Research project

Climate Response to Orbital Forcing During The Eocene Deglaciated, High Temperature, High CO2 State: New Records From Sites 1210, 1258 & 1267


Lead researchers

Professor Paul Wilson


Research interests

  • Greenhouse climates
  • Ice sheet instability
  •  Monsoons and Rainfall Deserts and Aridity 
Connect with Paul

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

K.M. Edgar, S.M. Bohaty, S.J. Gibbs, P.F. Sexton, R.D. Norris & P.A. Wilson, 2013, Geology, 41(1), 15-18
Type: article
P.F. Sexton, R.D. Norris, P.A. Wilson, H. Pälike, T. Westerhold, U. Röhl, Clara T. Bolton & S.J. Gibbs, 2011, Nature, 471(7338), 349-353
Type: article
Ian C. Harding, Adam J. Charles, John E.A. Marshall, Heiko Pälike, Andrew P. Roberts, Paul A. Wilson, Edward Jarvis, Robert Thorne, Emily Morris, Rebecca Moremon, Richard B. Pearce & Shir Akbari, 2011, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 303(1-2), 97-107
Type: article
Jochen Erbacher, Oliver Friedrich, Paul Wilson, Jens Lehmann & Wolfgang Weiss, 2011, Geology, 39(3), 223-226
Type: article