All magic files should be placed in the directory:
The files will be located in the two sub-directories
as detailed in the original specification:
containing the cells of your cell library.
containing the hierarchical cells created for this exercise.
The top level cell should be cpu.mag which should include
the cpu_core and all the cells from the pad ring.
All SystemVerilog files should be placed in the directory:
This directory should contain all files necessary for HDL simulation
and modelling.
In addition to the simulate script, this directory will contain
five sub directories (other sub-directories such as mixed or
gate_level may exist but will not be considered part of this
This sub-directory contains the system HDL files as provided to you.
This sub-directory contains the high level SystemVerilog HDL model of the processor.
This is likely to differ from the behavioural model submitted previously
as you will have developed your design in the light of your experiences
with circuit design, layout and in particular SystemVerilog synthesis.
The top level cell should be
This sub-directory contains the structural SystemVerilog HDL model of your
processor as extracted from your magic files.
The top level cell should be which will reference the
circuit description from cpu.svnet.
This directory will also contain the usual support files:
opcodes.svh,,, system.tcl,
and system.fig(optional).
The final file in this directory is a special stimulus file,, which provides a simple scan path test.
This sub-directory contains the program files for each of a number of
test programs for your processor.
The three programs required for this handin are multiply,
factorial and random as detailed in the
programs specification.
The files required in this directory are:, multiply.asm, multiply.hex
and multiply.txt, factorial.asm, factorial.hex
and factorial.txt, random.asm, random.hex
and random.txt
In addition, files for the interrupt program are required
if your processor supports interrupts:, interrupt.asm, interrupt.hex
and interrupt.txt
The file formats for these files are described in the documentation
for the behavioural handin.
Note that the <prog>.sv files may be omitted from this handin
where the <prog>.hex and <prog>.txt files are
automatically generated from <prog>.asm by an assembler
In addition, simulations for the interrupt program are required
if your processor supports interrupts:
The commands required for other simulations (e.g. a simple scan path test)
should be documented in your report.
Most years at least one team implements an assembler for their processor.
If you have an assembler, you should place all relevant files in
~/design/fcde/verilog/assembler (including a README file to
explain how to use the assembler).
If you have no assembler then you should not create the assembler
This will run some tests and then
copy your design files into a "tar" format archive
file "handin.tar". You can then submit this file via the
handin system.
It is suggested that you try out the handin script early (several
days before the deadline).
If your design fails the tests carried out in the handin script,
it will fail automated testing.
Iain McNallyDeliverables
cd ~/design/fcde/magic/design
magic cpu
Here you should be able to open the cpu cell and view the whole design.
If you select the full design and type :expand you will be
warned if any cells are missing or if timestamps are wrong.
If you have copied the files correctly you will be able to exit from
magic without being prompted to save updated cells.
fcde_magic_tarball cpu
This command is used by the handin script to create a tar file including
all of the magic files. Testing here is more rigorous, including checks
for misplaced files (e.g. leaf cells in the design directory) and files
that have been corrupted by DOS programs such as PC mailers.
cd ~/design/fcde/verilog
./simulate behavioural programs/multiply.hex +define+switch_value=1798
./simulate behavioural programs/factorial.hex +define+switch_value=7
./simulate behavioural programs/random.hex +define+switch_value=303
./simulate extracted programs/multiply.hex +define+switch_value=1798
./simulate extracted programs/factorial.hex +define+switch_value=3
./simulate extracted programs/random.hex +define+switch_value=303
Here you should be able to run three different simulations on each of the
SystemVerilog descriptions. Note that the switch value is used to specify
either the number for which we want the factorial or the seed
for the random number generator (The extracted simulation for
factorial uses a smaller number since the transistor level
simulation is much slower).
Results are written to the LEDs so that they can be easily
./simulate behavioural programs/interrupt.hex programs/serial_data.hex
./simulate extracted programs/interrupt.hex programs/serial_data.hex
Hand-in Script