/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // options.sv - 2024/2025 // // This options file sets a number of compile time options // which are necessary for successful simulation // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following line specifies the clock period // `define clock_period 30517.6ns // // The default frequency of 32.768kHz is based on a freely available clock chip // If you choose to vary this frequency you should base your new frequency // on another freely available clock chip and you should give details in your // design documentation (technical note) // The following line indicates that a file "monitor.sv" exists and contains // custom monitoring information // //`define special_monitor // The following line indicates that the model does not support scan path // signals // (Test, SDI, SDO) // `define no_scan_signals // The following line indicates that the model supports separate scan control // signals // (Test, ScanEnable) // //`define scan_enable // The following line indicates that the model does not properly simulate // the pullup behaviour of the pads and an external pullup should be // simulated. // (this overcomes a problem with the simulation of the ICUP pad cell) // //`define external_pullup // The following line indicates that synchronisation of inputs is a function // of the wrapper file: "altimeter.sv". This is a good place to do the // synchronisation if you wish to control the choice of gates used in the // synchroniser. // //`define synchronise_inputs_within_wrapper // The following line indicates that synchronisation of reset is a function // of the wrapper file: "altimeter.sv". This is a good place to do the // synchronisation if you wish to control the choice of gates used in the // synchroniser. // //`define synchronise_reset_within_wrapper // The following line indicates that the stimulus should ensure that the // hall effect inputs and button signals are well behaved to avoid setup // and hold violations during simulation. // //`define sanitise_input // The following line specifies a start-up time for the sports altimeter // After reset, the testbench should wait for this time before expecting // the device to work // //`define start_up_time 500ms // Uncomment the following line to indicate that your sports altimeter // supports an OLED display // //`define include_oled // Uncomment the following line to indicate that your sports altimeter // supports an Alarm buzzer // //`define include_alarm // Uncomment the following line to indicate that the altimeter sensor // is a simple one which returns the pressure in Pascals // `define use_simple_sensor // Uncomment ONE of the following lines to indicate that the alitimeter // is designed for a specific purpose // (the default is for a multi-purpose altimeter) // `define mountain_sports //`define aerial_sports // The following line specifies the number of operating modes // `define num_modes 3 // The following lines specify the sequence of operating modes after reset // `define Mode0 Pressure `define Mode1 Altitude `define Mode2 TripTime //`define Mode3 VerticalSpeed