** cross-posted **
On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 12:47 PM, James Tuttle
<james_tuttle_at_ncsu.edu> wrote:
> SH: Bravo! [For NCSU's Doctoral Thesis Mandate]
> (Now all NCSU need do to optimize their admirable
policy for
> theses is to apply it also to all NCSU research article
output -- and to
> add the "Email Eprint Request
> Button to the NCSU Institutional Repository
> EPrints
> invented it, but Eloy Rodrigues kindly created one for
> <http://wiki.dspace.org/index.php//RequestCopy> too.
> Stevan Harnad
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your support. I'm not sure, however, that I
fully understand
your response. We do collect citations and, when
available, full-text
of university scholarly output in a Scholarly
Publications Repository at
It's true that
there is no university requirement to submit publications
to the
repository. I expect that isn't a political issue that
would get much
traction at the university level.
Hi James,
What I meant was that NCSU's thesis deposit requirement should be
extended to cover NCSU's refereed research article output too. Such a
requirement has already managed to get good traction at at least 28
universities worldwide, including Southampton, Glasgow, Liege,
Zurich, Harvard, and Stanford, plus 30 funding agencies, including
NIH. So I can't see any reason it can't do the same at NCSU!
And here's the best and fastest default deposit policy to agree on:
IDOA, plus how and why to optimize university OA mandates, and how to
integrate them with funder deposit mandates.
Thanks for the link regarding the "Email Eprint Request"
button. I
wonder, though, have you any statistics regarding the use
of the button?
At NCSU, theses and dissertations are submitted at the
completion of a
degree program. The email addresses contained in our
database are
mostly university addresses connected to university
computing accounts
that terminate shortly after the student leaves the
university. Does
your organization provide some service or facility for
managing email
addresses? This solution seems much better suited to
scholarly works
that are not ETDs. All non-ETD publications are not
provided an embargo
You are quite right that the Email Eprint Request button is best
suited (and was designed for) refereed research output by university
faculty, rather than transient doctoral students. (Statistics will no
doubt be gathered, but it is still early days for mandates, so we
need to wait till the sample size becomes big enough to be
But, yes, the EPrints software definitely (and the DSpace software
probably) has the wherewithal to manage the email addresses of the
depositing authors in order to ensure that the eprint requests get
automatically emailed to the depositing author.
Also, thank you for pointing out that we are not
registered OA
providers. As we migrate our existing repositories in
the coming months
and undertake the design process to create a replacement
for ETD-DB,
I'll be sure to keep that objective in mind.
If you are migrating, you have another chance at picking the optimal
(free) software for creating NCSU's Institutional Repository. I
strongly recommend adopting EPrints 3 . It is the simplest, easiest
and cheapest to install and maintain, yet the most powerful of them
all, and constantly being upgraded to keep up with the evolving
functional developments and demands of Open Access. (Full Disclosure:
I commissioned EPrints, the first of the OAI-compliant OA IR-creating
free softwares, in 2000 , and I am still involved in keeping EPrints
in phase with evolving OA developments.)
Stevan Harnad
Chaire de recherche du Canada Professor of Cognitive Science
Institut des sciences cognitives Electronics & Computer
Universite du Quebec a Montreal University of Southampton
Montreal, Quebec Highfield, Southampton
Canada H3C 3P8 SO17 1BJ United Kingdom
http://www.crsc.uqam.ca/ http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/harnad/
Received on Sun Nov 30 2008 - 01:32:13 GMT