GLE: ploting graphs

First check if gle is already installed at your computer, by typing gle at the command prompt:
~/> gle
GLE version 4.0.10a
Usage: gle [options]
More information: gle -help
The above message means that gle is already installed at your computer.

GLE example

You can also download and try three of my gle graph examples here: gle-example.tgz, gle-example-2.tgz and gle-example-3.tgz, to see how a gle file format looks like and how it read the data. More advanced gle example including text and arrow-lines here.
[To unzip a tgz file, use the command: tar xvzf [filename].tgz]

You can download the GLE manual from the GLE website or from here.

One very useful script to create a Postscript file for upto 12 eps files, for the sake of easy printing and easy comparisons:
1) Right click the mouse and save it to your computer: script.
2) make it executable by: chmod a+x make_nup_gle
3) Type the script's name make_nup_gle at the command prompt to read the documentation.
4) Example of use, to create an A4 page having 4 graphs(1.eps, 2.eps, 3.eps& 4.eps) on it:
make_nup_gle 1.eps 2.eps 3.eps 4.eps >; gle -device ps ; gv -media a4

GLE Installation for Kubuntu or SuSe10

This documentation is based on the GLE website.

1) Download the source codes from the GLE website or from here.

2) Unzip the souce code in a directory say ~/test:
~/test$ unzip

3) Go inside this directory after the unzip: ~/test/gle-4.0.10a
~/test$ cd gle-4.0.10a

4) Before you compile the codes. You need to install the following packages in your Kubuntu:

You can do that using the Adept package manager. Start from the left bottom corner of your Kubuntu screen:
K->System->Package Manager (Adept)

You need to have admin privilege to use the Adept. To have admin privilege you need to change to superuser using command 'su', then use the 'visudo' to add this line into the end of the file:
[username] ALL=(ALL) ALL
where [username] is your username in your kubuntu.

For example, to install libtiff4-dev:
For a quick search, type part of the package name into the 'Quick Filter' windows of Adept, e.g.: tiff
Then click on libtiff4-dev from the listed packages.
Click 'Install Package' under the libtiff4-dev menu.
Now install it by clicking on the 'Commit Changes' button of Adept.
Do the same for the other packages.

As for SuSe 10 system, install the following packages:
libtiff-devel and libpng-devel

5) Now comes the easy part. Compile the source codes:
~/test/gle-4.0.10a$ export GLE_TOP=~/test/gle-4.0.10a/bin
~/test/gle-4.0.10a$ make -f Makefile.gcc
~/test/gle-4.0.10a$ su
~/test/gle-4.0.10a# make -f Makefile.gcc install

6) In this new gle package, you don't need the '-deps' argument when generating an eps file. For example:
[old] $gle -deps
[new] $gle
Alternatively you can choose to generate an eps or ps file using the -device command like:
[new] $gle -device eps
[new] $gle -device ps

Michael Ng
Last modified: Thu Aug 3 18:24:56 BST 2006