Research project

Evaluating the impact of a molecular point-of-care test and treat strategy for influenza in hospitalised adults


Lead researchers

Professor Tristan Clark

Professor of Infectious Diseases
Connect with Tristan
Other researchers

Dr Sean Ewings

Associate Professor Head of Statistics
Connect with Sean

Professor Joanne Lord

Director of SHTAC

Research interests

  • Joanne has research interests in health economic evaluation and decision modelling.
  • She has worked on a wide range of applied cost-effectiveness studies, including:
  • a review of newborn screening for inborn errors of metabolism;trials of diagnosis, patient education, structured decision-making and therapeutic interventions for arthritis and back pain;evaluations of diagnostic tests, preventive treatment and contact tracing for tuberculosis;a model of geographic allocation of resources for control of Chagas disease in Central America; andanalyses relating to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Her methodological contributions include an MRC funded project on whole pathway modelling for NICE clinical guidelines and an economic perspective on test evaluation. She has also contributed to health outcome and quality of life studies.
Connect with Joanne

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Tristan Clark, Nathan Brendish, Stephen Poole, Vasanth Naidu, Christopher Mansbridge, Nicholas Norton, Helen Wheeler, Laura Presland & Sean Ewings, 2020, Journal of Infection, 81(4), 607-613
Type: article
H Burke, A Freeman, D C Cellura, B L Stuart, N J Brendish, S Poole, F Borca, H T T Phan, N Sheard, S Williams, C M Spalluto, K J Staples, T W Clark & T M A Wilkinson, 2020, Respiratory Research, 21(1), 245
Type: article
Tristan Clark, Simon de Lusignan, Uy Hoang, Harshana Liyanage, Manasa Tripathy, Ivelina Yonova, Rachel Byford, Filipa Ferreira & Javier Diez-Domingo, 2020, The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 70(697), 555-562
Type: article
Nathan J. Brendish, Stephen Poole & Tristan W. Clark, 2020, Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 26(8), 1105-1106
Type: letterEditorial