The final versions of these documents is available on the web. The paper copies (one per team) may be picked up from Chris Harris in Stores from Monday.
The "simulate_final" code now does some more tests in order to check more of the specification.
Some teams may have to use the VDD or GND cells to tie signals within there designs. For instance if you support all the modes then the Unsupported signal can be driven from VDD via an inverter (note that connecting it directly to GND would cause a name clash).
A bug which prevented the simulation of schematics using VDD/GND has been identified and corrected. Note that the VDD/GND cells are ignored by LVS so if you make a mistake with them LVS won't tell you - use these cells with caution.
You can simulate a programmable down counter module by selection "-simulate downcount" in place of "-simulate test" or "-simulate final" or "-simulate any". The simulation will work if the inputs to the counter are named : CLOCK, nRESET, Mode0, Mode1 & Trigger. Note that no pass/fail result is given this will be up to you to decide.
There appears to be some confusion over the Signed input to the multiply unit controller. If the Signed input is asserted (high) it indicates that both A and B are 2's complement signed numbers. If the Signed input is not asserted then both A and B are unsigned.
Note that the input does not tell us if the numbers are negative only that they are signed, for 2's complement numbers a negative value is indicated by a '1' in the most signifcant bit position. (c.f. +5 -6 -12 +3 are all signed decimal numbers but you must check the sign to see if the number is negative)
Plotting from Icebox now works although currently only in black and white (sufficient for the interim report).
I plotted from the ECAD lab to Snowdon in the main lab since there are apparently still problems with printing to Goudy (unrelated to Icebox).
LVS is now available.
With current installations of Windows 2000 and Exceed the Waves window displayed by Exceed pops up behind the icebox window.
Simply select Waves icon from the icon bar to bring it into view.
The Introductory meeting will take place on Thursday 19th October at 14:00 in Law lecture theatre A.
(This lecture theatre is in the middle of the Nuffield Foyer)
All students doing D2 this year must attend.