Your initial task is to implement a random number generator based on the one previously used for the dice design exercise.
Two cells will be designed; the first will include the gates required to complete the random number generator function while the second will be a top level cell including the I/O buffers required by the FPGA.
This hierarchical approach helps to introduce you to the Cadence tools and allows easy expansion to produce a full implementation of your dice design.
You should verify your design using verilog simulation and download it onto a Xilinx FPGA for final testing.
You are not required to write a formal report on this exercise, but you should ensure that you keep a good record of the work done in your laboratory log book. As mentioned for an earlier exercise, log books do not contain loose paper; handouts and printouts are attached permanently using staples or glue, anything which falls out when a log book is shaken is not considered for marking.
change to a new directory which will contain the cadence database files
sparc% mkdir -p ~/design/cadence/xilinx/hier sparc% cd ~/design/cadence/xilinx/hier
start Cadence for Xilinx libraries
sparc% cds_xilinx
open a new library
use the Command Interpreter Window menus then fill in the form
File -> New -> Library... New Library Library Name [ <my_lib> ] Technology File [x] Don't need a techfile OK
open a new design for edit
File -> New -> Cellview... Create New File Library Name [ <my_lib> - ] Cell Name [ <my_cell> ] View Name [ schematic ] OK
add instances as required:
note that each of the following commands can be invoked in at least four ways, you should experiment with the different methods to decide which suits you best.
Add -> Instance ... Add Instance Library [ xc4000 ] Cell [ <xilinx_cell> ] View [ symbol ]
add wires:
Add -> Wire (narrow)
add pins:
Add -> Pin ... Add Pin Pin Names [ <my_pin> ] Direction <input/output>note that bus signals in cadence are specified using angle brackets - e.g. count<3:0>
check and save cellview
Design -> Check and Save
create symbol for use in higher levels
Design -> Create Cellview -> From Cellview ...
defaults should create an appropriate symbol from your schematic
close the resulting symbol editor window
initialize the environment for a Verilog simulation (from the schematic editor window)
Tools -> Simulation -> Verilog-XL
defaults should be fine to open a new Verilog-XL control window
create a stimulus file for the simulation
Stimulus -> Verilog
when prompted agree to create a new stimulus template file
Stimulus Options Mode [x] Copy Copy From: File Name [ testfixture.verilog ] Copy To: File Name [ <my_cell>_stim.v ] [x] Make Curent Test Fixture OK
Edit the new stimulus file
Stimulus -> Verilog Stimulus Options Mode [x] Edit File Name [ <my_cell>_stim.v ] [x] Make Curent Test Fixture [x] Check Verilog Syntax OK
add stimulus information as required
add time delays and appropriate inputs
terminate with $finish;
start simulation
Simulation -> Start Interactive
continue until $finish;
Simulation -> Continue
view output
open waveform window (from Verilog-XL control window)
Debug -> Utilities -> View Waveforms
Find required signals using SignalScan Design Browser and copy and paste them to the waveform window. This can be done by selecting the GetDeepAll button followed by the AddToWave button after opening the Design Browser using the DesBrows:1 button. Select full zoom in X direction to see the results: ZmOutXfull.
To probe additional signals, type $shm_probe("AC"); after selecting Start Interactive. You will probably have to be more selective when choosing signals from the Design Browser window to ensure you see only the signals you want.
for subsequent cells you should repeat the described schematic cell design and simulation steps
for the cell at the top of the hierarchy you must include details of the FPGA pinout.
include io buffer cells ibuf and obuf
for each such buffer cell you should specify the pin location
Edit -> Properties -> Objects...
select one of the io buffer cells
Edit Object Properties :- Add Add Property Name [ LOC ] Value [ P<n> ] OK
change display status for the new property to both and then Apply the changes you have made.
the result should be similar to that shown below:
repeat the process for the remaining io pins.
Since the hardware has already been built, you are restricted in your choice of pinout. Although other pins are connected, the following should suffice for this exercise:
system inputs | |
clock | P13 |
_reset | P56 |
LEDs for dice display (active high) | |
TL | P84 |
ML | P6 |
BL | P8 |
MC | P4 |
TR | P80 |
MR | P78 |
BR | P82 |
7-segment display (active low) | |
a | P49 |
b | P48 |
c | P47 |
d | P46 |
e | P45 |
f | P50 |
g | P51 |
dp | P41 |
general purpose inputs | |
SW5-1 | P27 |
SW5-0 | P28 |
general purpose outputs(active low) | |
O0 | P60 |
O1 | P59 |
O2 | P58 |
O3 | P57 |
O4 | P66 |
O5 | P65 |
O6 | P62 |
O7 | P61 |
Having designed and simulated the top level cell you will need to create a Xilinx bitstream file suitable for downloading into the FPGA.
From a unix command window ensure that you are in the correct design directory.
sparc% cd ~/design/cadence/xilinx/hier
Now run the following script:
sparc% alliance_script <my_lib> <top_cell>
this command will:
Create an alliance/my_lib/top_cell directory in which the Xilinx tools will be run
Create a top_cell.xnf Xilinx netlist file
Create a top_cell.bit Xilinx bitstream file
If errors are reported consult the appropriate log files in the alliance/my_lib/top_cell directory for details.
Alternatively you might like to try re-running the script in interactive mode:
sparc% alliance_script -i <my_lib> <top_cell>
One of the workstations should have the XC4000 Design Demonstration Board connected to it via an Xchecker cable attached to serial port B.
open a remote window on the appropriate workstation (where remote login is not permitted you will have to login directly to this workstation).
change to the alliance/my_lib/top_cell directory.
xihost% cd ~/design/cadence/xilinx/hier/alliance/<my_lib>/<top_cell>
run the download software.
xihost% hwdebugr <top_cell>.bit
If everything has gone exceptionally well you should find that the demonstration board performs the function you have designed.
The Example design shown below illustrates many features that you will need to incorporate in your own designs.
The following figure shows a design for a 3 bit counter.
The fdc D-type has no nq output, hence an inverter is required for the generation of Count<0>.
The inverter on the nReset input to allow for the active high clear on the D-types.
The wire labels for Count<0>...Count<2> are used to make connection to the Count<2:0> ouput pin. This join by label technique is often used to reduce the clutter on schematic diagrams.
The following figure shows the corresponding top level cell.
The count symbol is used to reference the count schematic above.
Each ibuf and obuf has a LOC value to map it to the appropriate FPGA pin.
Inverters are used on the outputs to provide the required active low signals.
All Cadence documentation is available on-line via openbook. Type the following at the unix command prompt in order to invoke openbook:
openbook IC
Additionally Xilinx documentation for FPGAs and the Alliance software is available as on-line help or from the Xilinx web site.
Iain McNally