [New York, USA] to [York, UK])
nearby parent region, preferring locations with a parent region also appearing within a semantic distance (e.g. ‘New York in USA’ will prefer [New York, USA] to [New York, BO, Sierra Leone])
nearby locations, perferring locations with closeby or overlapping locations within a semantic distance (e.g. ‘London St and Commercial Road’ will select from road name choices with the same name based on spatial proximity)
nearby geotag, perferring locations that are closeby or overlapping a geotag
general before specific, rejecting locations with a higher admin level (or no admin level at all) compared to locations with a lower admin level (e.g. ‘New York’ will prefer [New York, USA] to [New York, BO, Sierra Leone]
- Currently the following languages are supported:
English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian
All other languages will work but there will be no language specific token expansion available
This geoparsing algorithm uses a large memory footprint, proportional to the number of cached locations, to maximize matching speed. It can be naively parallelized, with multiple geoparse processes loaded with different sets of locations and the geoparse results aggregated in a last process where location disambiguation is applied. This approach has been validated across an APACHE Storm cluster.
(tuple_osmid, geom)[source]¶ return a linkedgeodata URI for this OSMID (first ID in tuple only)
- Parameters
- Returns
URI to linkedgeodata for first OSM ID in tuple
- Return type
(dict_osm_tags, dict_geospatial_config)[source]¶ calc the OSM tags to work out the type of OSM location. this is especialy useful for high level filtering and visualization as OSM tags are quite detailed
(tuple_osmid, geom)[source]¶ return a openstreetmap URI for this OSMID (first ID in tuple only)
- Parameters
- Returns
URI to linkedgeodata for first OSM ID in tuple
- Return type
(target_lang, dict_osm_tags, dict_geospatial_config)[source]¶ return a location name in a target language or best next alternative. the default name is the name in the native language of the region.
(list_data, index_geom=4, index_id=2, index_osm_tag=5)[source]¶ compile an index of shapely geoms from a list of data where one column is a geom. there can be several geom for each osmid as island groups can have a geom per island, but still have a single osmid and name (e.g. Shetland, UK). the key for this index will either be the original data list row number OR the value from an ID column if provided. a OSM tag column can optionally be provided to append OSM tag data to the end of the geom index entry, which can be useful for determining the location type each geom refers to (e.g. admin region, road)
- Parameters
list_data (list) – list of data rows where one of the column contains a serialized OpenGIS geom
index_geom (int) – column index in list of data for geom
index_id (int) – column index in list of data for id (can be None)
index_osm_tag (int) – column index in list of data for OSM tag dict (can be None)
- Returns
dict of { id : [ ( shapely_geom_prepared, shapely_envelope, shapely_geom, shapely_representative_point, dict_OSM_tag, geom_serialized ), …] }
- Return type
(list_data, dict_geospatial_config, index_phrase=6, index_id=2)[source]¶ compile an inverted index from a list of arbirary data where one column is a phrase string. the inverted index key is the phrase as a tokenized tuple e.g. (‘new’,’york’). the inverted index value is an ID value linking back to the original list of data e.g. OSM ID tuple or just a row index. | note: the default index values are preset for the list of cached locations from geo_preprocess_lib.cache_preprocessed_locations()
- Parameters
list_data (list) – list of data to create an inverted index for e.g. result of geo_preprocess_lib.cache_preprocessed_locations()
dict_geospatial_config (dict) – config object returned from geo_parse_lib.get_geoparse_config()
index_phrase (int) – column index in list_data of phrase text to use as a key for inverted index (str/unicode OR list/tuple of str/unicode)
index_id (int) – column index in list_data of an ID that the inverted index will point to (str/unicode/list/tuple). A value of None will mean the list_data row index is used as an ID
- Returns
inverted index where key = phrase as a tuple, value = ID value for original data list
- Return type
(list_loc, dict_geospatial_config, index_token_start=1, index_token_end=2, index_osm_id=5, index_osm_parents=7, index_osm_tags=6, semantic_distance=6, index_geom=4, geom_distance=0.25, index_loc_tokens=3, confidence_tests=1, 2, 3, 4, geom_context=None, geom_cache={})[source]¶ calculate confidence values for a set of location matches originating from a concatenated set of geo_parse_lib.geoparse_token_set() results
- Parameters
list_loc (list) – list of locations with geom information from geo_parse_lib.create_matched_location_list()
dict_geospatial_config (dict) – config object returned from geo_parse_lib.get_geoparse_config()
index_token_start (int) – index of matched token start position in list_loc
index_token_end (int) – index of matched token end position in list_loc
index_osm_id (int) – index of OSM ID in list_loc
index_osm_parents (int) – index of OSM ID of super regions to this matches location in list_loc
index_osm_tags (int) – index of OSM tags in list_loc
semantic_distance (int) – number of tokens (left and right) to look for semantically nearby location checks e.g. ‘London in UK’
index_geom (int) – index of serialized OpenGIS geom in list_loc
geom_distance (int) – distance for shapely distance check (in degrees)
index_loc_tokens (int) – index of matched loc tokens
confidence_tests (int) – confidence check tests to run when calculating a confidence value. 1 = token subsumption, 2 = nearby parent region, 3 = nearby locations and nearby geotag, 4 = general before specific
geom_cache (dict) – cache of geom checks with distance and intersection results to avoid running the same shapely checks twice. this cache will be populated with any new geoms that are checked using shapely so might get large over time. e.g. dict{ strGeom : [ set(close_tuple_IDs), set(not_close_tuple_IDs), set(intersects_tuple_IDs), set(not_intersects_tuple_IDs) ] }
- Returns
a list of confidence values (0..300) for each location in list_loc. locations with a common token can be ranked by confidence and the highest value taken. a confidence of 0 means the location should be rejected regardless. closeby locations scores 2+. super regions present in text scores 10+. geocontext intersects location scores 200+ and closeness scores 100+
- Return type
(dict_osm_tags, dict_geospatial_config)[source]¶ return a list of name variants from the OSM tag set for a location. this will include the name, alternative and short names, abreviations and languages variants
(cached_locations)[source]¶ create an index of osmid to row indexes in the cached_locations
(list_match, cached_locations, osmid_lookup)[source]¶ create a list of locations based on a set of matches and the original cached location table
- Parameters
list_match (list) – list of location matches from geo_parse_lib.geoparse_token_set()
cached_locations (list) – list of cached locations from geo_preprocess_lib.cache_preprocessed_locations()
osmid_lookup (dict) – lookup table mapping an osmid to a set of rows in the cached locations from geo_parse_lib.calc_osmid_lookup()
- Returns
list of matched locations with all of the geom information e.g. [[<loc_id>, <token_start>, <token_end>, loc_tokens, geom, (<osm_id>, …), {<osm_tag>:<value>}*N_tags, (<osm_id_parent>, …)] …]
- Return type
(phrase, dict_geospatial_config)[source]¶ return a hashtag for a phrase (expects clean phrase text)
- Parameters
phrase (unicode) – OSM location phrase to check if it makes a good place name
dict_geospatial_config (dict) – config object returned from geoparse_lib.get_geoparse_config()
- Returns
hashtag text
- Return type
(tuple_osmid, phrase, dict_osm_tags, dict_geospatial_config)[source]¶ return a list of location names expanded to include OSM ref, alt, language variants, street and building type variants etc. for example ‘London St’ will generate [‘London Street’, ‘London St’].
- Parameters
tuple_osmid (tuple) – tuple of OSM IDs that represent this location. locations such as roads can have multiple OSM IDs which represent different ways along the length of the road.
phrase (unicode) – cleaned name (not stemmed) of OSM location which should be expanded
dict_osm_tags (dict) – OSM tags for this location
dict_geospatial_config (dict) – config object returned from geoparse_lib.get_geoparse_config()
- Returns
list of name variants for this location phrase (including the original phrase itself)
- Return type
(list_location_names, dict_location_types, dict_osm_tags, dict_geospatial_config)[source]¶ given an set of location names return an expanded list with all known location type name variants. the original location name will always appear in the variant list. e.g. [‘london st’] -> [[ ‘london st’, ‘london street’ ]]
- Parameters
list_location_names (list) – list of clean location phrase variants for this location (e.g. full name, short name and abbreviation)
dict_location_types (dict) – dict of types prefixes and type variants in form { ‘title’ : listTypePattern, ‘type’ : listTypePattern }. listTypePattern is generated using read_location_type_corpus()
dict_osm_tags (dict) – OSM tags for this location
dict_geospatial_config (dict) – config object returned from geoparse_lib.get_geoparse_config()
- Returns
expanded list of location phrase variants
- Return type
(list_loc, dict_geospatial_config, index_token_start=1, index_token_end=2, index_osm_id=5, index_osm_parents=7, index_osm_tags=6, semantic_distance=6, index_geom=4, geom_distance=0.25, index_loc_tokens=3, confidence_tests=1, 2, 3, 4, geom_context=None, geom_cache={})[source]¶ filter a list of matches by match confidence using geo_parse_lib.calc_location_confidence() scores. only the highest ranked locations for each token will be kept, with the others removed from the list
- Parameters
list_loc (list) – list of locations with geom information from geo_parse_lib.create_matched_location_list(). this list will be filtered with rows removed that rank low on match confidence.
dict_geospatial_config (dict) – config object returned from geo_parse_lib.get_geoparse_config()
index_token_start (int) – index of matched token start position in list_loc
index_token_end (int) – index of matched token end position in list_loc
index_osm_id (int) – index of OSM ID in list_loc
index_osm_parents (int) – index of OSM ID of super regions to this matches location in list_loc
index_osm_tags (int) – index of OSM tags in list_loc
semantic_distance (int) – number of tokens (left and right) to look for semantically nearby location checks e.g. ‘London in UK’
index_geom (int) – index of serialized OpenGIS geom in list_loc
geom_distance (int) – distance for shapely distance check (in degrees)
index_loc_tokens (int) – index of matched loc tokens
confidence_tests (int) – confidence check tests to run when calculating a confidence value. 1 = token subsumption, 2 = nearby parent region, 3 = nearby locations and nearby geotag, 4 = general before specific
geom_cache (dict) – cache of geom checks with distance and intersection results to avoid running the same shapely checks twice. this cache will be populated with any new geoms that are checked using shapely so might get large over time. e.g. dict{ strGeom : [ set(close_tuple_IDs), set(not_close_tuple_IDs), set(intersects_tuple_IDs), set(not_intersects_tuple_IDs) ] }
- Returns
a list of confidence values (0..20) for each location in list_loc. locations with a common token can be ranked by confidence and the highest value taken. a confidence of 0 means the location should be rejected regardless. semantically close locations provide scores 1+. geotags inside locations provide scores 10+.
- Return type
(list_loc, dict_geospatial_config, index_token_start=1, index_token_end=2, index_osm_id=5, index_geom=4, same_osmid_only=False)[source]¶ filter a list of matches to favour locations with the largest area (e.g. liverpool city border > liverpool admin centre point, liverpool city in UK > liverpool suburb in AU). this is helpful to choose a single match from a list of matches with same confidence as nomrally people are referring to the larger more populated area
- Parameters
list_loc (list) – list of locations with geom information from geo_parse_lib.create_matched_location_list(). this list will be filtered with rows removed that do not have parents in the region of interest
dict_geospatial_config (dict) – config object returned from geo_parse_lib.get_geoparse_config()
index_token_start (int) – index of matched token start position in list_loc
index_token_end (int) – index of matched token end position in list_loc
index_osm_id (int) – index of OSM ID in list_loc
index_geom (int) – index of serialized OpenGIS geom in list_loc
same_osmid_only (bool) – if True limit loc removal to same OSMIDs i.e. remove smaller geoms for same OSMID if several geoms matched (e.g. admin nodes and city polygons or several island polygons)
(list_loc, list_regions_of_interest, dict_geospatial_config, index_osm_parents=7)[source]¶ filter a list of matches by region of interest. all locations who do not have a parent in the region of interest list will be removed from the list
- Parameters
list_loc (list) – list of locations with geom information from geo_parse_lib.create_matched_location_list(). this list will be filtered with rows removed that do not have parents in the region of interest
list_regions_of_interest (list) – list of OSM IDs for regions of interest
dict_geospatial_config (dict) – config object returned from geo_parse_lib.get_geoparse_config()
index_osm_parents (int) – index of OSM ID of super regions to this matches location in list_loc
(token_set, dict_inverted_index, dict_geospatial_config)[source]¶ geoparse token sets using a set of cached locations. no location disambiguation is performed here so all possible location matches will be returned for each token
- Parameters
- Returns
list of location indexes for each matched phrase [ [ (token_start, token_end, set(doc_index1, doc_index2 …), matched_tokens), … ], … ]
- Return type
(**kwargs)[source]¶ return a geospatial config object for this specific set of languages. the config object contains an instantiated NLTK stemmer, tokenizer and settings tailored for the chosen language set. all available language specific corpus will be read into memory, such as street name variants. geoparse config settings are below:
lower_tokens = True, since locations are not alweays referenced in text as capitalized Proper Nouns (overrides variable keyword args)
building_types = dict, containing building type name variants loaded from each selected language’s corpus file
street_types = dict, containing street type name variants loaded from each selected language’s corpus file
admin_types = dict, containing admin region type name variants loaded from each selected language’s corpus file
gazeteers = dict, containing local gazateer name variants not provided in the OSM database for specific OSM IDs
use_wordnet = True, remove 1 token location names that appear in wordnet with non location meanings
note: for a list of default config settings see soton_corenlppy.common_parse_lib.get_common_config()note: a config object approach is used, as opposed to a global variable, to allow geo_parse_lib functions to work in a multi-threaded environment- Parameters
kwargs – variable argument to override any default config values
- Returns
configuration settings to be used by all geo_parse_lib functions
- Return type
(phrase, dict_osm_tags, dict_geospatial_config)[source]¶ check if a phrase is a good placename (building, street, admin region etc.) for use in text matching. the OSM database contains some building names that are really house numbers (e.g. 50) and a few basic mistakes which need to be pruned to avoid poor quality matches. rejects short names, only numbers, only stoplist names. accepts short highway names e.g. ‘M3’ and multi-token admin regions.
- Parameters
- Returns
True if this is a good location name, False if it should be rejected for token matching
- Return type
(filename, dict_geospatial_config)[source]¶ read a location type corpus containing information for location prefix variants (e.g. north london) and location type name variants (e.g. london street, london st)
note : variants are encoded as a list [ [ (‘prefix’ | ‘suffix’ | ‘both’, token, token … ) … ], … ]e.g. [ [ (‘suffix’,’clinic’), (‘suffix’,’day’,’centre’) ], [ (‘both’,’uni’),(‘both’,’university’) ] ]corpus file syntax :title, … for location title words not part of the type (e.g. north)type, … for location type types (e.g. hospital)# for comments+<phrase> = prefix to location name<phrase>+ = suffix to location name+<phrase>+ = can be both prefix and suffixtokens starting with a ‘*’ indicate that the phrase is not to be used for initial match, but will used for expansion variantse.g. primary, *school –> matches only ‘<name> primary’ BUT will expand to ‘<name> primary’, ‘<name> school’ since there are other types of school that could match eroneously
(list_geom, dict_geom_index, dict_geospatial_config)[source]¶ reverse geocode a list of OpenGIS geom objects and return all indexed geoms that intersect with each geom in this list | note: if OSM tag info is specified in the dictGeomIndex then the geom with the highest admin level will be returned (i.e. most specific location returned, so road before suburb before city before country)
- Parameters
- Returns
a set for each geom checked, with the set containing the ids of any intersecting geoms e.g. [ set( tuple_osmid1, tuple_osmid2 … ), … ]
- Return type