Paris Open Access Seminar Announcement
[Re-posted from]
Open Access to Scientific and Technical information: State of the Art and
Future Trends 23-24 January 2003 - Henri Poincaré Lecture Hall - Carré des
Sciences - Ministère de la Recherche, Paris
New communication technology such as the Internet has brought about new
ways to access scientific electronic publications and concurrently has
favored, within the scientific and academic communities, the emergence of
far-reaching initiatives and projects, such as the Budapest Open Access
These same communities are also putting pressure on publishers to revise
their publishing policies and make digital information freely accessible.
In this context, the term "Open Access" covers all developments affecting
the access to scientific and technical information, including their
technical, organizational, economic, legal and political aspects.
The two-day seminar "Open Access to Scientific and Technical Information:
State of the Art and Future Trends", organized by the Institute for
Scientific and Technical Information of the French National Center for
Scientific Research (CNRS-INIST), the French Institute of Health and
Medical Research (INSERM) and the International Council for Scientific and
Technical Information (ICSTI), supported by the International Council for
Science (ICSU), will bring together international experts from the public
and private sectors to discuss the impact of "Open Access" initiatives.
The seminar, which has a European focus, concerns authors/researchers,
publishers, specialized libraries and document centers, funding bodies,
information service providers, technical standards developers, public
authorities, policy makers and international development agencies. Its
objective is two-fold:
·To provide an overview of the latest technical and economic developments
concerning the access to scientific and technical information.
·To envisage the developments that could be induced by the various
projects and initiatives on the open access to scientific and technical
Program and Registration:
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