ACOHIR images sequences are named using the following convention. Each image in the sequences is kept in a separate file, and is appropriated indexed such that it's relationship to the other files in the sequence can be easily calculated. The complete name for each image in a sequence consists of a number of components each separated by an '_' character, and are individually described below:
When an image sequence is captured from the camera, two additional images are also produced. One is an image of the object including a Macbeth chart, and the second is the same image cropped to only include the chart. These images are named foo_raw_macbeth.tif and foo_raw_maccrop.tif respectively, where foo is the root name for the sequence.
As the image sequence progresses through the process of calibration of and conversion to TIFF tiled pyramids, the image type field is changed appropriately, with the other parts of the filename remaining the same. As an example, an image sequence of an object called foo, with 3 image pyramid frames, would be represented using the following image names: foo_pyr_000_090.tif, foo_pyr_001_090.tif, and foo_pyr_002_090.tif.