Shaping the Network Society: Seattle May 16-19 2002

From: Doug Schuler <>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 21:50:08 +0100

   Patterns for Participation, Action, and Change

   Tomorrow's information and communication infrastructure
   is being shaped today. But by whom and to what ends?

   Seattle: May 16-19

Keynote Address on the Budapest Open Access Initiative

Friday morning, May 17.

    Open Research Access for an Open Society

    Stevan Harnad

    ABSTRACT: Not all information is or can be free: Texts that authors
    write in order to sell them (books, magazine articles) are unlikely
    to become give-aways, even in the digital network era. But there is
    one form of information that is and always has been an author
    give-away, even though in the Gutenberg era it too had had to be
    sold, and that is peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific research
    articles. These are written for only one purpose: so that they
    should be used by other researchers (read, cited, applied). Their
    authors have never sought or received royalties or fees in exchange
    for them; it was only the inescapable expense of paper printing and
    distribution that had forced the journals that published them to
    recover their costs through subscription and license charges in the
    paper era. That era is now over, but nothing has yet changed. The
    Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) is dedicated to hastening
    and facilitating the optimal and inevitable outcome: the transition
    from toll-based access to toll-free online access to this special
    literature (20,000 peer-reviewed journals, 2 million articles
    annually, most of them currently inaccessible to most researchers
    because of the toll-barriers) through two strategies: (1) helping
    to promote author/institution self-archiving of authors' own
    peer-reviewed, published articles and (2) helping to promote the
    conversion of established journals to open access and the
    establishment of new open-access journals. The benefits of opening
    access to the research literature will be felt not only by
    researchers worldwide, but by society as a whole.
Received on Fri Apr 26 2002 - 21:51:16 BST

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