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IEEE Publications Technical Editors

If you wish to publish an article in an IEEE journal, transactions, or magazine, or submit a proposal for a book, send the manuscript to the appropriate editor, using the list below. If you are unsure of the appropriate publication, send your manuscript to IEEE Publications, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855 USA.

For general guidance in IEEE style, click on http://www.ieee.org/pubs/authors.html , or you may send for Information for IEEE Transactions and Journal Authors and/or IEEE Authors Electronic Guide, available at the above address. Information may also be found in many of the journals themselves, usually on the back or inside back cover. All guides are free. They must be requested by their correct titles to avoid confusion. You may contact the IEEE Transactions Department by electronic mail at trans@ieee.org

Information on IEEE's review procedures can be found at: http://www.ieee.org/pubs/revpol.html

In the listings below, frequency of publication is noted in parentheses.

Special note to IEEE Spectrum authors

IEEE Spectrum has the largest international circulation among magazines in the electrical/electronics field; it affords the primary link between the IEEE and all its members. Spectrum's objectives are to provide interesting and useful information on a broad range of technical and career-oriented topics and to increase the awareness among readers of fields outside their immediate specialties. The Spectrum staff works closely with authors to help them revise their manuscripts, drastically when necessary, to gain high readability and utility to the reader.

All Spectrum manuscripts are subject to a minimum of four reviews addressing the manuscript's organization (whether the main thrust of the argument is clearly presented and logically supported), technical accuracy, and timeliness.

Before submitting an article to Spectrum, you may wish to discuss it by telephone with a member of the Senior Editorial Staff. A Spectrum Guide to Authors is available in paper copy from the Spectrum office. Or send an email request with your name and postal address to: n.hantman@ieee.org

Editor, IEEE Spectrum, 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10016-5997

Special note to IEEE PRESS authors

IEEE PRESS books span the array of engineering subjects and on occasion treat important nontechnical subjects as well. They include tutorial books, professional and reference books, texts, and volumes formed around journal reprints and special issues.

A prospective author is encouraged to submit a proposal giving the details of the subject, coverage, level, and approach of the book. Guidelines for preparing a book proposal are available, on request, from the Managing Editor (see address below). The book proposal will be reviewed by the PRESS Editorial Board to determine likely quality of, and need for, the book. The endorsement of the appropriate IEEE Society is required for reprint books before the proposal is approved. If approved, the author or editor will be offered a publishing agreement covering manuscript size, schedule, and royalty payments.

Book proposals should be sent to:

IEEE PRESS, 445 Hoes Lane, Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA 732-562-6557; 732-562- 1746 (fax)

IEEE Potentials

Student magazine discusses career issues, latest technical areas, and other subjects of general interest to the electrical and computer engineering student. (6)
George Zobrist, University of Missouri -- Rolla, Department of Computer Science, Rolla, MI 65409 USA. 314-341-4836

For information on manuscript submission: IEEE Potentials, IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA.

Proceedings of the IEEE

Publishes comprehensive, in-depth review, tutorial, and survey material written for readers who are not specialists in the subjects being treated. It specializes in material of broad significance and long-range interest in all technical fields within the scope of the IEEE, including all aspects of electrical and computer engineering and science. From time to time, papers emphasizing managerial, historical, economic, and ethical aspects of technology are published. Authored by recognized authorities, papers include extensive introductions written at a level suitable for the nonspecialist, with numerous references for those wishing to probe further. A number of issues a year are devoted to a single subject of special importance.
James Calder, Managing Editor, Proceedings of the IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855 USA 732-562-5478

IEEE Transactions, Journals, and Magazines

These publications of IEEE Societies provide the means by which the member keeps abreast of the advances in specific fields. Their mission is to record and disseminate new scientific and technical information for present and future members of the profession.

Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Trans
Equipment, procedures, and techniques applicable to the organization, installation, and operation of functional systems meeting high-performance requirements of earth and space systems. (4)
Carey R. Spitzer, Avionicon, 3409 Foxridge Rd., Williamsburg, VA 23188 USA 804-221-8031

Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine
Aspects of earth and space systems, radar, navigation, guidance and control, and communication data handling as well as systems for their simulation and test. Intended to keep engineers current in development, operation, and test of civil and military electronic systems. (12)
Henry Oman, 19221 Normandy Park Dr., SW Seattle, WA 98166 USA 206-878-4458

Annals of the History of Computing
Chronicles vital contributions and their impact on society. Departments: Happenings; Biographies; Anecdotes; Self-Study Q&A; Reviews; and Comments, Queries, and Debate. (4)

Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Trans.
Experimental and theoretical advances in electromagnetic theory and in the radiation, propagation, scattering and diffraction of electromagnetic waves, and pertinent devices, media and fields of application such as antennas, plasmas, and radio astronomy systems. (12)
P.L.E. Uslenghi, Dept. of EECS, University of Illinois at Chicago, 851 South Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607-7053 USA 312-996-6059

Antennas and Propagation Magazine
Antenna theory, design and practice; propagation, theory and effects; and general interest topics including basic electromagnetics, computational and numerical techniques, personal computers for EEs, scattering and diffraction, radar and radar cross sections. (6)
W. Ross Stone, Expersoft Corp., 1446 Vista Claridad, La Jolla, CA 92037 USA 619-459-8305

Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Trans.
Applications of superconductivity and relevant technology. Electronic applications include analog and digital circuits employing thin films and active devices such as Josephson junctions. Power applications include magnet design as well as motors, generators, and power transmission. (4)
Mr. John X. Przybysz, Sr., Northrop Grumman Science & Tech. Ctr., 1350 Beulah Rd., 501-2Y34, Pittsburgh, PA 15235-5080 USA 412-256-1421

Automatic Control, IEEE Trans.
The theory, design, and application of control systems: real-time control, optimal control, adaptive and stochastic control, estimation and identification, linear systems, system modeling, and applications of physical, economic and social systems. (12)

Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Trans.
Broad coverage of concepts and methods of the physical and engineering sciences applied in biology and medicine, ranging from formalized mathematical theory through experimental science and technological development to practical clinical applications. (12)
Dr. Jean Louis Catrieux, Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et de l'image, INSERM, Campus de Beaulieu Bat. 22, Universite de Rennes 1, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France coatrieux@ltsi.univ- rennes1.fr

Broadcasting, IEEE Trans.
Broadcast technology, including the production, distribution, transmission, and propagation aspects of broadcasting. (4)
Thomas L. Mann, Cavell Mertz & Perryman, 9220 W. Sunset Blvd., Suite 210, Los Angeles, CA 90069 USA tmann@cmpconsulting.com


Circuits and Devices Magazine
Emerging technologies and their continued impact on the human-machine interface. Included are papers and tutorials on VLSI; manufacturing technology; semiconductor processes; quantum electronics; digital and analog circuits; components and packaging. Also, book reviews, news and notes, conferences, workshops, seminars, and lectures. (6)
Ronald W. Waynant, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRD), Electro-Optics Branch, HFZ-134, Rm 12, 1901 Chapman Rd., Rockville, MD 20857 USA 301- 443-2965

Circuits and Systems, Part I: Fundamental Theory and Applications; IEEE Trans.
New results in electronic circuits and systems; system theory; discrete, IC, and VLSI circuit design; nonlinear circuits and systems; multidimensional circuits and systems; theory of analog and discrete-time filtering; graph theory; and large-scale systems and power networks. (12)

Circuits and Systems, Part II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing; IEEE Trans.
Analog and digital signal processing, including active, passive, switched-capacitor, and digital filters; nonlinear filters and signal-processing operators; new hardware structures and software algorithms for signal processing; video and image processing; and signal processing in higher dimensions. (12)

Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Trans.
Video A/D and D/A, display technology, image analysis and processing, video signal characterization and representation, video compression techniques and signal processing, multidimensional filters and transforms, analog video signal processing, neural networks for video applications, nonlinear video signal processing, video storage and retrieval, computer vision, packet video, high-speed real-time circuits, VLSI architecture and implementation for video technology, multiprocessor systems--hardware and software-- video systems architecture, video quality assessment, and other video-technology-related topics. (8)
Ya-Qin Zhang, David Sarnoff Research Center, 201 Washington Rd., CN 5300, Princeton, NJ 08543-5300 USA 609-734-2095

Communications Surveys
Electronically-published journal providing rapid publication of up-to-date survey articles.

Communications, IEEE Trans.
Telephone, telegraphy, facsimile, and point-to-point television, by electromagnetic propagation, including radio; wire; aerial, underground, coaxial, and submarine cables; waveguides, communication satellites, and lasers; in marine, aeronautical, space and fixed station services; repeaters, radio relaying, signal storage, and regeneration; telecommunication error detection and correction; multiplexing and carrier techniques; communication switching systems; data communications; and communication theory. In addition to the above, this Transactions contains papers pertaining to analog and digital signal processing and modulation, audio and video encoding techniques, the theory and design of transmitters, receivers, and repeaters for communications via optical and sonic media, the design and analysis of computer communication systems, and the development of communication software. (12)

Communications, IEEE Letters
Covers topics in the scope of IEEE Transactions on Communications but in the form of very brief publication (maximum of 4 column lengths, including all diagrams and tables.) (12)

Communications Magazine
All areas of communications: conferences, short courses, standards, governmental regulations and legislation, book reviews, and special feature technical articles; Society news, including administration and elections. (12)

Communications, Selected Areas in; IEEE J.
All telecommunications, including telephone, telegraphy, facsimile, and point-to-point television, by electromagnetic propagation, including radio; wire; aerial, underground, coaxial, and submarine cables; waveguides, communication satellites, and lasers; in marine, aeronautical, space, and fixed station services; repeaters, radio relaying, signal storage, and regeneration; telecommunication error detection and correction; multiplexing and carrier techniques; communication switching systems; data communications; communication theory; and wireless communications. (12)
L. B. Milstein, University of California at San Diego, Dept. of E&CE, Mail Code 0407, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA 314-341-4514

Components and Packaging Technologies, (formerly Trans. CPMTA); IEEE Trans.
Component parts, hybrid microelectronics, materials, packaging techniques, and manufacturing technology. (4)

Advanced Packaging, (formerly Trans. CPMTA);IEEE Trans. (4)

Electronics Packaging Manufacturing (formerly Trans. CPMTA); IEEE Trans.
Design for manufacturability, cost and process modeling, process control and automation, factory analysis and improvement, information systems, statistical methods, environmentally-friendly processing, and computer-integrated manufacturing for the production of electronic assemblies and products (4)
Walter Trybula, SEMATECH, 2706 Montopolis Dr., Austin, TX 78741 USA 512-356-3306

Computational Science and Engineering
Articles defining the field as the interface among the applications (in science and engineering), algorithms (numerical and symbolic), system software, and computer architecture. Articles should be readable by specialists from various disciplines; i.e. should overcome the barriers usually created by discipline-oriented vocabularies. Articles describing future workbenches for developing application software in various disciplines will be encouraged. (4)

Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Trans.
Methods, algorithms, and human-machine interfaces for physical and logical design, including: planning, synthesis, partitioning, modeling, simulation, layout, verification, testing, and documentation of integrated-circuit and systems designs of all complexities. Practical applications of aids resulting in producible analog, digital, optical, or microwave integrated circuits are emphasized. (12)
Giovanni De Micheli, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Gates Computer Science, Rm 333, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 USA 650-725-3632

Computer Applications in Power Magazine
Computer applications to the design, operation, and control of power systems. Articles on transient network analysis, circuit evaluation, steady-state analysis, cable management systems, economics, and contingency analysis. (4)
Stan Horowitz, 3142 Griigsview Ct., Columbus, OH 43221 USA 614-876-0832

Computer Graphics and Applications Magazine
Computer graphics hardware and software, display technology, computational geometry, geometric data structures and databases, industrial applications, animation methodology, human factors for graphics, interactive graphics languages, graphic arts, graphics support of MIS, and distributed graphics techniques. (6)


Computer Magazine
Survey and tutorial articles covering computer hardware, software, and system design and application; special issues focus on such topics as VLSI design, software engineering, local area networks, computer communications, and computer architecture. Regular departments present new product announcements, book reviews, and professional calendar. (12)

Computers, IEEE Trans.
Design and analysis of algorithms, computer systems, and digital networks; methods for specifying, measuring, and modeling the performance of computers and computer systems; design of computer components, such as arithmetic units, data storage devices, and interface devices; design of reliable and testable digital devices and systems; computer networks and distributed computer systems; new computer organizations and architectures; applications of VLSI technology to computers; human factors and interactive computer systems; application of computer technology to other disciplines such as automatic control, robotics, communication or real-time information processing, and instrumentation. (12)

Concurrency Magazine
Advances in parallel and distributed computing technology, specifics on unique features and applications. Computational models, distributed databases, high-speed networks, numerical algorithms, parallel and distributed computer architectures, and supercomputing. (4)

Consumer Electronics, IEEE Trans.
The design and manufacture of consumer electronics products, components, and related activities, particularly those used for entertainment, leisure, and educational purposes. (4)
Wayne C. Luplow, Zenith Electronics Corp., 1000 Milwaukee Ave., Glenview, IL 60025 USA 312-391-7873

Control Systems Magazine
Control system applications and experiences, design tools, conference programs, educational features, book reviews, and Society news items. For practicing control system engineers. (6)

Control Systems Technology, IEEE Trans.
An archival journal bridging theory and practice and covering advances in control engineering. Control systems from analysis and design through simulation and hardware. (4)

Design and Test of Computers Magazine
Methods, practical experience, research ideas, and commercial products that aid in the design and test of chips, assemblies, and systems --e.g., design automation, CAD workstations, design software, computer- aided test, test equipment, self-test, and design for testability. (4)

Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Trans.
Electrical insulation common to the design and construction of components and equipment for use in electric and electronic circuits and distribution systems at all frequencies. (6)
Arend van Roggen, RD 2, Kennett Square, PA 19348 USA 215-388-6909

Education, IEEE Trans.
Educational methods, technology, and programs; history of technology; impact of evolving research on education. (4)

Electrical Insulation Magazine
Compilation of articles and news that relate to insulation and dielectrics. Includes conference activities reporting and papers of general interest. (6)

Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Trans.
EMC standards; measurement technology; undesired sources; cable/grounding; filters/shielding; equipment EMC; systems EMC; antennas and propagation; spectrum utilization; electromagnetic pulses; lightning; radiation hazards; and Walsh functions. (4)
Motohisa Kanda, Electromagnetic Fields Division, National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, CO 80303 USA 303-497-5320 m.kanda@ieee.org

Electron Device Letters
Theory, design, and performance of electron and ion devices, solid-state devices, integrated electronic devices, optoelectronic devices, and energy sources. Publication is two months from the end of the month in which manuscript is received. (12)
John Brews, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Room 230, Building 104, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA 602-621-8734 j.brews@ieee.org

Electron Devices, IEEE Trans.
The theory, design, and performance of active electron and ion devices, solid-state devices, integrated electron devices, and energy sources. (12)
Renuka Jindal, AT&T Bell Labs, Rt. 569 Carter Rd., PO Box 900, Princeton, NJ 08542 609-639-2833

Electronic Materials, IEEE J.
Applications of semiconductors, magnetic alloys, insulators, and optical and display materials. (12)
Theodore C. Harman, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA 02173 USA 617-981-4418

Energy Conversion, IEEE Trans.
Research, development, design, application, construction, installation, and operation of electric power generating facilities (along with their conventional, nuclear, or renewable sources) for the safe, reliable, and economic generation of electrical energy for general industrial, commercial, public, and domestic consumption. (4)
James L. Kirtley, Satcon Technology, 161 First Street, Cambridge, MA 02142 USA 617-349-0820, fax 617-667-3373 kirtley@satc.com

Engineering Management, IEEE Trans.
Management of technical functions such as research, development, and engineering in industry, government, university, and other settings. Emphasis is on studies carried on within an organization to help in decision making or policy formation for RD&E. (4)
Dundar F. Kocaoglu, Engineering Management Program, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Portland State University, Portland, OR 97207-0751 USA 503-725-4660

Engineering Management Review
A reprint of selected papers relevant to engineering management. (4)
David J. Wells, Box 5740, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699 USA 714-633-9660

Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine
Contains general and technical short articles on current technologies and methods used in Biomedical and Clinical Engineering. Current news items, book reviews, patent descriptions, and a correspondence section are included. (4)
A.S. Wald, Dept. of Anesthesiology, Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, 630 W. 168th St., New York, NY 10032 USA 212-305-2164

Evolutionary Computation, Trans.
Papers on application, design, and theory of evolutionary computation, with emphasis given to engineering systems and scientific applications. Evolutionary optimization, machine learning, intelligent systems design, image processing and machine vision, pattern recognition, evolutionary neurocomputing, evolutionary fuzzy systems, applications in biomedicine and biochemistry, robotics and control, mathematical modelling, civil, chemical, aeronautical, and industrial engineering applications. (4)
David B. Fogel, Natural Selection, Inc., 3333 N. Torrey Pines Ct., Suite 200, La Jolla, CA 92037 USA 619-455-6449

Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Trans.
Theory and application of fuzzy systems with emphasis on engineering systems and scientific applications. (4)

Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Trans
Theory, concepts, and techniques of science and engineering as applied to sensing the earth, oceans, atmosphere, and space; and the processing, interpretation, and dissemination of this information. (6)

Image Processing, IEEE Trans.
Signal-processing aspects of image processing, imaging systems, and image scanning, display, and printing. Includes theory, algorithms, and architectures for image coding, filtering, enhancement, restoration, segmentation, and motion estimation; image formation in tomography, radar, sonar, geophysics, astronomy, microscopy, and crystallography; image scanning, digital half-toning and display, and color reproduction. (12)
Contact: IEEE Signal Processing Society, Publications Office, 445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA 732-562-6594/6554, Fax 732-562-8905

Industrial Electronics, IEEE Trans.
Theory and applications of industrial electronics and control instrumentation science and engineering, including microprocessor control systems, high-power controls, process control, programmable controllers, numerical and program control systems, flow meters, and identification systems. (6)
Joachim A. Holtz, Chair, Electrical Machines and Drives Group, University of Wuppertal, 42097 Wuppertal, Deutschland 49 202-422-190
ie-editor @ieee.org

Go to Link to Trans. Industrial Electronics

Industry Applications, IEEE Trans.
The development and application of electric systems, apparatus, devices, and controls to the processes and equipment of industry and commerce; the promotion of safe, reliable, and economic installations; the encouragement of energy conservation; the creation of voluntary engineering standards and recommended practices. (6)
Baldwin Bridger, 15526 Torry Pines Road, Houston, TX 77062-3420 USA 281-461-8150 b.bridger@ieee.org

Industry Applications Magazine
Focuses on the needs of engineers who serve the petroleum, chemical, rubber, plastic, textile and mining industries through applications of technologies such as power conservation, drives, lighting and controls. (6)
John Kassebaum, 2503 Pleasant Way W., Indianapolis, IN 46280 USA 317-846-3069

Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Trans.
Telemedicine, teleradiology, telepathology, telmonitoring, telediagnostics, 3D animations in health care, health information networks, clinical information systems, virtual reality applications in medicine, broadband technologies, and global information infrastructure design for health care. (4)
Swamy Laxminarayan, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Trans on Infromation Technology in Biomedicine, Guttenburg Information Technology Center, Room 5200, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 323 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Newark, NJ 07102 USA tel: 201-228-7068, fax: 201-363-8986

Information Theory, IEEE Trans.
The fundamental nature of the communication process; transmission and utilization of information; coding and decoding of digital and analog communication transmissions; study of random interference and information-bearing signals; and the development of information-theoretic techniques in diverse areas, including communication systems, detection systems, pattern recognition, learning, and automata. (6)
http:// it.ucsd.edu/IT/Transactions/authorinfo.htm

Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine

Applications-oriented material in the field of instrumentation and measurement. (6)
Stephen A. Dyer, Dept. of ECE, Kansas State University, 270 Durland Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506-5105 USA 913-532-4647

Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Trans.
Measurements and instrumentation utilizing electrical and electronic techniques. (6)
Ray Turgel, 8620 Bunnell Drive, Potomac, MD 20854 USA

Contact: Lee Myers, Transactions Administrator, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, 3685 Motor Ave. #240, Los Angeles, CA 90034-5750 USA

Intelligent Systems and Their Applications (formerly Expert) Magazine
Tutorial and survey articles on the current applications of intelligent systems, including databases, expert systems, and artificial intelligence. (6)

Internet Computing, IEEE Trans.
Internet-based computer applications and supporting technologies, World Wide Web, Java programming, Internet-based agents, agent message protocols, Web scaling, intelligent search, electronic design notebooks, security, distributed project management, reusable service access and validation, electronic commerce, and intranets. (6)

Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Trans.
Artificial intelligence techniques, including speech, voice, graphics, images, and documents; knowledge and data engineering tools and techniques; parallel and distributed processing; real-time distributed processing; system architectures, integration, and modeling; database design, modeling, and management; query design, and implementation languages; distributed database control; statistical databases; algorithms for data and knowledge management; performance evaluation of algorithms and systems; data communications aspects; system applications and experience; knowledge-based and expert systems; and integrity, security, and fault tolerance. (6)

Lightwave Technology, J.
All aspects of optical guided-wave science, technology, and engineering in the areas of fiber and cable technologies; active and passive guided-wave componentry (light sources, detectors, repeaters, switches, fiber sensors, etc.); integrated optics and optoelectronics; systems and subsystems; new applications; and unique field trials. (12)
Rodney C. Alferness, AT&T Bell Labs, 791 Holmdel-Keyport Road, Holmdel, New Jersey, 07733 USA 913-532-4647

Magnetics, IEEE Trans.
Science and technology related to the basic physics of magnetism, magnetic materials, applied magnetics, magnetic devices, and basic and applied superconductivity. (6)
Ron B. Goldfarb, NIST, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80303 USA

Mechatronics, IEEE Trans.
Synergetic integration of mechanical engineering with electronic and intelligent computer control in the design and manufacture of industrial products and processes. (4)
Masayoshi Tomizuka, Dept. of Mechanical Eng., University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720 USA 510-642-0870 tomizuka@mechatro2.ME.Berkeley.edu

Medical Imaging, IEEE Trans.
Imaging of body organs, usually in situ, rather than microscopic biological entities; the associated equipment and techniques, such as instrumentation systems, transducers, computing hardware, and software. (12)
Michael Vannier, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Radiology, The University of Iowa, 200 Hawkins Dr., 3966A JPP, Iowa City, IA 52242-1077 USA 319-356-3372 michael-vannier@ieee.org

Micro Magazine
Microprocessor technology; computer-aided design; system support software, interfacing techniques, chip design, and fabrication; personal computing; control hierarchies, architectures, applications and draft standards for hardware, software, and interconnections. (6)

Microelectromechanical Systems, IEEE J.
Micromechanics, Microdynamics, Microelectromechanical Systems, MEMS: articles on small devices--from microns to millimeters; microfabrication techniques; microphenomena; microrobots; microbatteries, microbearings; and other microcomponents; theoretical, computational, modeling and control results; new materials and designs; tribology; microtelemanipulation; and applications such as biomedical engineering, optics, and fluidics. (4)
William Trimmer, Belle Mead Research Inc., 58 Riverview Terrace, Belle Mead, NJ 08502 USA 908-359-0012 w.trimmer@ieee.org

Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, IEEE
Published monthly with the purpose of providing fast publication of original and significant contributions relevant to all aspects of microwave/millimeter-wave technology. Emphasis is on devices, components, circuits, guided-wave structures, systems and applications covering the frequency spectrum from microwave and beyond, including submillimeter-waves and infrared. Publication time will be two months from the end of the month in which a contribution was received, provided the author responds immediately to all communications. Acknowledgment letters will not be sent to the authors. Galley proofs will be sent, but in the interest of fast publication, there may not be time to wait for their return. Errata will be published in the next issue if sent promptly. Lengths of the letters are expected to be no longer than two printed pages. (12)
Madhu Gupta, Department of Electrical Engineering, Florida State University, 2525 Pottsdamer St., Tallahassee, FL 32310, USA; 850-487-6450 mgwl@ieee.org

Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Trans.
Microwave theory, techniques, and applications as they relate to components, devices, circuits, and systems involving the generation, transmission, and detection of microwaves. (12)
James W. Mink, North Carolina State University, Dept. of ECE, P.O. Box 79111, 232 Daniels Hall, Raleigh, NC 27695 USA 919-513-1803 919-515-7170 j.mink@ieee.org

Research and advanced practice in hardware/ software from theory to working systems. Aspects of special needs of multimedia information compared to other electronic data, e.g. the size requirements of digital media, and the importance of time in the representation of such media. (4)

Network Magazine (The Magazine of Computer Communications)
Network protocols and architecture; protocol design and validation; communications software; network control, signaling, and management; network implementation (LAN, MAN, WAN); and micro-to- host communications. (6) http://happy.comsoc.org/socstr/techcom/ntwrk

Networking, IEEE/ACM Trans.
Network architecture and design, communication protocols, network software, network technologies, network software, network technologies, network services and applications, and network operations and management. (6)
Simon S. Lam, Dept. of Comp. Sci., Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX 78712 USA 512-471-9524 s.lam@ieee.org

Neural Networks, IEEE Trans.
The theory, design, and application of neural networks, ranging from software to hardware. Emphasis will be given to artificial neural networks. Readers are encouraged to submit manuscripts that disclose significant technical achievements, indicate exploratory developments, or present significant applications for neural networks. This Transactions contains a Letters section intended to serve as a vehicle for rapid publication of new, significant, and timely research results. The Letters section also includes information of current interest, and comments and rebuttals in connection with published papers. (6)

Nuclear Science, IEEE Trans.
All aspects of the theory and applications of nuclear science and engineering, including instrumentation for the detection and measurement of ionizing radiation; particle accelerators and their controls; nuclear medicine and its application; effects of radiation on materials, components, and systems; reactor instrumentation and controls; and measurement of radiation in space. (6)
Paul Dressendorfer, Sandia National Laboratories, Dept. 2277, Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185 USA 505-844-5373 p.dressendorfer@ieee.org

Oceanic Engineering, IEEE J.
Bayes procedures; buried-object detection; dielectric measurements; Doppler measurements; geomagnetism; sea floor; sea ice; sea measurements; sea surface electromagnetic scattering; seismology; sonar; acoustic tomography; underwater acoustics; and underwater radio communication. (4)

Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Trans.
Architectures--design, analysis, and implementation of multiprocessor systems (including multiprocessors, multicomputers, and networks); impact of VLSI on system design; interprocessor communications. Software--parallel languages and compilers; scheduling and task partitioning; databases, operating systems, and programming environments for multiple-processor systems. Algorithms and applications--models of computation; analysis and design of parallel/distributed algorithms; application studies resulting in better multiple-processor systems. Other issues--performance measurements, evaluation, modeling and simulation of multiple-processor systems; real-time, reliability and fault- tolerance issues; and conversion of software from sequential to parallel forms. (12)

Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Trans.
Statistical and structural pattern recognition; image analysis; computational models of vision; computer vision systems; enhancement, restoration, segmentation, feature extraction, shape and texture analysis; applications of pattern analysis in medicine, industry, government, and the arts and sciences; artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, logical and probabilistic inference, learning, speech recognition, character and text recognition, syntactic and semantic processing, understanding natural language, expert systems, and specialized architectures for such processing. (12)

Personal Communications
Technical and policy issues relating to personalized, location-independent communications in all media and combination of media. Wired and wireless communications, focusing on the mobility of people, communicating devices, and personal services. (6)

Photonics Technology, IEEE Letters
Rapid publication of original research relevant to photonics technology. This expanding field emphasizes laser and electro-optic technology, laser physics and systems, applications, and photonic/ lightwave components and applications. The journal offers short, archival publication with minimal delay. (12)

Plasma Science, IEEE Trans.
Plasma science and engineering, including: magnetofluid dynamics and thermionics; plasma dynamics; gaseous electronics and arc technology; controlled thermonuclear fusion; electron, ion, and plasma sources; space plasmas; high-current relativistic electron beams; laser-plasma interactions; diagnostics; plasma chemistry and colloidal and solid-state plasmas. (6)
Steven J. Gitomer, Center for International Security Affairs, Mail Stop K760, Los Alamos National Laboratory, PO Box 1663, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA 505-667-4352

Power Delivery, IEEE Trans.
Research, development, design, application, construction, the installation and operation of apparatus, equipment, structures, materials, and systems for the safe, reliable, and economic delivery and control of electric energy for general industrial, commercial, public, and domestic consumption. (4)
Arun G. Phadke, Virginia Tech, Dept of EE, 318 Whittemore Hall, Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA 540-231-7029, fax 540-231-4303

Power Electronics, IEEE Trans.
Fundamental technologies used in the control and conversion of electric power. Topics include dc-to- dc converter design, direct off-line switching power supplies, inverters, controlled rectifiers, control techniques, modeling, analysis and simulation techniques, the application of power circuit components (power semiconductors, magnetics, capacitors), and thermal performance of electronic power systems. (6)
Richard Hoft, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., University of Missouri, 223 Electr. Eng. Bldg., Columbia, MO 65211 USA 314-882-3491 r.hoft@ieee.org

Power Engineering Review
Electric power system engineering; includes one-page summaries of all papers accepted for publication in Energy Conversion, Power Delivery, and Power Systems. Also includes the Power Engineering Society Newsletter, selected prize papers, high-interest papers, and other articles of technical interest. (12)
William G. Schwartz, 1385 Medinah Dr., Itasca, IL 60143-1970 USA 630-285-8070

Power Systems, IEEE Trans.
Requirements, planning, analysis, reliability, operation, and economics of electrical generating, transmission, and distribution systems for industrial, commercial, public, and domestic consumption. (4)
Murty P. Bhavaraju, PSE&G, 80 Park Place, T21B, P.O. Box 570, Newark, NJ 07101 USA 973-430-6707 fax 673-824-2494

Professional Communication, IEEE Trans.
The study, development, improvement, and promotion of techniques for preparing, organizing for use, processing, editing, collecting, conserving, and disseminating any form of information in the electrical and electronics fields. (4)
Kim Sydow Campbell, Management & Marketing Dept., University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487- 0225 USA 505-577-5212 k.s.campbell@ieee.org

Quantum Electronics, IEEE J.
Generation, amplification, modulation, detection, waveguiding, or techniques and effects that can affect the propagation characteristics of coherent electromagnetic radiation having submillimeter and shorter wavelengths. (12)

Quantum Electronics, Selected Topics
40% devoted to special issues published in J. Quantum Electronics. Other topics: solid-state lasers, fiber lasers, optical diagnostics for semi-conductor manufacturing. (4)

Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Trans.
Rehabilitation aspects of biomedical engineering, including functional electrical stimulation, acoustic dynamics, human performance measurement and analysis, nerve stimulation, electromyography, motor control and stimulation, and hardware and software applications for rehabilitation engineering and assistive devices. (4)
Charles J. Robinson, Dept. of Rehab. Sci. & Tech., Forbes Tower 5034, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA 412-647- 1272

Reliability, IEEE Trans.
Principles and practices of reliability, maintainability, and product liability pertaining to electrical and electronic equipment. (4)
Prof. Martin A. Wortman, Texas A&M University, Zachry Engineering Center, College Station, TX 77843 USA 409-845-5772

Robotics and Automation, IEEE Trans.
Theory and applications in robot dynamics and control; simulation of robots and manufacturing systems; robot languages; robotic vision and other sensory interfaces; manipulator design; robot locomotion; management of multirobot systems; geometric modeling, other computer-aided design techniques; robot manufacturing; motion planning, task planning, and expert systems in robotics and automation; hardware and software implementation of robotic systems. (6)

Robotics and Automation Society Magazine
Applied research, state-of-the-shelf solutions and technologies, and education. Articles targeted towards the practicing engineer, emphasizing creative solutions to real-world problems, and highlighting implementation details. (4)

Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Trans.
Process control techniques; process modeling, simulation, measurements, diagnostics; defect characterization and control; yield analysis and modeling; product design for manufacturability, reliability; product transfer from development to
manufacturing; factory design, simulation; automation: models, algorithms, equipment interfaces, etc.; equipment design: modeling and simulation; production control and scheduling; operations management: training, incentives, productivity measures; standards: materials, processes; computer integration: computer-controlled equipment and facilities; and the application of AI and expert systems. (4)

Signal Processing, IEEE Trans.
Transmission, recording, reproduction, processing, and measurement of speech and other signals by digital, electronic, electrical, acoustic, mechanical, and optical means; the components and systems to accomplish these and related aims; and the environmental, psychological, and physiological factors of these technologies. (12)
Contact: IEEE Signal Processing Society, Publications Office, 445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA 732-562-6594/6554, Fax 732-562-8905

Signal Processing Letters
Rapid dissemination of new results in signal processing world-wide. (12)
Contact: Katherine Wheeler, SPL Managing Editor, 31 Harrison Street, Maynard, MA 01754 USA
978-897-1214 fax: 978-897-1215

Signal Processing Magazine
Acoustics, including digital audio, underwater signal processing, and electroacoustics; speech, including speech transmission and coding; enhancement and noise reduction; analysis and reconstruction; synthesis; recognition; production/synthesis; performance evaluation; signal processing, one-dimensional and multidimensional digital signal processing.
Contact: Brian Benbrook, Managing Editor, IEEE Magazines, 445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA 732-562-3849 b.benbrook@ieee.org

Software Engineering, IEEE Trans.
Specification, development, management, test, maintenance, and documentation of computer software. (12)

Software Magazine
Tutorials and surveys on current techniques and new products in software design and development. Focuses on such topics as software tools, measuring program reliability, designing software tests, PCs as programming workstations, localization of bugs, and making programs readable.

Solid-State Circuits, IEEE J.
Analysis, design, and performance of solid-state circuits; transistors; diodes; bulk-effect and magnetic devices; digital; analog; microwave; optoelectronic; integrated circuits; and large-scale integration. (12)
Steve Lewis, Univ. of California, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, 1 Shields Avenue 2064 Engineering, Davis CA 95616 USA 530-752-0458

Speech and Audio Processing, Trans.
Speech analysis, synthesis, coding speech recognition, speaker recognition, language modeling, speech production and perception, speech enhancement. In audio, transducers, room acoustics, active sound control, human audition, analysis/synthesis/coding of music, and consumer audio. (6)
Contact: IEEE Signal Processing Society, Publications Office, 445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA 732-562-6554 sp.pub.info@ieee.org

Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A -- Systems and Humans IEEE Trans.
Systems engineering and human machine systems, issue formation, issue analysis and modeling, decision making and issue interpretation, human system and human organizational interactions, cognitive ergonomics, system test and evaluation, and human information processing concerns. (6)

Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B -- Cybernetics, IEEE Trans.
Cybernetics, including communication and control across humans, machines and organizations at the structural or neural level, as well as at functional and purposeful levels: vision, neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy systems, and robotics. Publishes application, theoretical and survey papers in these areas. (6)

Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C -- Applications and Reviews, IEEE Trans.

Technology and Society Magazine
Impact of technology (as embodied by the fields of interest of IEEE) on society, including both positive and negative effects; the impact of society on the engineering profession, the history of the societal aspects of electrotechnology, and professional, social, and economic responsibility in the practice of engineering and its related technology. (4)
Robert J. Whelchel, 407 Ingelnook Place, Angola, IN 46703-2222 USA 219-665-4194

Technology Computer-Aided Design, IEEE J.
Modelling and simulation of semiconductor devices, materials, processes, and process equipment. (Technology CAD or TCAD). This journal will be published electronically on the World Wide Web in cooperation with Stanford University, allowing color and movies to be included with the articles.
Mark E. Law, 339 Larsen Hall, Dept. of Electrical Eng., University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-6200 USA 352-392-6459

Today's Engineer Magazine
Each quarterly issue includes articles, columns and editorial departments tied to the development of successful engineering attributes such as an understanding of engineering science fundamentals and the context in which engineering is practiced; an ability to think critically, creatively, independently and cooperatively; strong interpersonal and communications skills; and high ethical standards.

Contact: IEEE-USA, 1828 L. Street, NW, Suite 1202, Washington, DC 20036-5104, USA 202-785-0017, ext. 313

Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, IEEE Trans.
Acoustic holography and imaging; acousto-optic interactions; biological and medical applications; filters and resonators; industrial applications; nondestructive evaluation; physical acoustics; piezoelectric and magnetostrictive materials; surface-acoustic-wave-based systems; surface-acoustic-wave devices; and underwater sound. (6)
William D. O'Brien, Bioacoustics Res. Lab, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Univ. of Illinois, 1406 West Green St., Urbana, IL 61801 USA 217-333-2407

Vehicular Technology, IEEE Trans.
Land, airborne, and maritime mobile services; portable or hand-carried and citizen's communications services, when used as an adjunct to a vehicular system; vehicular electrotechnology, equipment, and systems ordinarily identified with the automotive industry. (4)
J.R. Cruz, univ. of Oklahoma, 200 West Boyd, Rm. 219, Normal OK 73019 USA 405-325- 4721

Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Trans.
Systems specifications, design and partitioning, high-performance computing and communication systems, neural networks, wafer-scale integration, and multichip module systems and their applications. (4)
Bing Sheu, Powell Hall, Room 604, Dept. of Electrical Eng., University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0271 USA 213-740-4711
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Visualization and Computer Graphics, Trans.
Visualization techniques and methodologies, systems and software, volume visualization, flow visualization, multivariate visualization, modeling and surfaces, rendering, animation and simulation, interfaces, visual programming and applications (4)

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