Jean-Claude Guédon writes
> It is hard to know if it differs from the GAP project when the URL
> Thomas gave us leads only to one page with an e-mail. Can you clarify,
> Thomas?
I am not a project insider, so I can't comment on the project's
(presumed) failure. Stefan Gradmann, or Eberhard Hilf probably can.
There is a paper about GAP at
The fact that the project is not alive three years after
the paper was done should be a useful lesson. I claim that
GAP is sufficiently close to OAPEN that OAPEN should
not claim to be the first project of this kind. If the
OAPEN proposers have not studied GAP in some detail,
they failed to do their homework.
Thomas Krichel
phone: +7 383 330 6813 skype: thomaskrichel
Received on Mon Feb 18 2008 - 09:19:14 GMT