RepositóriUM – – the
institutional repository of Minho University is celebrating is second
anniversary, making available an English interface, a renewed and
improved help service to authors related with copyright and
self-archiving, and unveiling some data on its growth and usage.
Following the definition of an institutional policy, mandating the self
archiving of the research output of the University in the institutional
repository, the number of documents in RepositóriUM has significantly
grown in 2005: from around 600 documents in November 2004, to 2900
documents in November 2005. It’s expected that the number of
self-archived documents in 2005 will be around 2200, and the total number
of documents available in RepositoriUM in the beginning of 2006 will be
greater than 3300 (self-archived documents, plus thesis and dissertations
archived through administrative procedures).
The growth in contents was accompanied by a growth in usage. Here is some
250.000 visits (3.000 in 2003, 91.000 in 2004, 156.000 in 2005) from more
than 140 countries and territories around the world, but mostly from
Portugal, USA and Brasil
2.800.000 pageviews and 6.220.000 hits
391.206 accesses to the metadata records (302.960 in 2005)
246.301 downloads (154.610 in 2005)
Around 60% of the documents (1763) on RepositóriUM were already
downloaded at least 5 times
The most downloaded document (a master thesis in biological engineering)
was downloaded 2073 times
Eloy Rodrigues
Universidade do Minho - Serviços de Documentação
Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga
Tel: +351 253 60 41 50; Fax - 253 60 41 59
Campus de Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães
Tel: +351 253 51 01 19; Fax - 253 51 01 17
Received on Mon Nov 21 2005 - 14:20:21 GMT