Research group

Healthy Oceans

Shoal of herring swimming in the ocean

Ocean health links researchers and practitioners in all aspects of marine biology. This includes resilience, biodiversity, conservation, evolution, and the impacts of pollution and anthropogenic activities on marine ecosystems.


The Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute (SMMI) Healthy Oceans Special Interest Group promotes cutting-edge research and engaged industry expertise to address the critical environmental, ecological and conservation challenges facing our oceans. 

Our collaborative approach aims to bridge the gap between academia, policy, industry, and the public. This enables us to develop and communicate innovative solutions that contribute to the health of our oceans.

We are particularly interested in key areas such as: 

  • monitoring marine biodiversity
  • investigating the impacts of marine pollution
  • understanding anthropogenic impacts on marine life
  • exploring marine resilience  

Our interests span spatial scales from studies of individual organisms to those covering whole ecosystems and the communities that depend upon them.  

To find out more about the Healthy Oceans Special Interest Group and what we do, get in touch with group champion Christopher Goatley.

Join the SMMI Community to sign up to this group and our other special interest groups.

People, projects and publications


Dr Crystal El Safadi

Associate Professor Maritime Archaeology

Research interests

  • Ancient Mediterranean Seafaring
  • Maritime Cultural Heritage
  • Geospatial Data and Mapping

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Crystal

Professor Damon Teagle

Director of SMMI

Research interests

  • • Formation and evolution of the ocean crust
  • • Fluid-rock interactions and Ore mineralisation
  • • Geochemical analysis

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Damon

Miss Fiona Woods

Research interests

  • Restoration ecology
  • Ecosystem functions and services
  • Nutrient remediation
Connect with Fiona

Miss Freya Ivy Palmer

Research interests

  • Systems thinking and system dynamics 
  • Sustainable marine fisheries
  • Resource resilience
Connect with Freya Ivy

Dr Giulia Champion PhD

Research Fellow (Anniversary Fellowship)

Research interests

  • Blue, Energy and Environmental Humanities
  • Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies
  • Marine and Maritime Cultural Productions
Connect with Giulia

Mr Gyanendro Loitongbam PhD

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • the application of Natural Language Processing tasks,
  • multimodal text analysis,
  • sentiment analysis on social media data,

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Gyanendro

Miss Hannah Witt

Research interests

  • Deep Sea Mining Law of the SeaCommon Heritage of MankindOcean GovernanceSustainability
Connect with Hannah

Dr Jan Janouskovec PhD

Lecturer in Ecology

Research interests

  • Protist diversity and ecology
  • Evolution of eukaryotic cells
  • Metabolism in plastids & mitochondria

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Jan

Professor Jasmin Godbold


Research interests

  • Changes in seafloor biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
  • Effect of human activities and environmental change on species-environment interactions 
  • Trait-expression in benthic invertebrates

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Jasmin

Professor Joerg Fliege

Professor of Operational Research

Research interests

  • Nonlinear Optimization
  • Discrete Optimization
  • Operational Research

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Joerg

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If you're interested in joining us or collaborating, get in touch with the Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute.