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Alireza Ejlali,
& Petru Eles
, 2012 , IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems , 31 (3) , 329--342
Type: article
Haider Muhi Abbas,
, 2017 , Microelectronics Reliability , 79 (12) , 79--90
Type: article
Nynke R. Oosterhuis,
Anne-Roos S. Frenay,
Sebastiaan Wesseling,
Pauline M. Snijder,
Gisela G. Slaats,
Saleh Yazdani,
Rachel H. Giles,
Marianne C. Verhaar,
Jaap A. Joles,
& Harry van Goor
, 2015 , Nitric Oxide , 49 , 56--66
Type: article
, 2012 , Control Engineering Practice , 20 (5) , 489--498
Type: article
Anna C. Phillips,
Douglas Carroll,
Janet M. Lord,
Wiebke Arlt,
& G. David Batty
, 2010 , European journal of endocrinology , 163 (2) , 285--292
Type: article
Nigel F. Hall,
& Christopher N. Martyn
, 2001 , Ophthalmology , 108 (11) , 1992--1998
Type: article