Miscellaneous Work
- CombeChem Project Website - I have mainly added content to the events section of this website. I have also re-designed the page layout to make it more user-friendly. I also updated the publications list, a schedule for doing this can be found here.
- Peer Pigeon - Peer Pigeon is a Ruby-on-Rails project that is designed to help an organiser run a peer review workshop at a conference or similar.
Club Websites
- Southampton University Tenpin Bowling Club - Dave Tarrant and I re-designed this website, with a MySQL database back-end and a PHP front-end. Through this re-design, the time required to update the website with league results has been reduced from an hour or more to just five minutes. The re-design also allows generation of all types of statistics on the fly using data from the MySQL database. As of October 2007 the scores submission system has been adopted by BUSA Tenpin and is currently used by 12 different universities. See BUSA Tenpin Scores & Stats.
- SOWN (Southampton Open Wireless Network) - I have help develop various pages on the SOWN website as well as the web-based admin system used by SOWN. In particular I am responsible for pages concerning node request and deployment.
Page written by David R Newman (drn[at]ecs.soton.ac.uk). Last updated June 27 2018 14:44:20.