DFT version

RTL Synthesis using Design Compiler

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

  1. Set up the DC RTL Synthesis Software and run synthesis tasks
  2. Synthesize a simple RTL design
  3. Create your own scripts
  4. Carry out basic timing and power analysis based on the results

Digital Design Flow

Design Compiler Lab Instructions

For this lab you will need:

  1. A synthesizable Verilog of the design (this is provided)
  2. Library Setup File (this is provided)

Synthesis Process

Set up the library
Read in Design
Add Constraints
Design Analysis
Timing Optimization
Design Write Out

Design Directory Management

  1. Create a directory for your digital design project (e.g. ~/design/ams/ams_demo)
  2. Inside this directory create sub-directories called behavioural, constraints and gate_level. Copy your hdl design files into the behavioural directory.
  3. Also create a sub-directory for your synthesis files and call it synthesis. You need to save the library setup file ".synopsys_dc.setup" in this folder.
    note that you will probably have to rename this file as it is likely to have been saved without the first "."
    (alternatively if you run the command do_c35b4_copy_synopsys_setup from within the synthesis directory this should copy the setup file and give it the correct name).
         |               |               |               |
    behavioural      constraints     gate_level      synthesis

How to setup Linux Environment to run DC

Read in the HDL


Add Constraints

Add Constraints: Defining the clock

Add Constraints: Optimize Area


Specifying the ports for Scan path insertion

This tells the which ports to use for the scan path control signals:

    set_dft_signal -view existing_dft -type ScanClock   -port <clock_port>  -timing {5 15}
    set_dft_signal -view existing_dft -type Reset       -port <nreset_port> -active_state 0

    set_dft_signal -view spec         -type ScanEnable  -port <test_port>   -active_state 1
    set_dft_signal -view spec         -type ScanDataIn  -port <sdi_port> 
    set_dft_signal -view spec         -type ScanDataOut -port <sdo_port> 

For the qmults example the following ports should work:

    set_dft_signal -view existing_dft -type ScanClock   -port Clock  -timing {5 15}
    set_dft_signal -view existing_dft -type Reset       -port nReset -active_state 0

    set_dft_signal -view spec         -type ScanEnable  -port Test   -active_state 1
    set_dft_signal -view spec         -type ScanDataIn  -port SDI 
    set_dft_signal -view spec         -type ScanDataOut -port SDO 

Scan path insertion

    set_scan_configuration -chain_count 1

Design Analysis

Design Analysis: Power Report

Design Analysis: Timing

Design Analysis: Save Reports

Timing Optimization

Fix Naming

It is important to ensure that the naming styles of variable in the design are appropriatefor the target output language we are using (Verilog in this case). We can firstly see what names need changing:

    report_names -rules verilog

If we are happy with the proposed new names we can perform the name changing process:

    change_names -rules verilog -hierarchy -verbose

Save Out the Design:

This is the final step in the synthesis flow, it allows the designer to transfer the synthesised circuit to the next stage of the design flow. This can be done as follows:

  1. 1. For Place and Route Stage: You need to save the following files:
  2. 2. For post synthesis simulation: You need to save the following files:

The easy way…

Using Design Vision

Simple Script

    analyze -format verilog  "../behavioural/qmults.sv ../behavioural/wrap_qmults.sv"

    elaborate wrap_qmults
    create_clock -name master_clock  -period 20 [get_ports Clock]
    report_area > synth_area.rpt
    report_power > synth_power.rpt
    change_names -rules verilog -hierarchy -verbose

    write -f verilog -hierarchy -output "../gate_level/wrap_qmults.v"

    write_sdc ../constraints/wrap_qmults.sdc
    write_sdf ../gate_level/wrap_qmults.sdf


Discussion Points

  1. What is the maximum frequency you can achieve? Can you optimise the design further? Explain how
  2. How does optimizing design performance affect its area overhead?
  3. How does optimizing design performance affects its energy dissipation?
  4. How can you resolve hold time violations?

Appendix 1: Optimization using synthesis tool

There are many ways in which a designer can tweak the design at the synthesis stage to obtain the target performance :

Compilation with map_effort high option

Register Balancing

Removing Hierarchy

Choosing High-Speed Implementation for High-level Functional Module

How to Fix Hold Time Violation