This is the summary of a posting that appears in full here:
SUMMARY: Some university libraries and administrations think OA
is all about journal affordability, digital preservation, digital
curation (IRs) and interoperability (OAI). Some OA publishers think
OA is all about conversion to Gold OA and the funding of Gold OA
fees (CERN, etc.). Some copyright reformers think OA is all about
reforming copyright law. And some traditional publishers lobby
against Green OA mandates (and sometimes also against Gold OA)
as a threat to their industry.
There exists no recognized theme associated with Green OA
self-archiving, no Green OA-specific interest group that is invited to
represent Green OA at OA events. Richard Poynder, Napoleon Miradon
and others have mooted the idea a Green OA lobby. Creating such a
lobby would be an excellent and timely idea.
Stevan Harnad
Received on Sun Apr 29 2007 - 15:50:17 BST