Subbiah Arunachalam said
>the reports scientist submits to the funding agency
>are just brief summaries of the work performed. Or do
>they, in Europe, include the full text of research
>papers published in the report? Please let me know.
A quick google search for
<<"annual report" "European Commission" Research>>
gives as first hit an annual report of 22 pages of pdf -
just for one deliverable, in the first year.*
This seems to be typical. In fact it would not be possible
for the dossier to be approved 'bon à payer', if the report
were "just a brief summary". The report has to provide enough
detail to convince the Commission Services that the work
foreseen under the contract/grant agreement has been indeed
been done.
Interestingly, Google already knows about lots of other EU project
Bien à vous
N Miradon
*(Deliverable DN4.0.3,1 Annual Report on Support for
Research Networking in Less Advanced Regions ^Ö Year 1).
**It also led to 295 entries with the tag "European Union"
in the OA archive Organic Eprints,
But these seem to be mostly published papers, not reports to
the Commission.
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Received on Wed Feb 28 2007 - 20:53:39 GMT