Python 3.5.2 |Anaconda 4.1.1 (x86_64)| (default, Jul 2 2016, 17:52:12)

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IPython 4.2.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

? -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.

%quickref -> Quick reference.

help -> Python's own help system.

object? -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.

%guiref -> A brief reference about the graphical user interface.

In [1]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

In [2]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

3 customers in queue1:

waiting customer: Takeda

waiting customer: Fangohr

waiting customer: Spearing

2 customers in queue2:

waiting customer: Peter

waiting customer: John

In [3]: q1

Out[3]: <__main__.Fifoqueue at 0x119ff1908>

In [4]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

3 customers in queue1:

waiting customer: Takeda

waiting customer: Fangohr

waiting customer: Spearing

2 customers in queue2:

waiting customer: Peter

waiting customer: John

In [5]: q1

Out[5]: <__main__.Fifoqueue at 0x118d24a90>

In [6]: str(q1)

Out[6]: 'I am a queue'

In [7]: repr(q1)

Out[7]: '<__main__.Fifoqueue object at 0x118d24a90>'

In [8]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

3 customers in queue1:

waiting customer: Takeda

waiting customer: Fangohr

waiting customer: Spearing

2 customers in queue2:

waiting customer: Peter

waiting customer: John

In [9]: q1

Out[9]: I am a queue

In [10]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

3 customers in queue1:

waiting customer: Takeda

waiting customer: Fangohr

waiting customer: Spearing

2 customers in queue2:

waiting customer: Peter

waiting customer: John

In [11]: q1

Out[11]: I am a queue with 3 customers

In [12]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

File "/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/", line 34

print "error:", deviation


SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'

In [13]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

File "/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/", line 78

print "Numpy version is %.1f times faster" %\


SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'

In [14]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 2.223029320536979e-16

Numpy version is 91.5 times faster

In [15]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 2.223029320536979e-16

Numpy version is 112.2 times faster

In [16]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 2.223029320536979e-16

Numpy version is 173.9 times faster

In [17]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 2.223029320536979e-16

Numpy version is 135.0 times faster

In [18]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 2.223029320536979e-16

Numpy version is 113.9 times faster

In [19]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 2.223029320536979e-16

Numpy version is 38.5 times faster

In [20]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 2.223029320536979e-16

Numpy version is 66.3 times faster

In [21]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 2.223029320536979e-16

Numpy version is 158.8 times faster

In [22]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 2.223029320536979e-16

Numpy version is 173.4 times faster

In [23]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 2.223029320536979e-16

Numpy version is 121.8 times faster

In [24]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 2.223029320536979e-16

Numpy version is 115.3 times faster

In [25]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 3.2512825073745733e-15

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<ipython-input-25-0edb81dc7dd4>", line 1, in <module>

runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

File "/Users/progprim/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/spyderlib/widgets/externalshell/", line 714, in runfile

execfile(filename, namespace)

File "/Users/progprim/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/spyderlib/widgets/externalshell/", line 89, in execfile

exec(compile(, filename, 'exec'), namespace)

File "/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/", line 82, in <module>


File "/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/", line 74, in main


File "/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/", line 35, in test_is_really_the_same

assert deviation < 1e-15


In [26]: %debug

> /Users/progprim/Desktop/code/

33 deviation = math.sqrt(sum((ys1 - ys2) ** 2))

34 print("error:", deviation)

---> 35 assert deviation < 1e-15



ipdb> p deviation


ipdb> exit

In [27]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 3.2512825073745733e-15

Numpy version is 71.7 times faster

In [28]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 3.2512825073745733e-15

Numpy version is 71.5 times faster

In [29]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 0.0

Numpy version is 1.6 times faster

In [30]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 0.0

Numpy version is 1.3 times faster

In [31]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 0.0

Numpy version is 1.3 times faster

In [32]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 0.0

Numpy version is 1.5 times faster

In [33]: %timeit loop1

10000000 loops, best of 3: 22.4 ns per loop

In [34]: %timeit loop2

10000000 loops, best of 3: 24.6 ns per loop

In [35]: runfile('/Users/progprim/Desktop/code/', wdir='/Users/progprim/Desktop/code')

error: 2.223029320536979e-16

Numpy version is 110.4 times faster

In [36]: %timeit loop1

The slowest run took 69.54 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.

10000000 loops, best of 3: 24.4 ns per loop

In [37]: %timeit loop2

10000000 loops, best of 3: 26.2 ns per loop

In [38]: """

    ...: Demo of image that's been clipped by a circular patch.

    ...: """

    ...: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    ...: import matplotlib.patches as patches

    ...: import matplotlib.cbook as cbook



    ...: image_file = cbook.get_sample_data('grace_hopper.png')

    ...: image = plt.imread(image_file)


    ...: fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    ...: im = ax.imshow(image)

    ...: patch = patches.Circle((260, 200), radius=200, transform=ax.transData)

    ...: im.set_clip_path(patch)


    ...: plt.axis('off')



In [39]: