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The University of Southampton
Social Sciences Faculty International Office

Successful Meet and Greet Programme for 2016 Partnership Students

Published: 24 September 2016
Successful Meet and Greet Programme

This September staff from the Faculty International Partnerships Office as well as a team of bilingual student helpers ran a two day meet and greet event for our partnership students.

Working across all of the terminals in London Heathrow, the team of seven picked up over 45 students in addition to several family members who were travelling with them. Students were then taken by coach back to Southampton, and helped to move into their halls of residence. Drinks and light refreshments were provided, as well as an information pack with lots of helpful advice about moving to the UK and the best 'next steps' to take.

Despite some minor setbacks due to an unexpectedly large amount of luggage, the Meet and Greet service was very successful in helping students feel welcome, both to the UK and to the University of Southampton. Next year FIPO is planning to work with the central University International Office to make the service even better.

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