The Network of Female Standup Comedians in the UK

Explore the network of UK female standup comedians below (the interaction means that it's best done on a laptop not a phone!) Each circle represents one comedian. Hover over a circle to see the comedian's photo (as taken from Twitter). Click on the circle to see the comedian's Twitter feed. You can search for and highlight a comedian by using Ctrl-F (your normal browser search function). See below for more details. You can find this page at

1jasmingleeson louisebastock missahaddow 5teviem alisontheaskot annamorriscomic anniemctweet bdaygirlscomedy bechillcomedian best_gabby brionyred catherinebohart charliedinkin charlievmartin drunkwomenpod eggcomedy eleanortiernan elf_lyons emsid1 fairycakes fernbrady grainnemaguire hollyburncomedy iamfreyaparker inezxvi jenjencollier jennybede jessiecave jessiestandsup kathrynbond katiepritchards kemahbob kestorey ladycariad lazysusan lizkingsman lucypearman maisieadam massivedad mmaarrow natluurtsema phoebewalsh_ rachelfairburn rocknrolga rose_matafeo rosejohnno saimaferdows samanthabaines siblings_comedy sofiehagen sukhojla suziepreece suziruffell tessacoates _chloegreen_ aniamags chloepetts duffmarvel morriseysquiff sadieleylaclark shelfcomedy siandocksey sophiedukebox _goblinjess diaryofamaddie emilyrosewoodz hanfairweather jenivescomedian kathmathcomedy lousanders lulu_popplewell prvix tattymacleod _kathrynhiggins aliceindiacomic alisonspittle fisimpo freyamallard helenbabauer lizguterbock marydoesgigs nicolacoughlan siobhni weemissbea abicartersimps alicemarshall sarabarron abigoliah aliterative angelabarnes anneedmonds1 cruella1 destheray dianespencerfun eleanormorton harrietkemsley isabonachera jojosutherland josierones julietteburton kathbum kellyfastuca laurenpattison lucyehopkins rainbowziggy rialina_ sallyannhayward sarahmillican75 shutupandrea sianbevan sindhuvfunny themaemartin tiffstevenson yurikocomedy adelecliff iszi_lawrence mslouatkinson aideenmcqueen alexjae1 celiapacquola fayetreacy chazzared harriehayes karen_hobbs marnygodden roisinandchiara amancomedian athenakugblenu deborahfw felicityward gracepetrie heidi_regan josielong katyfbrand kiripritchardmc lollyadefope lucyportercomic missdcomedy roisinconaty sarahkcomedy sarapascoe sharonhorgan speshmagiclady susan_riddell_ thanyiamoore thatgledhill zoelyons bethvyse bridgetchristie bronactitley croftandpearce irresponsabelle jenan_younis katiakvinge kirstynewton maddierice1 minilyzer missdianemorgan mottgottwit msjoneary rachelparris shittheatre soozuk sueharrison123 thesammyhannah troddenbratt vikkistone withtwoteas brodisnook cgdoescomedy jessicafostekew sarah_kendall susancalman allysonjsmith comediandana eleanorconway geinsfamilygift hayles_ellis highlandcow71 jenbrister jo__caulfield kerryagodliman maureenyounger wiggywalsh amyfmatthews marjoleinr jo_caulfield juliasutherland r_jacz sanditoksvig andiosho hannahwarman barbaranice elliejanetaylor evelynmok jain_edwards josielawrence1 julietmeyers katemccabesays kathyburke lily_comedy luisaomielan merylorourke mspennymatthews newyearbridgee rachcreeger thatjanravens thelucyfool yespaulineeyre angiebelcher mickyoverman plowrong rhiannoneshaw rosieisaholt sadia_azmats_ anjatkinson louiseyoung_ lstone345 annacomedy njambimcgrath beffernieblack camilleucan iampippaevans jaydeadams thekerryhoward thelondonhughes tweetyedmondson wixkaty katemccccartney sarahecallaghan camgurrrl carolinemabey crochetninja harrietbraine natasia1andonly apey iamaroadtrip karenkilgariff ashleystorrie dawn_french janeygodley jmscomedy katerobbins msannadevitt funnysuzyb phatcomedian sussteed twix_choc87 zahrabarri1 dyerlinquent emmakennedy esther_manito lucyabeaumont shappikhorsandi sianygibby zoetomalin basrahman1987 norrisparker26 benitaemily jensmithcomedy lauralexx dempster2000 mcabournsmith pearlylondon samwhyte sianharries_ zanyzaz lolaandjocomedy cassieiswithyou franbushe hannahtheplatt thegmorrell bexturnercomedy cressidawetton floandjoan samsavage52 simonebimone britneycomedy heysianandzoe rubywax callybeaton kathrynmolinari esylltmair caitlinpwll tamsynkelly jessicaknappett eleri_morgan erikaehler flora_anderson mashandchutney ninaconti inspireajen susan_wokoma chelseabirkby fatihaelghorri claire_haus imoedmo kateodonnellx micksternoonan ruthecockburn laurakmcmahon lolothom poppyhillstead iampriyahall itsdanijohns elliegibson ilaydaarden mollmcguinness misspaulagahan funsaba geri_hall jancaruana kathrynwfc rubyicarr hellohannahlm sammytdobson thecolleencg imprettyblunt hmacmil its_marytaylor jack_katherine lucieshorthouse jgradythomas jessica_bailes kathtanney jodiefrankly touretteshero juliamasli viviennekay shivani_alice lucy_muck nabzpat pravanyapillay rabiahcomedy serenaflynn abbieweinstock abiclarkecomedy franchadhaday kjcallin lillyeburton lindakash robindukewfc roxystardust stent90 stephiiito

Exploring Standup Comedy in the UK

The network graph above represents a (mainly) crowd-sourced view of UK, female standup comedians.

Initiated by a Twitter request to tag "your favorite [sic] female comedians", the 267 responses were mined for Twitter account names (729) which were then examined to filter out non-comedians (a suprising number of US politicians were nominated), non-UK-based comedians (the request was originally posted by an American comedian, but it quickly gained traction from a UK audience) and male comedians. Various other accounts were added by scrutinising followers of those accounts resulting in 375 (as of v3) identified Twitter accounts. Tweets between all pairs of those accounts (ie response tweets and mentions) were obtained (limited to the last 100 tweets to any individual) to form a conversational graph based on that network. This graph is drawn as follows:


This is not a true map of all of the UK's female standup comedians: it's just what can be seen of them from Twitter. Not all performers use Twitter. Many prefer Instagram as a way of communicating with their audience. They will either be missing from this page, or appear less well-connected than they really are.

Who counts as a UK female standup? Performers are often identified as "comedians" in their writeups, reviews and Twitter bios. I have used locations, recent gigs and pronouns to help make that decision. How do I discriminate between comedy actors and standups? Poorly - if there is any evidence that they have done gigs recently, they're in.

How thorough have I been? I have not yet tried scraping names from open night gig set lists and looking up Twitter accounts. That'll come when I have some resources. Having said that, I do have a decade of Edinburgh Fringe PDFs to hand. Hmmm.....

Is it problematic that a 56-year-old white male gets to act as gatekeeper to an artefact claiming to represent female accomplishment? Absolutely. Why do it then? Because women shouldn't solely have the burden of promoting female talent and leveling up the playing field a bit. Any voluteers to help? See instructions below for contributing names.

Is this this map useful? Insightful? Does it add any knowledge? The network visualisation algorithms do tend to group comedians together broadly according to the stages of their careers. This probably reflects some form of homophily - professional comedians communicating mainly with their peers, club comics responding to people that they work with, and open mic comics tweeting people they see frequently on the open mic circuit. More work required!


As of Monday 6th July 2020, this map is version 3, with the following comedians most recently added: maggiekcomedy, SavenChadha, TallDarkFriend, rachelwheeley, ShaWylie, sarahbridgeman, FranKissling, Amycromack, stefftodd, ambikamod, beth_o_b, emilylloydsaini, fionaridgewell, floradonald, frances_g, hattie_delaine, hfcripps, isysuttie, katykoren, loutaylortrash, madeleinebye333, mariashehata, shaziamirza1, thatsusanmurray, cerysnelmes, laurendouglin, louconran. To be added in v4: Wendy_Wason, amyxander27, louisakeight, CapriellaHooper, EsylltMair, siannybach, LeilaDoesTweets, Eleri_Morgan, sexynedflanders.

To nominate a comedian (even yourself), please tweet me at @lescarr


I'm a Professor of Web Science. As an academic I have a professional interest in how standup can be used to communicate ideas to a diverse audience. As a Web Science researcher, it's fascinating to me how this grass-roots arts industry has come to use digital platforms to organise itself. (And, with the Corona Virus lockdown, has come to perform and connect with audiences in new ways.) There are different stakeholders - performers, venues, promoters, event organisers, agents, festivals, pubs, clubs - and newcomers to standup have to start developing their skills (at open mic nights) and their network of contacts. What role does the Web play in this - Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube,,, NextUp - the various social and media platforms that allow comedians to be seen and to connect with their peers and their audience. How does the Edinburgh Fringe festival use the Web to engage tens of thousands of perfomers with millions of visitors (mainly tourists) in a single month?


Thanks to Felicity Ward (see below) who helped me to discover a riot of female talent, to Funny Women for promoting and supporting funny women and to Ruby Carr for introducing me to the standup circuit.

My new answer when someone says to me after a gig β€œI don’t usually find female comedians funny.”

Me: What is your twitter handle? I want to send you something.

(PS this list is not definitive. Feel free to make your own list ready to give to someone)

— Felicity "The Muscle" Ward (@felicityward) September 1, 2018