Re: Meeting: National Policies on Open Access Provision for University Research Output

From: Steve Hitchcock <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 17:12:23 +0000

The Web page for this meeting now contains links to all presentations.
Links in the summary report below have also been updated.

Steve Hitchcock

At 13:13 22/02/04 +0000, Stevan Harnad wrote:
>Here is a very brief summary of the contributions 22 to the International
>Meeting on National Policies on Open Access (OA) Provision for
>University Research Output (February 19 2004, Southampton University,
>Southampton UK)
>(Other attendees are also invited to post their summaries!)
>(1) Restrictive access policies cut readership of electronic research
>journal articles by a factor of two, Michael J. Kurtz,
>Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA
> This study confirmed and extended the Lawrence Effect (Nature 2001)
> which shows how much research impact is lost if articles are not
> made OA: Readership is cut in half (and 17 reads generates 1 cite,
> on average, in astrophysics).
>(2) The Effect of Open Access on citation impact, Tim Brody, Intelligence
>Agents Multimedia (IAM) Group, University of Southampton
>Services for Open Access literature at the University of Southampton,
>Tim Brody, IAM Group, University of Southampton

> This study further confirmed and extended the Lawrence Effect (Nature
> 2001) for several areas of Physics, including strong correlations
> between downloads("reads") and subsequent citations.
>(3) Introduction and Open Access primer, Steve Hitchcock,
>Southampton University

> Explained the focus of the meeting: Developing national and
> institutional Open Access Provision policies
>(4) Welcome, Adam Wheeler, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Southampton
> History of scholarly/scientific communication and publication up to
> the Open Access era.
>(5) Open Archive Initiatives and research infrastructure in
>Australia, John Shipp, University of Sydney, and Colin Steele,
>Australian National University

> Summary of the very active national promotion of OA in Australia,
> including institutional self-archiving of articles as well as
> monographs.
>(6) Impact of OA on science in developing countries (including a report on
>the recent World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) meeting),
>Barbara Kirsop, Electronic Publishing Trust for Development

> Summary of OA developments in Developing Countries, describing
> how OA helps both in providing access to articles from Developed
> countries and in providing access to (and hence visibility and
> impact for) articles from Developing countries. Stressed the need
> for institutional self-archiving policies worldwide.
>(7) DAREnet: access to Dutch scientific results, Leo Waaijers, SURF/DARE

> Summary of very active DARE programme in the Netherlands:
> Institutional self-archiving and many other OA-related projects.
>(8) Achieving open access to UK research: the work of the Joint Information
>Systems Committee, Fred Friend, University College London

> Summary of JISC projects supporting OA.
>(9) OA: A Canadian update, Tim Mark, Canadian Association of Research

> Canadian Library initiatives.
>(10) Open Access: The French Approach, Francis Andre, CNRS/INIST [document,
>author unable to present on the day]

> French OA initiatives at CERN and INSERM national institutes in
> raising researcher awareness to the importance and benefits of
> OA.
>(11) Status report on OA in Germany, Theresa Velden, ZIM in the Max Planck

> The Berlin Declaration and further OA initiatives at the Max-Planck
> Institutes.
>(12) The OA situation in Norway, Jostein Hauge, Bergen University Library

> Summary of active and ambitious national institutional self-archiving
> programme in Norway as well as further OA developments in the other
> Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Finland, Denmark).
>(13) (brief presentation) Mark Thorley, NERC, on Research Councils
>UK position from their submission to the House of Commons Science &
>Technology (S&T) Committee enquiry into scientific publications
> Research Council interest in OA (and caution that the UK Parliamentary
> Committee is merely advisory, not legislative).
>(14) (brief presentation) Bruce Royan, on evidence from the Chartered
>Institute of Library and Information Professionals to the S&T Committee

> Strong statement supporting OA Provision by The Chartered Institute
> of Library and Information Professionals
>(15) (brief presentation) Prue Backway, DTI, for report on OECD
>Declaration On Access To Research Data From Public Funding. Related link:
>OECD Declaration,2340,en_2649_34487_25998799_1_1_1_1,00.html

> OECD Support for Data-Archiving (and perhaps also Article-Archiving?).
>(16) From e-Science to Publication_at_Source, Jeremy Frey and Mike
>Hursthouse, Southampton University (large file 3.0MB)

> Strong case for data self-archiving (chemistry) in the context
> of the EScience Grid.
>(17) OA and the Arts and Humanities, Michael Jubb, Arts and
>Humanities Research Board

> Suggestion that research monograph is more important in
> humanities research publication than the research journal,
> and that OA provision for humanities research articles is
> less advanced than in science.
>(18) OA: A funder's perspective, Robert Terry, The Wellcome Trust (large file 3.7MB)

> The Wellcome Trust's support for Open Access Provision
> for the outcomes of its funded research.
>(19) (brief presentation) Peter Murray-Rust, Cambridge University,
>on authors'/scientists' views

> The importance of access and re-using data in research databases.
>(20) (brief presentation) Neil Jacobs, Bristol University, on
>organisations' accountability requirements and ensuring that open archives
>make these easier to fulfilfil

> OA Archives need to be well organised and tagged.
>(21) A case study of the economic impact of OA on a university,
>Donald W. King, University of Pittsburgh

> Important data on the relationship between access and usage from
> a long-time analyst of reading and citing habits of scholars and
> scientists. Strong support for the "green" road of institutional
> self-archiving.
>(22) Publish or perish: Self-archive to flourish, Stevan Harnad,
>Southampton University [presentation slides]

> Universities and research funders need to extend the
> publish-or-perish mandate to now include open-access provision.
>(23) Outcomes and wrap up Colin Steele and Stevan Harnad
>Discussion on strategy, implementation and the way forward for
>Open Access
> Recommendations from the floor on ways to promote OA self-archiving
> by institutions and their researchers.
>Stevan Harnad

Steve Hitchcock
IAM Group, School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 3256 Fax: +44 (0)23 8059 2865
Received on Fri Mar 19 2004 - 17:12:23 GMT

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