Dr Kordo Saeed

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112 publications
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E. Pett, K. Saeed & M. Dryden, 2014, Infection, 42(2), 363-370
Type: article
Matthew Dryden, Clare Goddard, Aznvik Madadi, Michael Heard, Kordo Saeed & Jonathan Cooke, 2014, British Journal of Midwifery, 22(2), 111-115
Type: article
Kordo Saeed, Nusreen Ahmad & Matthew Dryden, 2014, Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, 14(1), 47-54
Type: review
M. Jog, R. Sachidananda & K. Saeed, 2013, Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 127(8), 799-801
Type: article
Kordo Saeed, Matthew Dryden, Tina Chambers, Jenny Clarke, Christopher Winnard, Natalie Parker, Sheryl Lucero & William Hook, 2013, Techniques in Orthopaedics, 28(2), 201-206
Type: article
Matthew Dryden & Kordo Saeed, 2012, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 67(9), 2289–2296
Type: article
K. Saeed, M. Dryden, S. Bourne, C. Paget & A. Proud, 2011, Journal of Hospital Infection, 78(4), 289-292
Type: article
Kordo Saeed, Timothy Stannard, Matthew Dryden & Helen Lambert, 2011, British Journal of General Practice, 61(591), 606
Type: letterEditorial
K. Saeed, M. Dryden & R. Parnaby, 2010, Journal of Hospital Infection, 76(3), 267-268
Type: letterEditorial