Qiyang Sun’s Schedule



I usually use RMS (Rate-Monotonic Scheduling) protocol for my everyday task scheduling if my utilisation of day is less than ln 2. Sometimes I use EDF (Earliest Deadline First) protocol. Schedulability tests are conducted for sporadic and aperiodic tasks.

Disclaimer: My scheduling is preemptive. Soft deadlines may be missed. Task sets may be made harmonic.


I am usually on campus and in one of the computer labs in the afternoons, evenings and nights, Mondays to Fridays. I also go to the labs at weekends, but less deterministic.

Beware: the quiet zones of the ECS undergraduate/master labs are usually noisy as the students do not follow the lab rules.


Bookings with me

You can use Office 365 Bookings with Me tool to book meeting with me and receive automatically accepted responses from me.

Booking Page

My calendar

You can use my Outlook calendar and timetable.soton (may require login) to check if I am busy.

My Calendar

Scheduling Assistant

Alternatively, you can use Scheduling Assistant of your soton.ac.uk Outlook Calendar to see my calendar.

Old Interface


The old interface is deprecated and will be removed in future.

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Author: Qiyang Sun <qs2g22 at soton dot ac dot uk> | Last modified: 2025-02-04 Tue 15:26 | Built with Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.7.11)