On Tue, 29 May 2001, I posted message to this Forum which included this
criticism of the Chemistry Preprint Server (CPS):
[jt]>Another flaw [is that the CPS isn't] on the list of "Open Archives"
[jt]>So, the CPS archive doesn't meet an "inter-operability" criterion.
I've just received a copy of Volume 4, Issue 33 of the ChemWeb.com News
Bulletin (distributed to subscribers via email on August 15, 2001). It's
a special issue in recognition of the establishment of the CPS, a year ago
(on August 21, 2000 - the CPS is at:
An excerpt from this newsletter:
> The CPS was developed by closely following the Los Alamos archives
> (http://arxiv.org), which cover physics and related disciplines. In
> setting up the service ChemWeb.com has constantly referred to the Open
> Archive Initiative (http://www.openarchives.org) for e-print archives.
In this excerpt, it's emphasized that the design of the CPS server has
been guided by the Open Archives Initiative. But, it seems to me that a
crucial element, inter-operability of OAI-compliant eprint archives,
probably still isn't being met by the CPS server.
I've just visited the current list of registered OAI-conforming
repositories (see:
The CPS isn't listed. So, either it's registered but doesn't appear yet
on the list, it isn't registered, or it isn't fully OAI-conforming. I
suspect that it isn't fully OAI-conforming.
Have I missed something?
Jim Till
University of Toronto
Received on Wed Jan 03 2001 - 19:17:43 GMT