Doctor Alix Chadwell

Dr Alix Chadwell

Res Fellow (Anniversary Fellowship) Med

Accepting applications from PhD students.

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18 publications
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Alix Chadwell, Laura Diment, Maria Encarnacion Mico Amigo, Dafne Morgado Ramirez, Alexander Dickinson, Malcolm Granat, Laurence Kenney, Sisary Kheng, Mohammad Sobuh, Robert Ssekitoleko & Peter Worsley, 2020, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 17(1), 1-26
Type: review
Alix Chadwell, Laurence Kenney, David Howard, Robert T. Ssekitoleko, Brenda T. Nakandi & John Head, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 28(9), 2005-2014
Type: article
Alix Chadwell, Laurence Kenney, Malcolm Granat, Sibylle Thies, Adam Galpin & John Head, 2019, Scientific Data, 6(1)
Type: article
Gavin Buckingham, Johnny Parr, Greg Wood, Sarah Day, Alix Chadwell, John Head, Adam Galpin, Laurence Kenney, Peter Kyberd, Emma Gowen & Ellen Poliakoff, 2019, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 26(4), 1295-1302
Type: article
A. Chadwell, L. Kenney, M Granat, S. Thies, J. Head, A. Galpin, R. Baker & J. Kulkarni, 2018, Scientific Reports, 8(1)
Type: article
Alix Chadwell, Laurence Kenney, Malcolm Granat, Sibylle Thies, John Head & Adam Galpin, 2018, Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 42(1), 37-44
Type: article
Alix Chadwell, Laurence Kenney, Sibylle Thies, Adam Galpin & John Head, 2016, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 10(AUG)
Type: article