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Query By Fax Matching Module

[Module Features] [Module Properties] [Technical Description] [Example Results]

Module Features

This module attempts retrieval when the query image is a low quality monochrome image, for example a facsimile of a painting which is in the database.

The module is good for retrieval of images based on a known query image if the retrieved images are required to have a similar layout of dark and light pixels. It is not suitable for retrieval of images based on a query image which is only part of a complete image.

Module Properties

Module Speed Very Fast
Module Accuracy Low

Technical Description

The query by fax is based upon a set of PWT measures of the image at various threshold levels of a monochrome instance of the image. A QbF feature vector consists of 99 PWT features at various levels of threshold (between 1% black and 99% black) of the image.

Query By Fax: Database Images converted to 99 PWT levels on left, query image on right.

Matching is performed by a simple step process:

Example Results

The following is an example query giving what would be considered good results.

Note: The matching is based upon the layout of dark and light pixels.


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