Research group

Digital Oceans

Blue digital dots forming a horizontal wave KanawatVector©

A collaborative platform for exploring advancements and exchanging expertise in digital technology within the marine and maritime space. We foster innovation and research.


Research areas

Marine solutions and economies are expanding along with increasing threats to the marine environment. Harnessing progress in digital oceans is essential for addressing global and local challenges.

Digital Oceans focuses on advances in marine digital technology, in areas such as:

  • artificial intelligence
  • data infrastructure and management
  • ocean mapping
  • simulation
  • visualisation such as digital twins

Digital Oceans is a special interest group that aims to establish a collaborative platform for researchers to engage in marine digital applications and methods. Their interest is in a deeper understating of our oceans and in data-driven insights that can inform sustainable practices. They use digital innovation to address practices and changes affecting our marine environments. 

Digital Oceans facilitates efficiency and accessibility. This is achieved through advances in artificial intelligence that improve data analysis and decision-making processes; the optimisation of data structures and management; and new frontiers in ocean mapping, simulation and visualisations.

Our ambition is to:

  • promote and champion Digital Oceans
  • increase awareness to marine digital technologies 
  • foster collaborations and the exchange of ideas 

The Digital Oceans group strives to bridge the gap between cutting-edge marine digital technologies and social and human sciences. 

Our vision is to promote environmental stewardship and help innovations to impact our oceans and the global community.  

To find out more about the Digital Oceans Special Interest Group and what we do, get in touch with group champions Alexandra Karamitrou, Crystal El Safadi, Philip Leadbitter and Hugo Putuhena.

Join the SMMI Community to sign up to this group and our other special interest groups.

People, projects and publications


Dr Crystal El Safadi

Associate Professor Maritime Archaeology

Research interests

  • Ancient Mediterranean Seafaring
  • Maritime Cultural Heritage
  • Geospatial Data and Mapping

Accepting applications from PhD students

Connect with Crystal

Professor Damon Teagle

Director of SMMI

Research interests

  • • Formation and evolution of the ocean crust
  • • Fluid-rock interactions and Ore mineralisation
  • • Geochemical analysis

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor Dominic Hudson

Shell Professor in Ship Efficiency

Research interests

  • All aspects of hydrodynamics, 
  • particularly as related to ship design,
  • operation for energy efficiency. 

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor Emma Tompkins

Prof of Geog, Environment & Development

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor Fraser Sturt

Deputy Director SMMI

Research interests

  • Maritme Archaeology
  • Geomatics
  • Evaluation methods

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Miss Freya Ivy Palmer

Research interests

  • Systems thinking and system dynamics 
  • Sustainable marine fisheries
  • Resource resilience
Connect with Freya Ivy

Dr Giulia Champion PhD

Research Fellow (Anniversary Fellowship)

Research interests

  • Blue, Energy and Environmental Humanities
  • Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies
  • Marine and Maritime Cultural Productions
Connect with Giulia

Mr Gyanendro Loitongbam PhD

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • the application of Natural Language Processing tasks,
  • multimodal text analysis,
  • sentiment analysis on social media data,

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Hachem Kassem


Research interests

  • Nearshore hydrodynamics and coastal sediment dynamics
  • Coastal and ocean engineering and flow-structure-seabed-biota interactions
  • Adaptive, nature-inclusive solutions to climate-mediated geohazards, including flooding, erosion and habitat degradation

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Hannah Stones


Research interests

  • Maritime Law
  • Remote-Controlled and Autonomous Shipping
  • Passenger Shipping

Accepting applications from PhD students

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If you're interested in joining us or collaborating, get in touch with the Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute.