Andy Keane - Home Page


I am currently based in the Computational Engineering and Design Group (CEDG) which is one of the research groups in the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment at Southampton University. A summary of the group's work can be found on the posters page and in our books on design, on surrogate modelling and on UAV design. We currently have a major research programme studying unmanned air vehicles called DECODE, see also our YouTube channel. I am also Director of the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre for Computational Engineering.

The CEDG's aim is to provide a focus for the Faculty's activities in the area of computational modelling of engineering systems. Its work is based on the use of powerful parallel, GPU and clustered computational facilities drawing on the experience and hardware of the University in this area. The primary activity of the group is to develop and exploit models of engineering systems using powerful computational facilities, i.e., based on models that could not be dealt with by standard desk-top type workstations.

The researchers of the CEDG are investigating a number of techniques in the design and optimization of engineering systems. My contributions to this software development has been built up into a sophisticated design exploration system called OPTIONS which allows the rapid comparison of various methods on new design tasks. This tool provides many search methods, both evolutionary and classical, design of experiment methods and response surface construction techniques. It formed the template of our OPTIMAT system which is now in use with Rolls-Royce globally.


We often have a number of fully funded PhD studentships tenable by UK, EU or overseas studentships. These pay full fees and living expenses. If you would like to apply for one please complete and return the forms that may be found from here. Please state that you would like to join the Computational Engineering and Design Group and that you are seeking a full studentship. Please also indicate the area of study you would like to engage in and any particular research interests and we will then assess your application and match it to our staff profile.

Job Vacancies

We sometimes need new research staff for particular projects. These are always advertised at when available, please check that site before contacting us directly.

Personal Research interests

My own personal research interests lie in three main areas:

The attached photo of an optimized structure on test (0.8Mb) illustrates a study combining work in some of these areas, while the following paragraphs give a little background into how these interests have arisen. Listed below is a fairly complete bibliography of papers published to date.

My main interest is in the use of computational methods for the design and analysis of aerospace systems, including aero-engines, airframes, UAVs and satellite structures. A particular focus has been on the use of automated decision support tools such as optimization methods linked to advanced parametric CAD and manufacturing approaches. This has involved a number of new approaches in surrogate based design optimization, a series of novel structural designs for satellites and a range of unmanned air vehicles, including the world’s first fully 3-D printed UAV, SULSA.

In 1998 I was successful in the BAESystems/Rolls-Royce competition to lead their University Technology Partnership (UTP) for Design in conjunction with Sheffield and Cambridge Universities. The Southampton arm of the partnership focused on design search and optimization aspects of the UTP. In 2007 this activity was restructured and expanded to become Rolls-Royce’s University Technology Centre in Computational Engineering with a combined budget of £0.75m p/a. The Centre has continued to expand and now involves some 20 full-time researchers studying a wide range of long-term and applied research problems of interest to R-R. These are funded by Rolls-Royce, EPSRC, the EU framework programmes and the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Work in the Centre focuses on optimization, cost modelling, automated geometry manipulation and the management of uncertainty. Rolls-Royce have adopted approaches based on our work into their design activities for aerodynamic, structural and aerothermal work. These tools offer a range of search technologies, incorporating evolutionary and gradient based methods, Pareto multi-objective techniques and stochastic process response surface technology.

Because of the CEDG’s world-wide reputation Microsoft selected it as one of two groups in the UK and 25 world-wide for support under its Technical Computing Initiative in 2006. This provided $1.5m of support for computational infrastructure. This allowed the purchase of a 500 core super computer running the Windows Compute Cluster Edition of Server 2016. Current developments are addressing the use of deep learning, case based reasoning, knowledge based systems and expert systems to provide intelligent interfaces to decision support tools so as to make them more readily usable by practising engineers. We are also working on Grid enabled tools to allow remote and cloud distributed use of the methods we are developing.

In addition to these activities I am now jointly leading a new research programme investigating the use of advanced software approaches and rapid prototyping systems in the design, manufacture and flight testing of a range of sub-150kg unmanned air vehicles. The aim is to significantly improve the decision making processes involved in the design of complex systems which are at the same time closely coupled to state-of-the-art manufacturing approaches, to enable customized air vehicles to go from mission specification to flight inside one month. Flight trials have been conducted with various organizations including the Royal Navy, including ice patrol sorties flown over Antarctica.

My doctoral research was in statistical energy analysis. These studies looked at problems which are characterized by geometric periodicity, such as the `plated and stiffened' designs found in many marine and aerospace structures. Of particular interest is the phenomenon of mode localization which may enable such structures to be built with inherent vibration isolation characteristics without the need for expensive visco-elastic coatings, etc. This work is continuing and is currently looking at the statistical variations found in vibration prediction methods and the design of structures with enhanced noise performance using optimization and rapid prototyping methods. Structures showing marked noise isolation capabilities have been designed and built using these ideas and further work is in hand on large scale model satellite structures which also include active vibration control.

Brief Career History

I have worked for 35 years in the field of computational engineering and have established an international reputation for work in design search, optimization and structural dynamics. I have led small and large research teams, twice run a major engineering division within Southampton University and also acted as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering.

I initially worked for the Royal Corps of Naval Constructors of the U.K. M.o.D. where I was responsible for producing their first technical specification for a computer based ship concept design system, CONDES, a version of which is still used by the Ministry in assessing new surface combatants.

This was followed by my appointment as a lecturer at Brunel University where I carried out research on the statistical energy analysis of complex structural dynamics problems. At the same time I began development of the OPTIONS design exploration and optimization software suite, which has been used at academic and commercial sites around the world, was the subject of a venture fund supported spin-out in 2007 and eventually sold to Microsoft in 2011.

I was next appointed to a lectureship in structural dynamics at Oxford University with a Fellowship to Pembroke College (and latterly acted as Dean of the College). While there I continued my research in structural dynamics and combined it with work on design decision support and optimization to produce highly novel aerospace structures using energy flow methods and genetic algorithms. The U.K.s only major space company Astrium Space supported full scale testing of these designs in a jointly funded programme with E.P.S.R.C. These structures are seen as being of significance in the development of large high precision space arrays.

Following Oxford, I moved to Southampton University as its Professor of Computational Engineering where I founded the Computational Engineering and Design Research Group (CEDRG). The Group now houses some 60 researchers covering computational topics across the full range of interests of the Engineering Faculty – it has an annual turnover of around £5m and currently holds research contracts and grants in excess of £10m.

I am a fellow of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, a fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and a fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering. I have acted as a consultant to Glaxo-Wellcome, Cable and Wireless, D.E.R.A., BAE Systems, EADS Astrium, Rolls-Royce, Williams F1 and served for six years on the UK Defence Scientific Advisory Committee. I am an active member of both the R.I.N.A. and the I.Mech.E having given lectures on their behalf and served on the council of the London branch of R.I.N.A. I have also acted as an external assessor on research grants for the Canadian, Belgian, Dutch, Finnish and Cyprus Government Research Agencies. I was one of three independent assessors appointed by the University of Oxford to review their engineering science courses and also served on one of their recent professorial appointments committees. I have external examiner for the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Manchester University and the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Bristol University. I have also acted as an external reviewer to Rolls-Royce’s audits of its computational hardware and its engineering software programmes.


1. D. R. Broome, A. J. Keane, and L. Marshall, ``The Effect of Variations in Ship Operating Conditions on an Adaptive Autopilot Optimising Function,'' in Proceedings of the Symposium on Ship Steering Control, Genoa (1980).

2. A. J. Keane, ``Ship Concept Design System,'' M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London (1981).

3. A. J. Keane and W. G. Price, ``An appraisal of the fundamentals of Statistical Energy Analysis,'' pp. 881-889 in Proceedings of the International Conference on Vibration Problems in Engineering, Xi'an (1986).

4. A. J. Keane and W. G. Price, ``Statistical Energy Analysis of Strongly Coupled Systems,'' J. Sound Vib. 117(2) pp. 363-386 (1987).

5. A. J. Keane, ``A Computer Based Method for Hull Form Concept Design: Applications to Stability Analyses,'' Trans. R.I.N.A. 130(A) pp. 61-75 (1988).

6. A. J. Keane and W. G. Price, ``Statistical Energy Analysis of Periodic Structures,'' in Proceedings of the XVIIth International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Grenoble (1988).

7. A. J. Keane, ``Statistical Energy Analysis of Engineering Structures,'' Ph.D. Thesis, Brunel University, Uxbridge (1988).

8. A. J. Keane, W. G. Price, P. Temarel, Xiong-Jian Wu, and Yongshu Wu, ``Seakeeping and Structural Responses of SWATH Ships in Waves,'' in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on SWATH Ships and Advanced Multi-Hulled Vessels, R.I.N.A., London (1988).

9. A. J. Keane and W. G. Price, ``On the Vibrations of Mono-Coupled Periodic and Near Periodic Structures,'' J. Sound Vib. 128(3) pp. 423-450 (1989).

10. A. J. Keane and W. G. Price, ``Statistical Energy Analysis of Periodic Structures,'' Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A423 pp. 331-360 (1989).

11. A. J. Keane, W. G. Price, and R. D. Schachter, ``Optimization Techniques in Ship Concept Design,'' Trans. R.I.N.A. 132(A)(1990).

12. A. J. Keane and W. G. Price, ``Exact Power Flow Relationships Between Many Multi-Coupled, Multi-Modal Sub-Systems,'' Proc. I.O.A. 12(1) pp. 535-542 (1990).

13. S. J. Charlton, A. J. Keane, H. J. Leonard, and C. R. Stone, ``Application of Variable Valve Timing to a Highly Turbocharged Diesel Engine,'' in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging including Superchargers, London (1990).

14. A. J. Keane, P. Temarel, Xiong-Jian Wu, and Yongshu Wu, ``Hydroelasticity of Non-Beamlike Ships in Waves,'' Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A334 pp. 339-355 (1991).

15. A. J. Keane and W. G. Price, ``A Note on the Power Flowing between Two Conservatively Coupled Multi-Modal Sub-systems,'' J. Sound Vib. 144(2) pp. 185-196 (1991).

16. W. G. Price, P. Temarel, and A. J. Keane (eds.), Dynamics of Marine Vehicles and Structures in Waves; Developments in Marine Technology, 7, Elsevier, ISBB: 0-444-89020-3 (1991).

17. A. J. Keane, ``Energy Flows Between Arbitrary Configurations of Conservatively Coupled Multi-Modal Elastic Subsystems,'' Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A436 pp. 537-568 (1992).

18. A. J. Keane, ``A Note on Modal Summations and Averaging Methods as Applied to Statistical Energy Analysis (S.E.A.),'' J. Sound Vib. 162(1) pp. 143-156 (1993).

19. C. S. Manohar and A. J. Keane, ``Axial Vibrations of a Stochastic Rod,'' J. Sound Vib. 165(2) pp. 341-359 (1993).

20. A. J. Keane and C. S. Manohar, ``Energy Flow Variability in a Pair of Coupled Stochastic Rods,'' J. Sound Vib. 168(2) pp. 253-284 (1993).

21. A. J. Keane, ``Structural design for enhanced noise performance using Genetic Algorithm and other optimization techniques,'' pp. 536-543 in Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms, ed. R. F. Albrecht, C. R. Reeves and N. C. Steele,Springer-Verlag, Innsbruck (1993).

22. A. J. Keane, ``Statistical Energy Analysis of Offshore Structures,'' Engineering Structures 16(2) pp. 145-157 (1994).

23. C. S. Manohar and A. J. Keane, ``Statistics of energy flows in spring-coupled one-dimensional sub-systems,'' Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 346(A) pp. 525-542 (1994).

24. W. G. Price and A. J. Keane (eds.), "Statistical Energy Analysis - A Theme Issue", Phil. Trans. (A) 346(1681) pp. 429-554 Royal Society of London (ISSN 0962-8428), (1994).

25. W. G. Price, P. Temarel, and A. J. Keane, ``Hydroelasticity of a SWATH in waves,'' pp. 231-243 in Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, S.E.V.U., Trondheim (1994).

26. A. J. Keane, ``The design of vibration isolating structures using Genetic Algorithm methods,'' pp. 709-712 in Proceedings of the International Congress on Noise Control Engineering - Inter-noise 94, Yokohama (1994).

27. A. J. Keane, ``Experiences with optimizers in structural design,'' pp. 14-27 in Proceedings of the Conference on Adaptive Computing in Engineering Design and Control 94, ed. I. C. Parmee, Plymouth (1994).

28. K. Shankar and A. J. Keane, ``A study of the vibrational energies of two coupled beams using finite element and Green function (receptance) methods,'' J. Sound Vib. 181(5) pp. 801-838 (1995).

29. A. J. Keane, ``Genetic algorithm optimization of multi-peak problems: studies in convergence and robustness,'' Artificial Intelligence in Engineering 9(2) pp. 75-83 (1995).

30. K. Shankar and A. J. Keane, ``Energy flow predictions in a structure of rigidly joined beams using receptance theory,'' J. Sound Vib. 185(5) pp. 867-890 (1995).

31. A. J. Keane, ``Passive vibration control via unusual geometries: the application of genetic algorithm optimization to structural design,'' J. Sound Vib. 185(3) pp. 441-453 (1995).

32. A. J. Keane, ``A Brief Comparison of Some Evolutionary Optimization Methods,'' pp. 255-272 in Modern Heuristic Search Methods, ed. V. Rayward-Smith, I. Osman, C. Reeves and G. D. Smith,J. Wiley (ISBN 0 471 96280 5) (1996).

33. A. J. McMillan and A. J. Keane, ``Shifting resonances from a frequency band by applying concentrated masses to a thin rectangular plate,'' J. Sound Vib. 192(2) pp. 549-562 (1996).

34. A. J. Keane and A. P. Bright, ``Passive vibration control via unusual geometries: experiments on model aerospace structures,'' J. Sound Vib. 190(4) pp. 713-719 (1996).

35. A. J. Keane and S. M. Brown, ``The design of a satellite boom with enhanced vibration performance using genetic algorithm techniques,'' pp. 107-113 in Proceedings of the Conference on Adaptive Computing in Engineering Design and Control 96, ed. I. C. Parmee,P.E.D.C., ISBN 0 905227 61 1, Plymouth (1996).

36. R. S. Langley and A. J. Keane, ``The effect of attachments on the natural frequencies of a membrane,'' J. Sound Vib. 188(5) pp. 760-766 (1996).

37. A. J. Keane, ``Vibrational energy flows between coupled membranes,'' J. Sound Vib. 192(1) pp. 139-158 (1996).

38. A. J. Keane, ``The design of a satellite boom with enhanced vibration performance using genetic algorithm techniques,'' J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99(4(2)) p. 2599 (1996).

39. M. Beshara and A. J. Keane, ``Energy flows in beam networks with compliant joints,'' pp. 2957-2962 in Proceedings of the International Congress on Noise Control Engineering - Inter-noise 96, Institute of Acoustics, Liverpool (1996).

40. S. W. Stepniewski and A. J. Keane, ``Topology design of feedforward neural networks by genetic algorithms,'' pp. 771-780 in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Parallel Prob- lem Solving from Nature (PPSN IV), ed. H.-M. Voigt, W. Ebeling, I. Rechenberg and H.-P. Schwefel,Springer, Berlin (1996).

41. M. Beshara and A. J. Keane, ``Statistical energy analysis of multiple, non-conservatively coupled systems,'' J. Sound Vib. 198(1) pp. 95-122 (1996).

42. A. J. Keane and W. G. Price (eds.), Statistical Energy Analysis: an overview with applications in structural dynamics, Cambridge University Press (UK), ISBN 0-521-55175-7 (1997).

43. M. Beshara, G. Y. Chohan, A. J. Keane, and W. G. Price, ``Statistical energy analysis of nonconservatively coupled systems,'', pp. 113-139 in Statistical Energy Analysis: an overview with applications in structural dynamics, ed. A. J. Keane and W. G. Price, Cambridge University Press (UK) (1997).

44. D.J. Edwards and A.J. Keane, ``Numerical techniques for efficient sonar bearing and range searching in the near field using genetic algorithms,'' in Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Applications, ed. D. Dasgupta and Z. Michalewicz,Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-62021-4 (1997).

45. S. W. Stepniewski and A. J. Keane, ``Pruning back-propagation neural networks using modern stochastic optimization techniques,'' Neural Computing & Applications, 5 pp. 76-98 (1997).

46. K. Shankar and A. J. Keane, ``Vibrational energy flow analysis using a substructure approach: the application of receptance theory to FEA and SEA,'' J. Sound Vib. 201(4) pp. 491-513 (1997).

47. A. J. McMillan and A. J. Keane, ``Vibration isolation in a thin rectangular plate using a large number of optimally positioned point masses,'' J. Sound Vib. 202(2) pp. 219-234 (1997).

48. A. J. McMillan and A. J. Keane, ``Design for vibration characteristics,'' pp. 317-324 in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Modern Practise in Stress & Vibration Analysis, ed. M. D. Gilchrist,Balkema (Rotterdam) ISBN 90 5410 8967, Dublin (1997).

49. M. Beshara and A. J. Keane, ``Vibrational energy flows in beam networks with compliant and dissipative joints,'' J. Sound Vib. 203(2) pp. 321-339 (1997).

50. S. J. Guo, A. J. Keane, and M. Moshrefi-Torbati, ``Vibration analysis of stepped thickness plates,'' J. Sound Vib. 204(4) pp. 645-657 (1997).

51. M. A. El-Beltagy and A. J. Keane, ``Optimisation for Multilevel Problems: A Comparison of Various Algorithms,'' pp. 111-120 in Proceedings of the Conference on Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture 98, ed. I. C. Parmee,Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-76254-X, Plymouth (1998).

52. M. Beshara and A. J. Keane, ``Vibrational energy flows between plates with compliant and dissipative couplings,'' J. Sound Vib. 213(3) pp. 511-535 (1998).

53. M. Moshrefi-Torbati, C. Simonis de Cloke, and A. J. Keane, ``Vibration optimization of a mass-loaded stepped plate,'' J. Sound Vib. 213(5) pp. 865-887 (1998).

53a. P. B. Nair and A. J. Keane, "On the Approximation of Frequency Constraints in Structural Optimization", in Proc. First ISSMO/NASA/AIAA Internet Conf. Approximations and Fast Reanalysis in Engineering Optimization, (1998).

54. P. B. Nair, A. J. Keane, and R. S. Langley, ``Improved First-Order Approximation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors,'' A.I.A.A. Journal 36(9) pp. 1721-1727 (1998).

55. G. M. Robinson and A. J. Keane, ``A Case for Multi-Level Optimisation in Aeronautical Design,'' pp. 9.1-9.6 in Proceedings of the RAeS Conf. on Multidisciplinary Design and Optimisation, The Royal Aeronautical Society (ISBN 1 85768 074 X) (1998).

56. P. B. Nair, A. J. Keane, and R. P. Shimpi, ``Combining Approximation Concepts With Genetic Algorithm-Based Structural Optimization Procedures,'' pp. 1741-1751 in Proceedings of the 39th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference (ISBN 1-56347-265-1), AIAA-98-1912., Long Beach (1998).

57. N. M. Price, M. Liu, R. Eatock Taylor, and A. J. Keane, ``Vibrations of Cylindrical Pipes and Open Shells,'' J. Sound Vib. 218(3) pp. 361-387 (1998).

58. M. Beshara and A. J. Keane, ``Vibrational energy flows between two plates forming an `L'-shape and joined by compliant and dissipative couplings,'' pp. 131-142 in Proceedings of the I.U.T.A.M. symposium on Statistical Energy Analysis, ed. F. J. Fahy and W. G. Price,Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-5457-5, Dordrecht (1999).

59. G. M. Robinson, M. A. El-Beltagy, and A. J. Keane, ``Optimization in Mechanical Design,'' pp. 147-165 in Evolutionary Design by Computers, ed. P.J. Bentley,Morgan Kaufmann (ISBN 1 55860 605 X) (1999).

60. M. A. El-Beltagy and A. J. Keane, ``Topographical Mapping assisted Evolutionary Search for Multilevel Optimization,'' pp. 660-665 in Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC99), IEEE Service Center, ISBN 0-7803-5536-9, Washington, D.C. (1999).

61. M. A. El-Beltagy, P. B. Nair, and A. J. Keane, ``Metamodelling Techniques For Evolutionary Optimization of Computationally Expensive Problems: Promises and Limitations,'' pp. 196-203 in Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO99), ed. W. Banshaf, J. Daida, A.E. Eiben, M.H. Garzon, V. Honavar, M. Jakiela and R.E. Smith,Morgan Kaufman, ISBN 1-55860-611-4, Orlando (1999).

62. M. A. El-Beltagy and A. J. Keane 1999 Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Industrial and Engineering Applns. of AI and Expert Systems: Multiple Approaches to Intelligent Systems, ed. I.F. Imam, Y. Kodratoff, A. El-Dessouki and M. Ali, Cairo, Springer, 137-144. Using Self Organizing maps and Genetic Algorithms for Model Selection in Multilevel Optimization.

63. M. A. El-Beltagy and A. J. Keane 1999 Eng. Appl. of Artificial Intelligence 12, 639-654. A comparison of various optimization algorithms on a multilevel problem.

64. A. J. Keane and G. M. Robinson, "Experiences with optimizers in design", pp. A99-34177 ISABE 99-7176 in Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), A.I.A.A., Florence (1999).

65. P. B. Nair and A. J. Keane, "Design Optimization of Space Structures With Nonperiodic Geometries for Vibration Suppression", in Proc. 40th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., AIAA Paper No. 1999-1260, St. Louis (1999).

66. P. B. Nair and A. J. Keane, "Coevolutionary Genetic Adaptation: A New Paradigm for Distributed Multidisciplinary Design Optimization", in Proc. 40th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., AIAA Paper No. 1999-1428, St. Louis (1999).

67. D. K. Anthony, S. J. Elliott, and A. J. Keane, "Robustness of Optimal Design Solutions to Reduce Vibration Transmission in a Lightweight 2-D Structure, Part I: Geometric Design", J. Sound Vib. 119(3) pp. 505-528 (2000).

68. K. Bearpark and A. J. Keane, "Short term memory in genetic programming", pp. 309-320 in Evolutionary Design and Manufacture - Selected Papers from ACDM '00, ed. I. C. Parmee,Springer-Verlag, ISBN 1 85233 300 6, Plymouth (2000).

69. A.-C. Godest, C. Simonis de Cloke, M. Taylor, P. J. Gregson, A. J. Keane, S. Sathasivan, and P. S. Walker, "A computational model for the prediction of total knee replacement kinematics in the sagittal plane", J. Biomechanics 33 pp. 435-442 (2000).

70. J. L. Wason, S. J. Cox, and A. J. Keane, "Flexible Knowledge Repositories for Problem Solving Environments", pp. 199-205 in Proc. Int. Workshop on Advanced Data Storage / Management Techniques for High Performance Computing, ed. R. Allan and K. Kleese,CLRC, Daresbury, ISSN 1362-0223 (2000).

71. A. J. Keane and N. Petruzzelli, "Aircraft wing design using GA-based multi-level strategies", pp. A00-40171 AIAA-2000-4937 in Proceedings of the 8th AIAA/USAF/NASSA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, A.I.A.A., Long Beach (2000).

72. A. J. Keane and P. B. Nair, "The design of large flexible space structures with intrinsic vibration filtering capability - status and directions", in Proceedings of VETOMAC-1 (Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery), invited paper, ed. K. Venkatraman and C.S. Manohar, Bangalore (2000).

73. M. Moshrefi-Torbati, A. J. Keane, S. J. Elliott, M. J. Brennan, and E. Rogers, "The integration of advanced active and passive structural vibration control", in Proceedings of VETOMAC-1 (Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery), contributed paper (also Adv. Vibration Engineering, ISSN 0972-5768, Vol. 2(1), pp. 1-12, 2003), ed. K. Venkatraman and C.S. Manohar, Bangalore (2000).

74. S. Kim, W. Hall, and A. J. Keane, "A Hybrid User Model in Text Categorisation", pp. 103-104 in Workshop on Text Mining, Sixth ACM SIGKDD Int. Conf. Knowledge Discovery and DataMining, Boston (2000).

75. M. Liu, A. J. Keane, and R. Eatock Taylor, "Modelling liquid-structure interactions within the framework of statistical energy analysis", J. Sound Vib. 238(4) pp. 547-574 (2000).

76. P. B. Nair and A. J. Keane, "Reduced Basis Representation of Large-Scale Random Eigenvalue Problems", in Proc. 41st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., AIAA Paper No. 2000-1828, Atlanta (2000).

77. P. B. Nair and A. J. Keane, "New Developments in Computational Stochastic Mechanics, Part I: Theory", in Proc. 41st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., AIAA Paper No. 2000-1827, Atlanta (2000).

78. P. B. Nair and A. J. Keane, "New Developments in Computational Stochastic Mechanics, Part II: Applications", in Proc. 41st AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., AIAA Paper No. 2000-1441, Atlanta (2000).

79. G. M. Robinson and A. J. Keane, "Concise Orthogonal Representation of Supercritical Airfoils", J. Aircraft 38(3) pp. 580-583 (2001).

80. A. J. Keane and P. B. Nair, "Problem solving environments in aerospace design", J. Advances in Engineering Software 32(6) pp. 477-487 (2001).

81. M. A. El-Beltagy and A. J. Keane, "Evolutionary optimization for computationally expensive problems using Gaussian processes", pp. 708-714 in Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence IC-AI'2001, ed. Hamid Arabnia,CSREA Press, Las Vegas (2001).

82. A. J. Keane, "An Introduction to Evolutionary Computing in Design Search and Optimisation", pp. 1-11 in Theoretical Aspects of Evolutionary Computing, ed. L. Kallel, B. Naudts and A. Rogers, Springer, ISBN 3-540-67396-2, Berlin (2001).

83. P. B. Nair and A. J. Keane, "Passive Vibration Suppression of Flexible Space Structures via Optimal Geometric Redesign", AIAA Journal 39(7) pp. 1338-1346 (2001).

84. N. Petruzzelli and A. J. Keane, "Wave drag estimation for use with panel codes", J. of Aircraft 38(4) pp. 778-782 (2001).

85. P. B. Nair, A. Choudhury, and A. J. Keane, "Some Greedy Algorithms for Sparse Nonlinear Regression", pp. 369-376 in Machine Learning: Proc. 18th Int. Conf., Morgan Kaufmann Pub., San Francisco (2001).

86. S. J. Cox, M. J. Fairman, G. Xue, J. L. Wason, and A. J. Keane, "The GRID: Computational and Data Resource Sharing in Engineering Design Optimisation and Design Search", pp. 207-212 in Proc. 30th Int. Conf. Parallel Processing, ed. T.M. Pinkston,IEEE, ISBN 0-7695-1260-7, Valencia (2001).

87. S. Leary, I. Voutchkov, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "The use of multifidelity approximation in engineering design", pp. ISABE 2001-1056 in Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines (ISABE), A.I.A.A., Bangalore (2001).

88. P. B. Nair, A. Choudhury, and A. J. Keane, "Bayesian Surrogate Modeling of Deterministic Simulation Codes for Probabilistic Analysis", in Proc. 42nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., AIAA Paper No. 2001-1676, Seattle (2001).

89. K. M. Wallace, C. Clegg, and A. J. Keane, "Visions for engineering design - a multi-disciplinary perspective", pp. 107-114 in Proc. 13th. Int. Conf. on Engineering Design - ICED 01, Professional Engineering Publishing, ISBN 1 86058 357 1, Glasgow (2001).

90. S. Kim, W. Hall, and A. J. Keane, "Using Document Structures for Personal Ontologies and User Modelling", pp. 240-242 in Proc. 8th Int. Conf. on User Modeling, Sonthofen (2001).

91. A. J. Keane, "The place of evolutionary search tools in problem solving environments for aerospace design", pp. 3-10 in Evolutionary Methods for Design, Optimisation and Control with Applications to Industrial Problems - Proc. EUROGEN 2001, Athens, ed. K. Giannakoglou, D. Tsahalis, J. Periaux, K. Papailiou and T. Fogarty, CIMNE, ISBN:84-89925-97-6, Barcelona (2002).

92. A. D. Scurr and A. J. Keane, "The Development of a Grid based Engineering Design Problem Solving Environment", pp. 881-889 in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Computer Science - ICCS 2002, ed. P.M.A. Sloot, C.J.K. Tan, J.J. Dongarra and A.G. Hoekstra,Springer-Verlag ISBN 3-540-43591-3, Amsterdam (2002).

93. A. D. Scurr and A. J. Keane, "The Development of a Grid based Engineering Design Problem Solving Environment", pp. 65-73 in Proc. Adapative Computing in Design and Manufacture V, ed. I.C. Parmee,Springer-Verlag ISBN 1-85233-606-6, Exeter (2002).

94. A. Choudhury, P. B. Nair, and A. J. Keane, "A data parallel approach for large-scale Gaussian process modeling", pp. 95-111 in Proc. 2nd SIAM Conf. Data Mining (SDM'2002), ed. R. Grossman, J. Han, V. Kumar, H. Mannila & R. Motwani,SIAM ISBN 0-89871-517-2, Arlington (2002).

95. M. T. Bah, P. B. Nair, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "Statistical Analysis of the Forced Response of Mistuned Bladed Disks Using Stochastic Reduced Basis Methods", in Proc. 43rd AIAA / ASME / ASCE / AHS / ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., AIAA, ISBN 1-56347-560-X, 2002-1534, Denver (April, 2002).

96. Y.-M. Chen, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "A parallel nodal-based evolutionary structural optimization algorithm", Structural & Multidisciplinary Optimization 23 pp. 241-251 (2002).

97. P. B. Nair and A. J. Keane, "Coevolutionary Architecture for Distributed Optimization of Complex Coulped Systems", A.I.A.A. Journal 40(7) pp. 1434-1443 ISSN 0001-1452, (2002).

98. P. B. Nair and A. J. Keane, "Stochastic Reduced Basis Methods", AIAA Journal 40(8) pp. 1653-1664 (2002).

99. S. Leary, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "A Constraint Mapping Approach to the Structural Optimization of an Expensive Model using Surrogates", Optimization and Engineering 2 pp. 385-398 (2001).

100. Y. S. Ong and A. J. Keane, "A domain knowledge based search advisor for design problem solving environments", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 15 pp. 105-116 (2002).

100a. Y. S. Ong and A. J. Keane, "An automated optimization system for aircraft wing design", in Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Artificial Intelligence in Design (AID '02), Cambridge (2002).

101. W. Song, A. J. Keane, J. Rees, A. Bhaskar, and S. Bagnall, "Turbine blade fir-tree root design optimisation using intelligent CAD and finite element analysis", Computers and Structures 80(24) pp. 1853-1867 ISSN 0045-7949, (2002).

102. W. Song, A. J. Keane, J. Rees, A. Bhaskar, and S. Bagnall, "Local Shape Optimisation of Turbine Disc Firtrees using NURBS", in Proc. 9th AIAA/ISSMO Synp. on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimisation, AIAA-2002-5486, Atlanta (2002).

103. A. Sobester and A. J. Keane, "Empirical comparison of gradient-based methods on an engine-inlet shape optimization", in Proc. 9th AIAA/ISSMO Synp. on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimisation, AIAA-2002-5507, Atlanta (2002).

104. C. M. E. Holden, R. Davies, and A. J. Keane, "Optimization Methodologies in Conceptual Design", in Proc. 9th AIAA/ISSMO Symp. on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, AIAA-2002-5524, Atlanta (2002).

105. S. Leary, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "Screening and approximation methods for efficient structural optimization", in Proc. 9th AIAA/ISSMO Synp. on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimisation, AIAA-2002-5540, Atlanta (2002).

106. I.G. Cullis, J.P. Curtis, D. Hills, A. Goldfinch, D. Wrigley, and A. Keane, "Design optimisation using 2D hydrocodes: the application of design of experiment, responce surface and data fusion methods", pp. 454-465 in Proc. 20th Int. Symp. Ballistics, ed. J. Carleone & D. Orphal,DEStech Pub. Inc., ISBN 1-932078-11-8, Orlando (2002).

107. A. Goldfinch, J.P. Curtis, I.G. Cullis, D. Hills, A. Keane, and D. Wrigley, "Further development of the Jet Suite capability: application of optimisation techniques for advanced warhead design", pp. 501-508 in Proc. 20th Int. Symp. Ballistics, ed. J. Carleone & D. Orphal,DEStech Pub. Inc., ISBN 1-932078-11-8, Orlando (2002).

108. A. Choudhury, Y.S. Ong, and A.J. Keane, "Extracting Latent Structures in Numerical Classification: an investigation using two factor models", pp. 1842-1846 in Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing, Singapore (2002).

109. Y.S. Ong, A.J. Keane, and P.B. Nair, "Surrogate Assisted Co-Evolutionary Search", paper 2126, pp. 1140-1145 in Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing: Computational Intelligence for the E-Age, Vol 3, Singapore (2002).

110. S. Kim, W. Hall, and A. J. Keane, "Natural Language Processing for Expertise Modelling in E-mail Communication", pp. 161-166 in Proc. Third Int. Conf. Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL-2002), ed. H. Yin et al, Springer-Verlag, Manchester (2002).

111. L. Chen, S. J. Cox, C. Goble, A. J. Keane, A. Roberts, N. R. Shadbolt, P. Smart, and F. Tao, "Engineering Knowledge for Engineering Grid Applications", pp. 12-25 in Proc. Euroweb 2002 - The Web and the GRID: from e-science to e-business, Oxford (2002).

112. M. T. Bah, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "Model order reduction and pass-band based calculations for disordered periodic systems", J. Sound Vib. 256(4) pp. 605-627 (2002).

112a. A. J. G. Hey, J. Papay, A. J. Keane, and S. J. Cox, "Component based problem solving environment", pp. 105-112 in Proc. 8th Int. Euro-Par Conf. Parallel Processing: Lecture Notes in Computer science 2400, ed. B. Monien and R. Feldmann, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 3-540-44049-6, Paderborn (2002).

113. P. B. Nair, A. Choudhury, and A. J. Keane, "Some greedy learning algorithms for sparse regression and classification with Mercer kernels", J. Machine Learning Research 3 pp. 781-801 (2003).

114. S. Leary, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "Optimal orthogonal-array-based latin hypercubes", J. Applied Statistics 30(5) pp. 585-598 (2003).

115. Y.S. Ong, P.B. Nair, and A.J. Keane, "Evolutionary Optimization of Computationally Expensive Problems via Surrogate Modelling", AIAA J. 41(4) pp. 687-696 (2003).

116. P. B. Nair and A. J. Keane, "An approximate solution scheme for the algebraic random eigenvalue problem", J. Sound Vib. 260 pp. 45-65 (2003).

117. S. Leary, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "A Knowledge-Based Approach to Response Surface Modelling in Multifidelity Optimization", J. Global Optimization 26 pp. 297-319 (2003).

118. M. T. Bah, P. B. Nair, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "Forced Response Statistics of Mistuned Bladed Disks: A Stochastic Reduced Basis Approach", J. Sound Vib. 263 pp. 377-397 (2003).

119. A. J. Keane, "Advanced Aircraft Wing Optimization", pp. 1073-1086 in Proc. Virtual Prototyping Today: Industrial Impact and Future Trends - EnginSoft Conference and Users' Meeting 2002, EnginSoft Trading, ISBN 88-87786-01-1, Bergamo (2003).

120. D. K. Anthony and A. J. Keane, "Robust-optimal design of a lightweight space structure using a genetic algorithm", AIAA Journal 41(8) pp. 1601-1604 (2003).

121. A. J. Keane, "Wing Optimization Using Design of Experiment, Response Surface, and Data Fusion Methods", J. Aircraft 40(4) pp. 741-750 (2003).

122. W. Song, A. J. Keane, M. H. Eres, G. E. Pound, and S. J. Cox, "Two Dimensional Airfoil Optimisation using CFD in a Grid Computing Envirionment", pp. 50-57 in Proc. Euro-Par 2003, Klagenfurt (2003).

123. M. H. Eres, G. E. Pound, Z. Jiao, J. L. Wason, F. Xu, A. J. Keane, and S. J. Cox, "Implementation of a Grid-enabled Problem Solving Environment in Matlab", pp. 420-429 in Proc. ICCS 2003, Part IV, ed. P.M.A Sloot, D. Abramson, A.V. Bogdanov, J.J. Dongarra, A.Y. Zomaya and Y.E. Gorbachev, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, ISBN 3-540-40197-0, Melbourne (2003).

124. G. E. Pound, M. H. Eres, J. L. Wason, Z. Jiao, A. J. Keane, and S. J. Cox, "A Grid-Enabled Problem Solving Environment (PSE) for Design Optimisation within Matlab", in Proc. Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'03), IEEE, Nice (2003).

125. R. Allan, D. Baker, D. Boyd, D. Chohan, S. J. Cox, M. H. Eres, R. Fowler, N. Furmento, J. Giddy, T. Harmer, M. Hayes, N. Hill, J. Hillier, J. Jensen, A. J. Keane, M. Krznaric, W. Lee, M. McKeown, A. Mills, S. Newhouse, S. Pickles, R. Pinning, A. Richards, A. Saleem, and J. Watt, "Building the e-Science Grid in the UK: Middleware, Applications and Tools deployed at Level 2", pp. 488-493 in Proc. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, ISBN 1-904425-11-9, ed. S.J. Cox, Nottingham (2003).

126. W. Song, A. J. Keane, and S. J. Cox, "CFD-based Shape Optimisation with Grid-Enabled Design Search Toolkits", pp. 619-627 in Proc. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, ISBN 1-904425-11-9, ed. S.J. Cox, Nottingham (2003).

127. G. Pound, M. H. Eres, M. J. Fairman, G. Xue, A. J. Keane, and S. J. Cox, "Grid middleware for engineering design search and optimisation", pp. 736-743 in Proc. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, ISBN 1-904425-11-9, ed. S.J. Cox, Nottingham (2003).

128. M. Molinari, S. J. Cox, and A. J. Keane, "Grid-enabled Electromagnetic Optimisation (GEM) for Industrial Use", pp. 770-774 in Proc. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, ISBN 1-904425-11-9, ed. S.J. Cox, Nottingham (2003).

128a. S.R. Turnock, A.M. Wright, D.A. Hudson, A.J Keane, and S.J. Cox, "Development of a web based, collaborative working environment for maritime computational fluid dynamics", in Proc. Marnet CFD Meeting, Qinetiq, Haslar (2003).

129. M. T. Bah, P. B. Nair, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "Efficient Prediction of the Forced Response Statistics of Mistuned Bladed Discs", in Proc. VIII Int. Conf. on Recent Advanced in Structural Dynamics, ed. M.J. Brennan, Southampton (2003).

130. D. Dupplaw, D. Brunson, A. E. Vine, C. P. Please, S. M. Lewis, A. M. Dean, A. J. Keane, and M. J. Tindall, "Web-based knowledge elicitation and application to planned experiments for product development", in Proc. 2003 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conf. (DETC '03), ASME, New York, DETC2003/CIE-48275, ISBN 0-7918-3698-3, Chicago (2003).

131. D. K. Anthony, C. J. Sexton, W. B. Charlston, A. J. Keane, S. M. Lewis and C. P. Please, "An efficient experiment methodology to investigate product design: an acoustic sounder case study", pp. 291-302 in Proc. Int. Conf. on Managing Innovative Manufacturing, MIM2003, ed. A. Drejer and H. Boer,ISBN 87-91200-21-0, Aalborg (2003).

132. A. I. J. Forrester, N. W. Bressloff, and A. J. Keane, "Response surface model evolution", in 16th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conf., AIAA, paper 2003-4089, Orlando (2003).

133. M. T. Bah, P. B. Nair, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "Stochastic Component Mode Synthesis", in 44th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, & Materials Conf., AIAA, paper 2003-1750, Norfolk (2003).

134. I. Voutchkov, A. Keane, A. Bhaskar, and T.-M. Olsen, "A fast model for sequential combinatorial optimisation problems in finite element studies: applications in aerospace welding", in Metal Fabrication and Welding Technology (Proc. Int. Conf. on Metal Fabrication and Welding Technology), ed. A.A. Becker,University of Nottingham, ISBN 0-85358-120-7, Nottingham (2003).

135. M. Moshrefi-Torbati, A. J. Keane, S. J. Elliott, M. J. Brennan, and E. Rogers, "Passive vibration control of a satellite boom structure by geometric optimization using genetic algorithm", J. Sound Vib. 267(4) pp. 879-892 (2003).

136. A. D. Scurr, A. J. Keane, A. Sobester, A. Gould, and S. Leary, "A Grid-based Problem Solving Environemnt that uses the Master/Worker paradigm to parallelize DoE/RSM/Data-Fusion search computations", in Proc. Fifth World Congress of structural and Multidisiplinary Optimization (WCSMO-5), ed. P. Venini, paper A001, ISBN 88-88412-27-1, Lido di Jesolo-Venice (2003).

137. C. M. E. Holden and A. J. Keane, "Use of Response Surface Methods to Aid Understanding and Visualization in Aircraft Design", in Proc. Fifth World Congress of structural and Multidisiplinary Optimization (WCSMO-5), ed. P. Venini, paper A122, ISBN 88-88412-27-1, Lido di Jesolo-Venice (2003).

138. S. Leary, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "Global Approximation and Optimization Using Adjoint Computational Fluid Dynamics Codes", AIAA J. 42(3) pp. 631-641 ISSN 0001-1452, (2004).

139. A. J. Keane, "Design search and optimisation using radial basis functions with regression capabilities", pp. 39-49 in Proceedings of the Conference on Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture VI, ed. I. C. Parmee, Springer Verlag, ISBN 1 85233 829 6, Bristol (2004).

140. Y. S. Ong and A. J. Keane, "Meta-Lamarkian Learning in Memetic Algorithms", IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 8(2) pp. 99-109 (2004).

141. L. Lafronza, A. McAlpine, A. J. Keane, and R. J. Astley, "Computer-Aided Liner Optimization for Broadband Noise", in 10th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, ed. A. Kempton and T. Lyrintzis,AIAA-2004-3029, Manchester (2004).

142. A. Sobester, S. J. Leary, and A. J. Keane, "A parallel updating scheme for approximating and optimizing high fidelity computer simulations", Struct. Multidisc. Optim. 27 pp. 371-383 (2004).

143. N. M. Ursache, N. W. Bressloff, and A. J. Keane, "The design of post-buckled spinal structures for airfoil shape control using optimization methods", in Proc. 5th ASMO UK/ISSMO Conf. on Engineering Design Optimisation, Paper 25, Stratford upon Avon (2004).

144. D. P. Dupplaw, D. Brunson, A.-J. E. Vine, C. P. P. Please, S. M. Lewis, A. M. Dean, A. J. Keane, and M. J. Tindall, "A web-based knowledge elicitation system (GISEL) for planning and assessing group screening experiments for product development", ASME Transactions - Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 4(3) pp. 218-225 (2004).

145. Z. Jiao, J. Wason, W. Song, F. Xu, H. Eres, A. J. Keane, and S. J. Cox, "Databases, Workflows and the Grid in a Service Oriented Environment", pp. 972-979. in Proc. Euro-Par 2004, Parallel Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3149, Pisa (2004).

146. A. Sobester, P. Nair, and A. J. Keane, "Evolving Intervening Variables for Response Surface Approximations", in Proc. 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conf., AIAA 2004-4379, Albany (2004).

147. C. M. E. Holden and A. J. Keane, "Visualization Methodologies in Aircraft Design", in Proc. 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conf., AIAA 2004-4449, Albany (2004).

148. W. Song and A. J. Keane, "A Study of Shape Parameterisation Methods for Airfoil Optimisation", in Proc. 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conf., AIAA 2004-4482, Albany (2004).

149. J. F. Worgan, T. M. Edmunds, and A. J. Keane, "Preliminary Fan-Blade design Using Intermediate Response Approximations", J. Propulsion and Power 20(5) pp. 858-862 AIAA, ISSN 0748-4658, (2004).

150. M. H. Eres, G. E. Pound, A. J. Keane, and S. J. Cox, "User Deployment of grid Toolkits to Engineers", in Proc. UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2004, ed. S. J. Cox, EPSRC, ISBN 1-904425-21-6, Nottingham (2004).

151. S. Leary, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "A derivative based surrogate model for approximating and optimizing the output of an expensive computer simulation", J. Global Optimization 30 pp. 39-58 (2004).

152. W. Song, Y. S. Ong, H. K. Ng, A. J. Keane, S. J. Cox, and B. S. Lee, "A Service-Oriented Approach for Aerodynamic Shape Optimisation across Institutional Boundaries", in Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Control, Automation, Robotics & Vision, ICARCV 2004, P1742, ISBN 0-7803-8654-X, Kunming (2004).

153. K. Bearpark and A. J. Keane, "The use of collective memory in genetic programming", pp. 15-36 in Knowledge Incorporation in Evolutionary Computation: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol. 167, ed. Yaochu Jin, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-22902-7 (2005).

154. Y.S. Ong, P.B. Nair, A.J. Keane, and K.C. Wong, "Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Optimization Frameworks for High-Fidelity Engineering Design Problems", pp. 307-331 in Knowledge Incorporation in Evolutionary Computation: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol. 167, ed. Yaochu Jin, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-22902-7 (2005).

155. L. Lafronza, W. Song, A. McAlpine, R. J. Astley, and A. J. Keane, "Liner optimization using a hybrid finite element method", pp. 1085-1095 in Proc. 6th European Turbomachinery Conf., Vol. 2, ed. G. Bois, C. Sieverding, M. Marra and T. Arts, Lille (2005).

156. I.I. Voutchkov, A.J. Keane, A. Bhaskar, and T.-M. Olsen, "Weld sequence optimization: The use of surrogate models for solving sequential combinatorial problems", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 194(30-33) pp. 3535-3551 (2005).

157. M. H. Eres, G. E. Pound, Z. Jiao, J. L. Wason, F. Xu, A. J. Keane, and S. J. Cox, "Implementation and utilisation of a Grid-enabled problem solving environment in Matlab", Future Generation Computer Systems 21(6) pp. 920-929 (2005).

158. G. Xue, W. Song, S. J. Cox, and A. J. Keane, "Numerical Optimisation as Grid Services for Engineering Design", J. Grid Computing 2 pp. 223-238 (2005).

159. N. Patel, A. J. Chipperfield, and A. J. Keane, "Missile Endgame Analysis via Multiobjective Optimization", in Proc. 16th International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) World Congress, ed. P. Horacek, M. Simandl & P.Zitek, Prague (2005).

160. A. Sobester and A. J. Keane, "Classifier Systems can Reduce Conceptual Design Cycle Time", in Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Innovation and Integration in Aerospace Science (CEIAT 2005), Belfast (2005).

161. A. J. Keane and P. B. Nair, "Computational Approaches for Aerospace Design: The Pursuit of Excellence", John-Wiley and Sons, ISBN 0-470-85540-1 (2005).

162. A. Sobester, A. J. Keane, J. Scanlan, and N. W. Bressloff, "Conceptual Design of UAV Airframes Using a Generic Geometry Service", in Proc. Infotech@Aerospace, AIAA 2005-7079, Arlington (2005).

163. A. Sobester, S. J. Leary, and A. J. Keane, "On the Design of Optimization Strategies Based on Global Response Surface Approximation Models", J. Global Optimization 33 pp. 31-59 (2005).

164. W. Song and A. J. Keane, "An efficient evolutionary optimisation framework applied to turbine blade firtree root local profiles", Struct. Multidisc. Optim. 29 pp. 382-390 (2005).

165. A. I. J. Forrester, A. Sobester, and A. J. Keane, "Optimization with missing data", Proc. R. Soc. A 462(2067) pp. 935-945 (2006).

166. A. R. Rao, A. J. Keane, and J. P. Scanlan, "A Cost Based Methodology for Design Optimization", in Proc. 2005 ASME Int. Design Engineering Tech. Confs. & Computers and Information in Engineering Conf., Long Beach (2005).

167. A. Kumar, A. J. Keane, P. B. Nair, and S. Shahpar, "Efficient Genetic Algorithm Based Robust Design Method for Compressor Fan Blades", in Proc. 2005 ASME Int. Design Engineering Tech. Confs. & Computers and Information in Engineering Conf., Long Beach (2005).

168. W. Song and A. J. Keane, "A New Hybrid Update Scheme for an Evolutionary Search Strategy Using Genetic Algorithm and Kriging", in Proc. 46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference 13th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, AIAA-2005-1901, Austin (2005).

168a. S. K. Sachdeva, P. B. Nair, and A. J. Keane, "Recent Developments in Stochastic Reduced Basis Projection Schemes", in Proc. 46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference 13th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, AIAA-2005-1950, Austin (2005).

169. S. K. Sachdeva, P. B. Nair, and A. J. Keane, "A New Projection Scheme for Linear Stochastic Systems", pp. 463-467 in Proc. 3rd MIT Conf. Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, ed. K.J Bathe, Elsevier, ISBN: 0-08-044476-8, Cambridge (2005).

170. N. Hoyle, N. W. Bressloff, and A. J. Keane, "Design optimization of an engine air intake", pp. 1254-1258 in Proc. 3rd MIT Conf. Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, ed. K.J Bathe, Elsevier, ISBN: 0-08-044476-8, Cambridge (2005).

171. A. Kumar, P. B. Nair, A. J. Keane, and S. Shahpar, "Probabilistic performance analysis of eroded compressor fan blades", in Proc. ASME Power Conf.: PWR2005, Track 7 Combined Cycles and Combustion Turbines, ed. H. Grace, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, PWR2005-50070, Chicago (2005).

172. M. Tadjouddine, S. A. Forth, and A. J. Keane, "Adjoint differentiation of a structural dynamics solver", pp. 309-319 in Automatic Differentiation: Applications, Theory, and Tools, ed. M. Bucker, G. Corliss, P. Hovland, U. Naumann and B. Norris, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (50), Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2006).

173. D. Sasaki, A. J. Keane, and S. Shahpar, "Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization of a Compressor Stage Using a Grid-Enabled Environment", in 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA-2006-340, Reno (2006).

174. A. Choudhury, P. B. Nair, and A. J. Keane, "Constructing a speculative kernel machine for pattern classification", Neural Networks 19 pp. 84-89 (2006).

175. A. Sobester and A. J. Keane, "Supervised Learning Approach to CAD Geometry Repair", AIAA Journal 44(2) pp. 282-289 (2006).

176. S. K. Sachdeva, P. B. Nair, and A. J. Keane, "Comparative Study of Projection Schemes for Stochastic Finite Element Analysis", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 195 pp. 2371-2392 (2006).

177. S. K. Sachdeva, P. B. Nair, and A. J. Keane, "Hybridization of stochastic reduced basis methods with polynomial chaos expansions", Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 21 pp. 182-192 (2006).

178. A. J. Keane, "Statistical Improvement Criteria for Use in Multiobjective Design Optimization", AIAA Journal 44(4) pp. 879-891 (2006).

179. A. Sobester and A. J. Keane, "Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of UAV Airframes", in Proc. 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., 2nd AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conf., AIAA 2006-1612, Newport (2006).

180. N. M. Ursache, A. J. Keane, and N. W. Bressloff, "On the Design of Morphing Airfoils using Spinal Structures", in Proc. 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., 2nd AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conf., AIAA 2006-1796, Newport (2006).

181. T. R. Barrett, N. W. Bressloff, and A. J. Keane, "Airfoil Design and Optimization Using Multi-Fidelity Analysis and Embedded Inverse Design", in Proc. 47th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., 2nd AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conf., AIAA 2006-1820, Newport (2006).

182. I.I. Voutchkov and A. J. Keane, "Multiobjective optimization using surrogates", pp. 167-175 in Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture, (ACDM 2006, ISBN 0-9552885-0-9), Bristol (2006).

183. A. I. J. Forrester, N. W. Bressloff, and A. J. Keane, "Optimization using surrogate models and partially converged computational fluid dynamics simulations", R. Soc. Proc. A. 462 pp. 2177-2204 (2006).

184. A. Kumar, A. J. Keane, P. B. Nair, and S. Shahpar, "Robust Design of Compressor Fan Blades Against Erosion", Trans. ASME, J. Mechanical Design 128 pp. 864-973 (2006).

185. L. Lafronza, A. McAlpine, A. J. Keane, and R. J. Astley, "Response Surface Method Optimization of Uniform and Axially Segmented Duct Acoustics Liners", J. Aircraft 43(4) pp. 1089-1102 ISSN 0021-8669, (2006).

186. A. Sobester and A. J. Keane, "Multi-objective Optimal Design of a Fluidic Thrust Vectoring Nozzle," in Proc. 11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conf., AIAA 2006-6916, Portsmouth (2006).

187. I.I. Voutchkov, A. J. Keane and R. Fox, "Robust structural design of a simplified jet engine model, using multiobjective optimization," in Proc. 11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conf., AIAA 2006-7003, Portsmouth (2006).

188. W. Song and A. J. Keane, "Parameter screening using impact factors and surrogate-based ANOVA techniques," in Proc. 11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conf., AIAA 2006-7088, Portsmouth (2006).

189. M. Moshrefi-Torbati, A. J. Keane, S. J. Elliott, M. J. Brennan, and E. Rogers, "The integration of advanced active and passive structural noise control methods," Int. J. Solids and Structures 43 pp. 6472-6487 (2006).

190. T. R. Barrett, N. W. Bressloff, and A. J. Keane, "Airfoil Shape Design and Optimization Using Multifidelity Analysis and Embedded Inverse Design," AIAA Journal 44(9) pp. 2051-2060 ISSN 0001-1452, (2006).

191. A. Kumar, A. J. Keane, P. B. Nair, and S. Shahpar, "Robust Design of Compressor Blades against Manufacturing Variations," in Proc. 2006 ASME Int. Design Engineering Tech. Confs. & Computers and Information in Engineering Conf., American Society of Mechanical Engineers, DETC2006-99304, Philadelphia (2006).

192. M. Moshrefi-Torbati, A. J. Keane, S. J. Elliott, M. J. Brennan, D. K. Anthony, and E. Rogers, "Active vibration control (AVC) of a satellite boom structure using optimally positioned stacked piezoelectric actuators," J. Sound Vib. 292 pp. 203-220 (2006).

193. A. I. J. Forrester, A. J. Keane, and N. W. Bressloff, "Design and Analysis of `Noisy' Computer Experiments", AIAA Journal 44(10) pp. 2331-2339 (2006).

194. A. Kumar, A. J. Keane, P. B. Nair, and S. Shahpar, "Efficient Robust Design For Manufacturing Process Capability", pp. 242-250 in Proc. 6th ASMO UK/ISSMO Conf. on Engineering Design Optimization, ed. J. Sienz, O. M. Querin, V. V. Toropov and P. D. Gosling, ISBN: 0-85316-251-4, Oxford (2006).

195. N. Hoyle, N. W. Bressloff, and A. J. Keane, "Design Optimization of a Two-Dimensional Subsonic Engine Air Intake", AIAA Journal 44(11) pp. 2672-2681 (2006).

196. N. M. Ursache, A. J. Keane, and N. W. Bressloff, "Design of Postbuckled Spinal Structures for Airfoil Camber and Shape Control", AIAA Journal 44(12) pp. 3115-3124 ISSN 0001-1452, (2006).

197. C. J. Sexton, D. K. Anthony, S. M. Lewis, C. P. Please, and A. J. Keane, "Design of Experiment Algorithms for Assembled Products", J. Quality Technology. 38(4) pp. 298-308 (2006).

198. A. Gruber and A. J. Keane, "Optimisation of system resources in reliability availability & maintainability problems using genetic algorithms", in Proc. 16th Int. Mirce Symp., Mirce Akademy, Exeter (2006).

199. A. I. J. Forrester and A. J. Keane, "Novel passive vibration isolators", pp. 3381-3392 in Proc. Int. Conf. Noise & Vibration Engineering, ISMA (ISBN 90-73802-83-0), Leuven (2006).

200. Z. Z. Zhou, Y. S. Ong, P. B. Nair, A. J. Keane, and K. Y. Lum, "Combining Global and Local Surrogate Models to Accelerate Evolutionary Optimization", IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part C 37(1) pp. 66-76 (2007).

201. S. K. Sachdeva, P. B. Nair, and A. J. Keane, "On using deterministic FEA software to solve problems in stochastic structural mechanics", Computers and Structures 85 pp. 277-290 ISSN 0045-7949, (2007).

202. A. I. J. Forrester and A. J. Keane, "Multi-variable Geometry Repair and Optimization of Passive Vibration Isolators," in 48th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conf., AIAA, paper 2007-1923, Honolulu (2007).

203. A. J. Keane and J. P. Scanlan, "Design search and optimization in aerospace engineering", Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. (ISSN0962-8428) 365(A) pp. 2501-2529 (2007).

204. A. Sobester and A. J. Keane, "Airfoil Design via Cubic Splines - Ferguson's Curves Revisited", in Proc. Infotech@Aerospace 2007 Conference and Exhibit, AIAA 2007-2881, Rohnert Park (2007)

205. W. Song and A. J. Keane, "Surrogate-Based Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of a Civil Aircraft Engine Nacelle", AIAA Journal 45(10) pp. 2565-2574 ISSN 0001-1452, (2007).

206. A. I. J. Forrester, A. Sobester, and A. J. Keane, "Multi-fidelity optimization via surrogate modelling", Proc. R. Soc. A 463 pp. 3251-3269 (2007).

207. A. R. Rao, J. P. Scanlan, and A. J. Keane, "Applying Multiobjective Cost and Weight Optimization to the Initial Design of Turbine Disks", J. Mech. Design 129 pp. 1303-1310 ASME, (2007).

208. D. J. J. Toal, N. W. Bressloff, and A. J. Keane, "Kriging Hyperparameter Tuning Stratagies", AIAA Journal 46(5) pp. 1240-1252 ISSN 0001-1452, (2008).

209. A. Kumar, P. B. Nair, A. J. Keane, and S. Shahpar, "Robust design using Bayesian Monte Carlo", Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 73 pp. 1497-1517 (2008).

210. A. Makrodimopoulos, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "A formulation for large-scale truss optimization", in Proc. 6th GRACM Int. Conf. on Computational Mechanics, ISBN 978-960-6706-08-0, Thessaloniki (2008).

211. A. Sobester, P. B. Nair, and A. J. Keane, "Genetic Programming Approaches for Solving Elliptic Partial Differential Equations", IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 12(4) pp. 469-478 (2008).

212. A. I. J. Forrester, A. Sobester, and A. J. Keane, "Engineering Design via Surrogate Modelling: A Practical Guide", John-Wiley and Sons, ISBN: 978-0-470-06068-1, Chichester (2008).

213. G. Endicott, A. J. Keane, and N. W. Bressloff, "Design of experiments in commercial off the shelf CFD: frameworks for efficiency", pp. 290-301 in Proc. 7th MIRA Int. Vehicle Aerodynamics Conf.: Co-Relation, Motor Industry Research Association, Nuneaton (2008).

214. P. S. Mohan, P. B. Nair, and A. J. Keane, "Multi-element stochastic reduced basis methods," Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 197 pp. 1495-1506 (2008).

215. N. Thakur, A. J. Keane, and P. B. Nair, "Capture of Manufacturing Uncertainty in Turbine Blades through Probabilistic Techniques", pp. 387-396 in Proc. 7th ASMO UK Conf. Eng. Design Optimization, ed. Vassili V. Toropov, Osvaldo M. Querin, H. Alicia Kim, Richard Butler and Johann Sienz, ISBN: 978-0-85316-272-8 (CD-ROM proceedings only), Bath (2008).

215a. K. Bearpark and A. J. Keane, "Canonical Representation in Genetic Programming", in Proc. Conf. Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture ACDM08, ed. I. C. Parmee,, Bristol (2008).

216. A. I. J. Forrester and A. J. Keane, "Recent advances in surrogate-based optimization," Prog. in Aerospace Sciences, 45 pp. 50-79, Elsevier (2009).

217. A. Makrodimopoulos, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "A formulation of thickness optimization for plane stress," pp. 319-322 in Proc. 17th UK Conf. on Computational Mechanics (ACME-UK), ISBN 978-085358-255-7, Nottingham (2009).

218. P. S. Mohan, P. B. Nair, and A. J. Keane, "Inexact Picard iterative scheme for steady-state nonlinear diffusion in random heterogeneous media," Phys. Review E(79) p. 046706 (2009).

219. A. Viswanath, A. I. J. Forrester, and A. J. Keane, "Design Space Reduction in Optimization Using Generative Topographic Mapping," in Proc. 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, ed. H.C. Rodrigues, J.M. Guedes, P.R. Fernandes, J.O. Flogado and M.M. Neves,ISSMO, ISBN 978-989-20-1554-5, Lisbon (2009).

220. S. R. Turnock, A. J. Keane, N. W. Bressloff, R. F. Nicholls-Lee, and S. W. Boyd, "Morphing of 'flying' shapes for autonomous underwater and aerial vehicles", in Proc. NATO Symp. AVT-168 on Morphing vehicles, Evora (2009).

221. S. V. Tammineni, A. R. Rao, J. P. Scanlan, P. A. S. Reed, and A. J. Keane, "A knowledge-based system for cost modelling of aircraft gas turbines", J. of Eng. Design 20(3) pp. 289-305 (2009).

222. N. Thakur, A. J. Keane, and P. B. Nair, "Probabilistic Analysis of Manufacturing Uncertainty in Turbine Blades", in Proc. ASME 2009 Design Engineering Tech. Conf. (DETC2009), ASME, San Diego (2009).

223. A. Makrodimopoulos, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "Second-order cone programming formulations for a class of problems in structural optimization", Struct. Multidisc. Optim. 40 pp. 365-380 Springer 1615-147X, DOI 10.1007/s00158-009-0376-2, (2009).

224. D. J. J. Toal, A. I. J. Forrester, N. W. Bressloff, A. J. Keane, and C. M. E. Holden, "An adjoint for likelihood maximization", Proc. R. Soc. Lond. (ISSN 0962-8444) A465 pp. 3267-3287 (2009).

225. P. S. Mohan, P. B. Nair, and A. J. Keane, "Uncertainty in Thermal Analysis of Gas Turbine Blades", in Proc. 11th AIAA Non-deterministic Approaches Conference, AIAA-2009-2262, Palm Springs (2009).

226. A. J. Keane, "Comparison of Several Optimisation Strategies for Robust Turbine Blade Design", J. Propulsion and Power 25(5) pp. 1092-1099 (2009).

227. A. Nasuf, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "Shape Exploration for Structural Efficiency", pp. 315-318 in Proc. 17th UK Conf. on Computational Mechanics (ACME-UK), ISBN 978-085358-255-7, Nottingham (2009).

228. D. Li, A. Sobester, and A. J. Keane, "A Knowledge-Based Geometry Repair System for Robust Parametric CAD Models", pp. 1-17 in Proc. 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA-2010-1508, Orlando (2010).

229. N. Thakur, A. J. Keane, and P. B. Nair, "Estimating the effect of Manufacturing Variability on Turbine Blade Life", in Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC2010), ed. M. Beer, R.L. Muhanna and R. L. Mullen, Research Publishing Services (ISBN 978-981-08-5118-7), Singapore (2010).

230. A. Makrodimopoulos, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "A formulation for optimizing the Young's modulus of a structure", pp. 143-146 in Proc. 18th UK Conf. on Computational Mechanics (ACME-UK), Southampton (2010).

231. D. J. J. Toal, N. W. Bressloff, A. J. Keane, and C. M. E. Holden, "Geometric Filtration Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for Aerodynamic Design Optimization", AIAA Journal 48 pp. 916-928 (2010).

232. M. J. Wankhede, N. W. Bressloff, A. J. Keane, L. Caracciolo, and M. Zedda, "An analysis of unstable flow dynamics and flashback mechanism inside a swirl-stabilized lean burn combustor", in Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air, GT2010-22253, ISBN: 978-0-7918-3872-3, Glasgow (2010).

233. I.I. Voutchkov and A. J. Keane, "Multi-objective Optimization Using Surrogates", pp. 155-175 in Computational Intelligence in Optimization, ed. Y. Tenne and C.-K. Goh, Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-642-12774-8, Berlin (2010).

234. A. Viswanath, A. I. J. Forrester, and A. J. Keane, Generative Topographic Mapping for Dimension Reduction in Engineering Design, pp. 204-207 in 4th Int. Conf. Learning and Intelligent Optimization, LION 4, Springer ISBN 978-3-642-13799-0, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-13800-3, Venice (2010).

235. A. R. Price, A. J. Keane, and C. M. E. Holden, On the Coordination of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Using Expert Systems, pp. 212-215 in 4th Int. Conf. Learning and Intelligent Optimization, LION 4, Springer ISBN 978-3-642-13799-0, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-13800-3, Venice (2010).

236. A. Makrodimopoulos, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "A compliance based design problem of structures under multiple load cases," Struct. Multidisc. Optim. 42 pp. 739-743, DOI 10.1007/s00158-010-0524-8, (2010).

237. N. Thakur, A. J. Keane, P. B. Nair, and A. R. Rao, "Probabilistic Life Assessment of Gas Turbine Blades," J. Mech. Design 132 pp. 121005-1:9 ASME DOI: 10.1115/1.4002806, (2010).

238. A. J. Keane, "Surrogate-Based Optimization", in Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, ed. R. Blockley and W. Shyy, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN: 9780470686652 DOI:10.1002/9780470686652 (2010).

239. J. M. Parr, C. M. E. Holden, A. I. J. Forrester, and A. J. Keane, "Review of Efficient Surrogate Infill Sampling Criteria with Constraint Handling", in Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Eng. Optimization, ed. H. Rodrigues, J. Herskovits, C. Mota Soares, J. Miranda Guedes, J. Folgado, A. Araujo, F. Moleiro, J. Kuzhichalil, J. Aguilar Madeira, Z. Dimitrovova, Technical University of Lisbon, ISBN 978-989-96264-3-0, Lisbon (2010).

240. D. J. J. Toal, N. W. Bressloff, A. J. Keane, and C. M. E. Holden, "The development of a hybridized particle swarm for kriging hyperparameter tuning", Eng. Optimization 43(6) pp. 675-699 Taylor & Francis, ISSN 0305-215X, (2011).

241. I.I. Voutchkov and A. J. Keane, "Multiobjective Optimization using Kriging for Industrial Applications," pp. 107-110 in 40 Years Dept of Industrial Automation, ed. M. Hadjiski, K. Boshnakov and I. Batchkova, UCTM-Sofia ISBN 978-954-465-043-8, Sofia (2011).

242. C. J. Brooks, A. I. J. Forrester, A. J. Keane, and S. Shahpar, "Multi-fidelity design optimisation of a transonic compressor rotor," pp. 1267-1276 in Proc. 9th European Conf. Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ed. M. Sen, G. Bois, M. Manna and T. Arts., Istanbul Technical University, ISBN 878-975-561-389-5, Istanbul (2011).

243. D. Toal and A. J. Keane, "Non-Stationary Kriging Prediction of Turbomachinery Time Variant Responses," pp. 1497-1506 in Proc. 9th European Conf. Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ed. M. Sen, G. Bois, M. Manna and T. Arts., Istanbul Technical University, ISBN 878-975-561-389-5, Istanbul (2011).

244. A. Viswanath, A. I. J. Forrester, and A. J. Keane, "Dimension Reduction for Aerodynamic Design Optimization," AIAA J. 49(6) pp. 1256-1301 ISSN: 0001-1452, (2011).

245. A. R. Price, A. J. Keane, and C. M. E. Holden, "On the Coordination of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Using Expert Systems," AIAA Journal 49(8) pp. 1778-1807 ISSN 0001-1452, (2011).

246. N. Thakur, A. J. Keane, and P. B. Nair, "Robust design of turbine blades against manufacturing reliability," Int. J. Reliability & Safety 5(3/4) pp. 420-436 Inderscience ISSN: 1479-389X, (2011).

247. M. J. Wankhede, N. W. Bressloff, and A. J. Keane, "Combustor design optimisation using co-Kriging of steady and unsteady turbulent combustioni", in Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2011, GT2011-46420, Vancouver (2011).

248. N. M. Ursache, N. W. Bressloff, and A. J. Keane, "Aircraft Roll Enhancement via Multi-Objective Optimization Using Surrogate Modeling", AIAA Journal 49(7) pp. 1525-1541 ISSN 0001-1452, (2011).

249. J. R. Van Schaik, J. P. Scanlan, A. J. Keane, K. Takeda, and D Gorissen, "Improving Design Rationale Capture During Embodiment Design", pp. 436-445 in Proc. Int. Conf. Eng. Design, ICED11, ed. T.J. Howard, K. Mougaard, T.C. McAloone and C.T. Hansen, The Design Society, ISBN 978-1-904670-32-2 (2011).

250. A. Nasuf, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "Multi-objective Optimization using Grammatical Evolution," pp. 137-140 in Proc. Aniv. Sci. Conf. Sofia Univ of Chem. Tech. and Metal, ISBN 978-954465-043-8, Sofia (2011).

251. M. J. Wankhede, N. W. Bressloff, and A. J. Keane, "Combustor Design Optimization Using Co-Kriging of Steady and Unsteady Turbulent Combustion," J. Eng. for Gas Turbines and Power 133, ASME, DoI 10.1115/1.4004155, (2011).

252. P. S. Mohan, P. B. Nair, and A. J. Keane, "Stochastic projection schemes for deterministic linear elliptic partial differential equations on random domains," Int. J. Num. Methods in Eng. 85(7) pp. 874-895 DOI:10.1002/nme.3004, (2011).

253. D. J. J. Toal and A. J. Keane, "Efficient Multipoint Aerodynamic Design Optimization via Cokriging", J. Aircraft 48(5) pp. 1685-1695 AIAA, DoI: 10.2514/1.56058, (2011).

254. I. I. Voutchkov, A. J. Keane, M. Benison, P. Haynes, and T. Stocks, "Fast design optimization of jet engine structural mass and specific fuel consumption", J. Aerospace Eng. 225 pp. 1165-1173 Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part G, DOI: 10.1177/0954410011409524, (2011).

255. D. J. J. Toal and A. J. Keane, "Towards an Intelligent Non-Stationary Performance Prediction of Engineering Systems", pp. 446-449 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6683, Learning and Intelligent Optimization, LION 5, ed. C. A. Coello Coello, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-642-25565-6 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-25566-3, Rome (2011).

256. M. Bolinches, A. J. Keane, A. I. J. Forrester, J. P. Scanlan, and K. Takeda, "Design, analysis and experimental validation of a morphing UAV wing", The Aeronautical Journal 115(1174) pp. 761-765 (2011).

257. M. Moshrefi-Torbati, J. A. Forrester, A. I. J. Forrester, A. J. Keane, M. J. Brennan, and S. J. Elliott, "Novel active and passive anti-vibration mountings", J. Sound Vib. 331 pp. 1532-1541 (2012).

258. D. Li, A. Sobester, and A. J. Keane, "Physics and Engineering Knowledge-Based Repair of Computer-Aided Design Parametric Geometries," AIAA J. 50(6) pp. 1409-1414 ISSN 0001-1452, (2012).

259. M. J. Wankhede, N. W. Bressloff, and A. J. Keane, "A Time-Parallel CFD Approach for Unsteady Combustor Flow Analysis and Design Optimization", in Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2012, GT2012-68164, Copenhagen (2012).

260. D. Chandra Sekhar, A. J. Keane, and A. I. J. Forrester, "Adaptive strategies for moment estimation using stochastic collocation and kriging based approaches", in Proc. Eur. Cong. on Comp. Meth. in App. Sci. and Eng. (ECCOMAS 2012), ed. J. Eberhardsteiner et. al., Vienna (2012).

261. A. Nurdin, N. W. Bressloff, A. J. Keane, and C. M. E. Holden, "Shape optimisation using CAD linked free-form deformation", The Aeronautical Journal 116(1183) pp. 915-939 (2012).

262. A. J. Keane, "Use of Cokriging for Robust Design Optimization", AIAA Journal 50(11) pp. 2351-2364 ISSN 0001-1452, (2012).

263. J. M. Parr, A. I. J. Forrester, A. J. Keane, and C. M. E. Holden, "Enhancing infill sampling criteria for surrogate-based constrained optimization", J. Comp. Meth. Science and Eng. 12(1-2) pp. 25-45 ISSN 1472-7978, (2012).

264. J. M. Parr, A. I. J. Forrester, A. J. Keane, and C. M. E. Holden, "Handling constraints in surrogate-based optimization", in Proc. 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., AIAA-2012-1928, DOI: 10.2514/6.2012-1928, Honolulu (2012).

265. M. Ferraro, D. Gorissen, J. Scanlan, A. Keane, E. Quaranta, B. Schumann, J. van Schaik, and M. Bolinches i Gisbert, "Toward Value-Driven Design of a Small, Low-Cost UAV", in Proc. 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., AIAA-2012-1723, DOI: 10.2514/6.2012-1723, Honolulu (2012).

266. D. Gorissen, E. Quaranta, M. Ferraro, J. Scanlan, A.J. Keane, and K. Takeda, "Architecting a Decision Environment for Complex Design Evaluation", in Proc. 53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., AIAA-2012-1806, DOI: 10.2514/6.2012-1806, Honolulu (2012).

267. J. M. Parr, A. J. Keane, A. I. J. Forrester, and C. M. E. Holden, "Infill sampling criteria for surrogate-based optimization with constraint handling", Eng. Optimization 44(10) pp. 1147-1166 ISSN 0305-215X, (2012).

268. D. J. J. Toal and A. J. Keane, "Non-stationary kriging for design optimization", Eng. Opt. 44(6) pp. 741-765 ISSN 0305-215X, (2012).

269. A. S. Deshpande, A. J. Keane, A. Sobester, and D. J. J. Toal, "Geometric parameterisation of firtree joints in gas turbine discs considering manufacturing variability", in Proc. 3rd Aircraft Struct. Design. Conf., Royal Aero. Soc., Delft (2012).

269A. A. Surendra, M. Ferraro, B. Schumann, J. van Schaik, J. J. Daniels, D. Gorissen, J. P. Scanlan, and A. J. Keane, "The Challenges of using Value-Driven Design for practical design of UAVs", J. Aerospace Ops. 1 pp. 377-386, IOS Press, DOI 10.3233/AOP-120025, (2012).

269B. M. Bolinches, A. J. Keane, and A. I. J. Forrester, "Modelling of a Warping Wing for Energy Consumption Minimization", in Proc. 28th Cong. Int. Council Aero. Sciences, ICAS 2012, ISBN 978-0-9565333-1-9, Brisbane (2012).

270. M. J. Wankhede, N. W. Bressloff, and A. J. Keane, "Efficient Strategy for Low NOx Combustor Design in the Spatial Domain Using Multi-Fidelity Solutions", in Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2013, GT2013-94317, San Antonio (2013).

271. A. Nasuf, A. Bhaskar, and A. J. Keane, "Grammatical evolution of shape and its application to structural shape optimisation", Struct. Multidisc. Optim. 48(1) pp. 187-199 ISSN 1615-147X, DOI 10.1007/s00158-013-0890-0, (2013).

272. R. Ajaj, A. Keane, C. Beaverstock, M. Friswell, and D. Inman, "Morphing Aircraft: The Need for a New Design Philosophy", in Proc. Ankara Int. Aerospace Conf., AIAC-2013-054, Ankara (2013).

273. M. A. Erbil, S. D. Prior, and A. J. Keane, "Design Optimisation of a Reconfigurable Perching Element for Vertical Take-Off and Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", Int. J. Micro Air Vehicles 5(3) pp. 207-228 Multi-Science Publishing, ISSN 1756-8293, DOI 10.1260/1756-8293.5.3.207, (2013).

274. L. Kelly, A. Sobester, and A. J. Keane, "Automated Structural Design of a UAV Fuselage for Manufacture by Selective Laser Sintering", in Proc. Cong. Met. Num. Ing., ed. J. M. Blanco, I. Arias and A. Pena, Soc. Espanola Met. Num. Ing., Bilbao (2013).

275. D. J. J. Toal and A. J. Keane, "Performance of an ensemble of ordinary, universal, non-stationary and limit Kriging predictors", Struct Multidisc Optim 47(6) pp. 893-903 ISSN 1615-147X, DOI 10.1007/s00158-012-0866-5, (2013).

276. R. M. Ajaj, M. I. Friswell, S. Flores, A. Keane, A. T. Isikveren, G. Allegri, and S. Adhikari, "An integrated conceptual design study using span morphing technology", J. Int. Matl. Sys. and Struct. 25(8) pp. 989-1008 DOI: 10.1177/1045389X13502869, (2014).

277. D. Gorissen, E. Quaranta, M. Ferraro, B. Schumann, J. van Schaik, M. Bolinches I. Gisbert, A. Keane, and J. Scanlan, "Value-Based Decision Environment: Vision and Application", J. Aircraft 51(5) pp. 1360-1372 AIAA, DOI: 10.2514/1.C032153, (2014).

278. A. Viswanath, A. I. J. Forrester, and A. J. Keane, "Constrained Design Optimization Using Generative Topographic Mapping", AIAA J. 52(5)ISSN: 0001-1452, DOI: 10.2514/1.J052414, (2014).

279. X. Zhang, D. J.J. Toal, N. W. Bressloff, A. J. Keane, F. Witham, S. Stow, C. Goddard, J. Gregory, M. Zedda, and M. Rogers, "Prometheus: A Geometry-Centric Optimization System for Combustor Design", in Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, GT2014-25886, Dusseldorf (2014).

280. L. Wang, D. J.J. Toal, A. J. Keane, and F. Stanley, "An Accelerated Medial Object Transformation for Whole Engine Optimisation", in Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, GT2014-26014, Dusseldorf (2014).

281. D. J. J. Toal, A. J. Keane, D. Benito, J. A. Dixon, J. Yang, M. Price, T. Robinson, A. Remouchamps, and N. Kill, "Multifidelity Multidisciplinary Whole-Engine Thermomechanical Design Optimization", J. Prop. & Power 30(6) pp. 1654-1666 ISSN: 0748-4658, DOI: 10.2514/1.B35128, (2014).

282. L. Kelly, A. J. Keane, A. Sobester, and D. J. J. Toal, "Topology optimisation: increasing the speed and reliability of design", in 15th AIAA/ISSMO Multdis. Anal. & Opt. Conf., AIAA, doi:10.2514/6.2014-2593, Atlanta (2014).

283. M. Ferraro, A. Lock, J. P. Scanlan, and A. J. Keane, "Design and flight test of a civil unmanned aerial vehicle for maritime patrol: the use of 3D-printed structural components", in Proc. 4th Aircraft Structural Design Conf., Royal Aero. Soc., ISBN 1 85768 321 8, Belfast (2014).

283a. N. M. Ursache, N. W. Bressloff, and A. J. Keane, "On morphing wing for roll augmentation via material fitness using surrogate modelling", European J. Comp. Mech. 23(3-4) pp. 138-160 DOI: 10.1080/17797179.2014.945276, (2014).

284. A. J. Keane, "Genetic Programming, Logic Design and Case-Based Reasoning for Obstacle Avoidance", pp. 104-118 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8994, ed. C. Dhaenens, L. Jourdan and M.-E. Marmion, Springer ISBN 978-3-319-19083-9, DOI, 10.1007/978-3-319-19084-6, Heidelberg (2015).

285. X. Zhang, D. J.J. Toal, A. J. Keane, F. Witham, J. Gregory, M. Ravikanti, E. Aurifeille, S. Stow, M. Rogers, and M. Zedda, "Isothermal Combustor Prediffuser and Fuel Injector Feed Arm Design Optimization Using the Prometheus Design System", J. Eng. Gas Turbines and Power, ASME 061504-1 DOI: 10.1115/1.4031711, (2016).

286. P. M. Keane and A. J. Keane, "Use of Custer Channel Wings - Wing Ducts on Small UAVs", J. Aerosp. Eng. 29(3)ASCE, ISSN 0893-1321, 04015059, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0000535., (2016).

287. I. Singh, A. J. Keane, and C. M. E. Holden, "Structural Fidelity Variation for Aircraft Wing Configuration, Design and Optimization in Preliminary Design", in Proc. 5th Aircraft Struct. Design. Conf., Royal Aero. Soc., Manchester (2016).

288. M. Stramacchia, D.J.J. Toal, and A. J. Keane, "Improving the optimisation performance of an ensemble of radial basis functions", in 5th Int. Conf. Engineering Optimization, EngOpt 2016, ed. J. Herskovits,Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Iguassu Falls (2016).

289. J. Kamenik, A. J. Keane, D. J. J. Toal, and R. Bates, "Application of Sweep to Transonic Compressor Rotor Blades for Low-order Statistical Moment Averaging in Robust Design", in Proc. 1st Global Power and Prop. Forum, GPPF 2017, E.T.H., Zurich (2017).

290. A. Keane, J. Scanlan, A. Lock, M. Ferraro, P. Spillane, and J. Breen, "Maritime flight trials of the Southampton University laser sintered aircraft: Project Albatross", The Aeronautical J. 121(1244) pp. 1502-1529 doi: 10.1017/aer.2017.71, (2017).

291. J. Forrester and A. J. Keane, "Characterization of Geometric Uncertainty in Gas Turbine Engine Components Using CMM Data", in Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Proc. 12th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO12), ed. A. Schumacher, T. Vietor, S. Fiebig, K.-U. Bletzinger and K. Maute, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-67987-7, Braunschweig (2017).

292. J. Kamenik, M. Stramacchia, D. J. J. Toal, A. J. Keane, and R. Bates, "Axial compressor rotor optimization using a novel ensemble of surrogates-based infill criterion", in Proc. 2017 Gas Turbine India Conf., ASME, GTINDIA2017-4516, Bangalore (2017).

293. K. Nagabandi, S. Mills, X. Zhang, D. J. J. Toal, and A. J. Keane, "Surrogate based design optimisation of combustor tile cooling", in Proc. 2017 Gas Turbine India Conf., ASME, GTINDIA2017-4586, Bangalore (2017).

294. L. Wang, D. J.J. Toal, A. J. Keane, and F. Stanley, "A whole engine optimization based on medial object transformations", in Proc. ISABE 2017 Economy, Efficiency and Environment, ISABE 2017-21441, Manchester (2017).

295. D. J.J. Toal, X. Zhang, A. J. Keane, S. Stow, M. Zedda, F. Witham, and J. Gregory, "Combustor Design Optimization Using the Prometheus Design System", in Proc. ISABE 2017 Economy, Efficiency and Environment, ISABE 2017-21394, Manchester (2017).

295B. N. Jelev, A. J. Keane, C. Holden, and A sobester, "Rule Based Architecture for Collaborative Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design Optimisation", Int. J. Aero. & Mech Eng. 11(5), (2017).

296. Q. Chanzy and A. J. Keane, "Analysis and experimental validation of morphing UAV wings", The Aeronautical J. 122(1249) pp. 390-408 Royal Aeronautical Soc., doi:10.1017/aer.2017.130, (2018).

297. Hau Kit Yong, Leran Wang, D. J. J. Toal, A. J. Keane, and Felix Stanley, "Multi-Fidelity Kriging- Based Optimization of Engine Subsystem Models with Medial Meshes", in Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conf. & Exp., GT2018-76148, Oslo (2018).

298. I. I. Voutchkov, A. J. Keane, S. Shahpar, and R. Bates, "(Re-) Meshing using interpolative mapping and control point optimization", J. Comp. Design & Eng. 5 pp. 305-318 Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcde.2017.12.003, (2018).

299. J. Kamenik, I. I. Voutchkov, D. J. J. Toal, A. J. Keane, Lars Hogner, Marcus Meyer, and R. Bates, "Robust Turbine Blade Optimization in the Face of Real Geometric Variations", J. Prop & Power 34(6) pp. 1479-1493 AIAA, DOI: 10.2514/1.B37091, (2018).

300. N. Jelev, A. J. Keane, and C. Holden, "Pattern Search Algorithm for Blackboard-Based Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Frameworks", J. Aircraft 56(1) pp. 121-136 AIAA, DOI: 10.2514/1.C034897, (2019).

301. T. J. Ikonen, G. Marck, A. Sobester, and A. J. Keane, "Topology optimization of conductive heat transfer problems using parametric L-systems", Structural & Mult. Opt. 58(5) pp. 1899-1916 DOI: 10.1007/s00158-018-2055-7, (2018).

302. Hau Kit Yong, Leran Wang, D. J. J. Toal, A. J. Keane, and Felix Stanley, "Multi-fidelity Kriging- assisted structural optimization of whole engine models employing medial meshes", Structural & Mult. Opt., pp. 1-18 DOI: 10.1007/s00158-019-02242-6, (2019).

303. Hau Kit Yong, Leran Wang, D. J. J. Toal, A. J. Keane, and Felix Stanley, "A Medial-Object-based Design-in- Context Approach for the Structural Design of Engine Subsystems", in AIAA Prop. & Energy Forum, DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-3829, Indianapolis (2019).

304. A. J. Keane and I. I. Voutchkov, "Surrogate Approaches for Aerodynamic Section Performance Modelling", AIAA Journal 58(1), AIAA, DOI 10.2514/1.J058687, (2019).

305. J. Kamenik, D. J. J. Toal, A. J. Keane, L. Hogner, M. Meyer, and S. Shahpar, "Modeling and Impact of High-pressure Turbine Blade Trailing Edge Film Cooling Hole Variations", AIAA, DOI 10.2514/6.2020-0905 in AIAA SciTech Forum, Orlando (2020).

306. A. J. Keane and I. I. Voutchkov, Robust Design Optimization Using Surrogate Models, J. Comp. Design. & Eng. 7(1) pp. 44-55 DOI, (2020).

307. D. J.J. Toal, X. Zhang, A. J. Keane, C. Y. Lee, and M. Zedda, "The Potential of a Multi-fidelity Approach to Gas Turbine Combustor Design Optimization", J. Eng. for Gas Turbines & Power, GTP-20-1052 doi:10.1115/1.4048654, (2020.).

308. J. Wauters, A. J. Keane and J. Degroote, "Development of an adaptive infill criterion for constrained multi-objective asynchronous surrogate-based optimization", J. Glob. Optim., 78, pp. 137-160 (2020).

309. L. Wang, I. I. Voutchkov, D. J.J. Toal, A. J. Keane, F. Shan, T. Robinson, A. Murphy, D. Quinn, D. Nolan, F. Stanley, and I. Popovic, "Structural Topology Optimisation of a Gas Turbine Engine and Nacelle Integration Components Employing a Medial Surface Representation", in Proc. Aerospace Europe Conference, CEAS, Bordeaux (2020).

310. J. Mihalik and A. J. Keane, "Custer Channel Wings for Short Takeoff and Landing of Unmanned Aircraft", J. Aircraft 59(1), AIAA, DOI: 10.2514/1.C035944 (2021).

311. A. Nasti, I. I. Voutchkov, D. J. J. Toal, and A. J. Keane, "Multi-fidelity simulation for secondary air system seal design in aero engines", in Proc. ASME Turbo Expo 2022, GT2022-80391, Rotterdam (2022).

312. H. Salval, A. Keane, and D. Toal, "Multiresolution Surface Blending for Detail Reconstruction", Graphics and Visual Computing 6, (2022).

313. A. J. Keane and I. I. Voutchkov, "Embedded Parameter Information in Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Compressor Airfoil Design", AIAA Journal xx(x), AIAA, DOI 10.2514/1.J061544 (2022).

Grants Awarded

1. 1986 - Royal Society travel grant to visit China for three weeks - £500.

2. 1987 - University B.R.I.E.F. award to support individual research - £2,500.

3. 1988 - Royal Society travel grant to attend the XVIIth International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in France - £360.

4. 1989 - S.E.R.C. Marine Technology Directorate research grant in collaboration with the Royal Aircraft Establishment and Bath University on computer simulation of diesel engine variable valve timing - £48,000 (with Dr. C.R. Stone and Dr. S.J. Charlton).

5. 1989 - Faculty award to maritime research group - £10,000 (with Prof. W.G. Price and Dr. P. Temarel).

6. 1989 - University award to maritime research group - £17,000 (with Dr. P. Temarel).

7. 1989 - University award for research equipment - £42,000.

8. 1990 - Department of Trade and Industry award for research into confidence estimates in S.E.A. over three years - £135,000.

9. 1993 - M.T.D. Ltd. award for computational equipment - £62,000 (with Prof. R. Eatock Taylor).

10. 1993 - S.E.R.C. (now E.P.S.R.C.) award for research into optimization of structures for enhanced noise performance over three years - £115,000.

11. 1993 - Defence Research Agency award for research into optimization applied to sonar array data processing - £88,000 (with Dr. D.J. Edwards).

12. 1993 - S.E.R.C. (now E.P.S.R.C.) award for research into crack shape and severity assessment for surface treated aerospace components - £194,000 (with Dr. D.A. Hills and Dr. D. Nowell).

13. 1994 - Royal Society travel grant to visit Japan - £520.

14. 1994 - M.T.D. Ltd. award for research into modelling liquid/structure interactions in the framework of S.E.A. - £143,000 (with Prof. R. Eatock Taylor).

15. 1995 - E.P.S.R.C. award for research into design for enhanced structural noise performance using genetic algorithm and other optimization techniques - £45,685.

16. 1996 - Royal Society travel grant to visit U.S.A for one week - £750.

17. 1996 - University award for purchase of computational facilities - £75,000.

18. 1996 - E.P.S.R.C. award for research into the integration of multi-level, multi-discipline design methods with modern stochastic optimizers - £214,820.

19. 1996 - British Aerospace (Ops.) Ltd award for research into the integration of multi-level, multi-discipline design methods with modern stochastic optimizers to aircraft optimization - £40,000.

20. 1998 - E.P.S.R.C. award for providing an engineering network on Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacturing - £51,941 (with Dr. I. Parmee and Prof. P. Sen).

21. 1998 - British Aerospace plc award to support the BAE Systems - RR University Technology Partnership for Design - £35,003

22. 1998 - Rolls-Royce plc award to support the BAE Systems - RR University Technology Partnership for Design - £35,003

23. 1998 - university award to support the BAE Systems - RR University Technology Partnership for Design - £40,000

24. 1998 - E.P.S.R.C. award for research into the integration of advanced active and passive noise control methods - £218,054 (with Prof. S.J. Elliott, Dr. M.J. Brennan and Dr. E. Rogers).

25. 1998 - Matra Marconi Space award for research into the integration of advanced active and passive noise control methods - £40,000.

26. 1999 - J.R.E.I. equipment award to support the BAE Systems - RR University Technology Partnership for Design - £62,363.

27. 1999 - E.P.S.R.C. award for research into flexible engineering design methods using knowledge based CAD systems & evolutionary search methods - £299,670 (with Prof. C.J. Harris, Prof. M.B. Giles, Prof. C. Ruiz, Mr. K.M. Wallace and Prof. P.J. Flemming).

28. 1999 - British Aerospace plc award to support the BAE Systems - RR University Technology Partnership for Design - £250,000.

29. 1999 - Rolls-Royce plc award to support the BAE Systems - RR University Technology Partnership for Design - £250,000.

30. 1999 - E.P.S.R.C. award for an investigation into the role of fatigue failure of bone in femoral neck fractures and prosthetic loosening - £213,767 (with Dr. M. Taylor, Dr. P. Zioupos, and Mr. D. Barrett).

31. 1999 - Rolls-Royce plc award for an investigation into the design and manufacture of Aero-engine structures - £148,818 (with Dr. A. Bhaskar).

32. 1999 - E.U. Framework V award for an investigation into Manufacturing & Modelling of Fabricated Structural Components - £126,663 (with Dr. A. Bhaskar).

33. 2000 - E.P.S.R.C. award for an investigation into Improved Product Design through Economical Experimentation - £262,612 (with Prof. S.M. Lewis and Dr. C.P. Please).

34. 2000 - Jaguar Cars Ltd. award for an investigation into Improved Product Design through Economical Experimentation - £21,000. (with Prof. S.M. Lewis and Dr. C.P. Please).

35. 2000 - TWR Aeronautical Systems, Lucas Aerospace award for an investigation into Improved Product Design through Economical Experimentation - £21,000. (with Prof. S.M. Lewis and Dr. C.P. Please).

36. 2000 - Hosiden Besson award for an investigation into Improved Product Design through Economical Experimentation - £10,000 (with Prof. S.M. Lewis and Dr. C.P. Please).

37. 2001 - Dept. of Trade and Industry award to run a Regional Centre for e-Science core programme - £535,681 (with Prof. S.J. Cox, Prof. D. de Roure and Dr. P. Hancock).

38. 2002 - E.P.S.R.C. award for an investigation into AD2 Compeng - Automatic Differentiation and Adjoints Applied to Computational Engineering - £159,806 (with Dr. S.A. Forth, Prof. M.B. Giles and Prof. N. Qin).

39. 2001 - E.P.S.R.C. award for an investigation into Grid enabled optimisation and design search for engineering - GEODISE - £2,872,450 (with Prof. S.J. Cox, Prof. M. Giles, Oxford and Prof. C. Goble, Manchester).

40. 2001 - E.P.S.R.C. award for an engineering network in Adaptive computing in design and manufacture - £25,501 (with Prof. I.C. Parmee and Prof. P. Sen).

41. 2002 - Dept. of Trade and Industry award for an e-Science Centre project on ship motions - G-Ship - £127,377 (with Prof. S.J. Cox, Prof. D. de Roure and Dr. P. Hancock).

42. 2002 - Dept. of Trade and Industry award for an e-Science Centre project on computational electromagnetics - GEM - £127,230 (with Prof. S.J. Cox, Prof. D. de Roure and Dr. P. Hancock).

43. 2002 - Dept. of Trade and Industry award for an e-Science Centre project on civil engineering groundwater measurement - G-Civil - £273,080 (with Prof. S.J. Cox, Prof. D. de Roure and Dr. P. Hancock).

44. 2002 - Dept. of Trade and Industry award for an e-Science Centre project on yacht design - G-Yacht - £127,377 (with Prof. S.J. Cox, Prof. D. de Roure and Dr. P. Hancock).

45. 2002 - Dept. of Trade and Industry award for an e-Science Centre project on hydroelasticity - G-HydroFlex - £272,000 (with Prof. S.J. Cox, Prof. D. de Roure and Dr. P. Hancock).

46. 2002 - BAE Systems award to support the BAE - RR University Technology Partnership for Design - £245,500.

47. 2002 - Rolls-Royce plc award to support the BAE - RR University Technology Partnership for Design - £245,500.

48. 2002 - HEFCE award for e-Science Building alteration and refurbishment (SRIF) - £1,386,515.

49. 2003 - DSTL award for endgame optimisation opportunities - £44,000 (with Dr. A Chipperfield).

50. 2003 - HEFCE award for BAE Systems - Rolls Royce University Technology Partnership for Design (SRIF2) - £87,017.

51. 2003 - HEFCE award for Enhancement to Computational Cluster (SRIF2) - £963,000 (with Prof. G. Luckhurst).

52. 2004 - Rolls-Royce plc award for research into cost model optimisation (DATUM) - £46,000.

53. 2004 - Dept. of Trade and Industry award to continue to run a Regional Centre for E-Science core programme - £200,000 (with Prof. S.J. Cox, Prof. D. de Roure and Dr. P. Hancock).

54. 2004 - BAE Systems award to support the BAE - RR University Technology Partnership for Design - £135,000 (with Dr. N. Bressloff).

55. 2004 - Rolls-Royce plc award to support the BAE - RR University Technology Partnership for Design - £135,000 (with Dr. N. Bressloff).

56. 2004 - E.P.S.R.C. award as part of the Integrated programme of research in aeronautical engineering - FLAVIIR - £210,684.

57. 2004 - EU FP6 Integrated Project award on grid based computing - SIMDAT - £328,964.

58. 2004 - E.P.S.R.C. award for research into novel active/passive anti-vibration mountings £325,492 (with Prof. S.J. Elliott and Prof. M.J. Brennan).

59. 2005 - BAE Systems award to support the BAE - RR University Technology Partnership for Design - £136,500 (with Dr. N. Bressloff).

60. 2005 - Rolls-Royce plc award to support the BAE - RR University Technology Partnership for Design - £136,500 (with Dr. N. Bressloff).

61. 2005 - Lloyds Register award to support development of the G-Hydroflex grid based marine analysis tools - £82,000.

62. 2005 - Rolls-Royce plc / EU FP6 Integrated Project award for robust gas turbine design research - VIVACE - £134,000.

63. 2005 - Airbus UK Limited award to support research into advanced parametric geometry generation tools - £37,500.

64. 2006 - Dept. of Trade and Industry award to support research into tools for producing high performance robust systems (HIPARSYS) - £283,930 (with Prof. M. Taylor).

65. 2006 - Rolls-Royce plc award to support research into tools for producing high performance robust systems - £77,530.

66. 2006 - Microsoft award to purchase and support the Spitfire research compute clusters - £660,000 (with Prof. S.J. Cox).

67. 2006 - E.P.S.R.C. award for research into the role of topology and shape in structural design - £360,270 (FEC), £312,998 (RC contribution) (with Dr. A. Bhaskar).

68. 2006 - Airbus UK Limited award to support research into automatic optimization strategies - £40,000.

69. 2007 - E.P.S.R.C. award for research into fluidic control for turbulent drag reduction - £195,372 (with Prof. S.I. Chernyshenko, Prof. I.P. Castro and Prof. S.M. Spearing).

70. 2007 - Rolls-Royce plc award to support research for the Centre for Fluid Mechanics Simulation - £121,608.

71. 2007 - Airbus UK Limited award to support research for the Centre for Fluid Mechanics Simulation - £47,629

72. 2007 - Rolls-Royce plc award to support research into tools for whole engine modelling - £79,703.

73. 2007 - Airbus plc award to support research into tools for multi-disciplinary optimized wing design (MDOW) - £343,008.

74. 2008 - E.P.S.R.C. award for research into computational methods for analysis of stochastic structural systems - £348,617 (with Dr. P.B. Nair).

75. 2008 - Rolls-Royce plc award for UTC in Computational Engineering - £203,989 (with Prof. J.P. Scanlan).

76. 2009 - Rolls-Royce plc award for UTC in Computational Engineering - £1,347,639 (with Prof. J.P. Scanlan).

77. 2009 - EU FP7 Integrated Project award for Collaborative and Robust Engineering using Simulation Capability Enabling Next Design Optimisation (CRESCENDO) - €384,007 (with Prof. J.P. Scanlan).

78. 2009 - E.P.S.R.C. award for DECODE (Decision Environment for COmplex DEsigns ) - £773,757 (with Prof. J.P. Scanlan).

79. 2009 - Engineering Technology Board plc award for the SILOET Programme: Project 2: Integrated Decision Support: Validation Tools - £1,125,544 (with Prof. J.P. Scanlan).

80. 2011 - Rolls-Royce plc award to support research into tools for producing novel combustor geometries - £114,390.

81. 2011 - Rolls-Royce plc award for UTC in Computational Engineering - £1,478,316 (with Prof. J.P. Scanlan).

82. 2012 - Rolls-Royce plc award for combustor design tools (Prometheus) - £200,000.

83. 2012 - EU FP7 Integrated Project award for robust design (EBREAK) - £226,773.

84. 2013 - Engineering Technology Board plc award for the SILOET II Programme: Projects 5/6: Robust Design and Costing tools - £366,000 (with Prof. J.P. Scanlan).

85. 2013 – E.P.S.R.C. / Airbus award for research studentships in collaborative multi-disciplinary aircraft design - £134,000.

86. 2013 - Rolls-Royce plc award under the Clean Sky initiative - £375,000.

87. 2013 - EU FP7 Cleansky - Project DYNAMO combustor design - £88,814 - (with Dr. D. J. J. Toal).

88. 2014 - Managing Parametric CAD models to support Gas Turbine Design Rolls Royce - £20,000 (with Dr. D. J. J. Toal).

89. 2014 - Shell Global Solutions award for research into fixed wing low cost UAVs (project Triangle) - £26,549 .

90. 2014 - Rolls-Royce plc award for UTC in Computational Engineering - £1,263,549 (with Prof. J.P. Scanlan).

91. 2015 - Aerospace Technology Institute award for AIRSTART research into UAV development - £146,680 (with Prof. J.P. Scanlan).

92. 2016 - Rolls-Royce plc award for Automation of UDF assembly creation - £60,000.

93. 2016 - Innovate UK award for GEMinIDS (Geoemtry Enabled Modelling in Integrated Design Systems) - £1,249,197 (with Prof. J.P. Scanlan).

94. 2016 - Rolls-royce plc award ASCEND (Engine casing modelling) - £308,273 (with Dr. D.J.J. Toal).

95. 2016 – Interreg 2 Seas Mers Zeeλn award for ICAReS (Innovation Cluster Accelerating Remote Sensing) - £214,589 (with Prof. J.P. Scanlan).

96. 2017 - Rolls-Royce plc award for ASCEND extension (Engine casing modelling - £670,550 (with Dr. D.J.J. Toal).

97. 2019 - Rolls-Royce plc award for investigating the Feasibility of Incorporating Afterburner Geometry into Prometheus - £18,480 (with Dr. D.J.J. Toal).

98. 2019 - Rolls-Royce plc award for investigating the Feasibility of Incorporating Afterburner Geometry into Prometheus - £263,902 (with Dr. D.J.J. Toal).

99. 2019 - Rolls-Royce plc award for UTC Core Purchase Order - £494,553 (with Dr. D.J.J. Toal).

100. 2020 - Innovate UK award for COLIBRI - Collaboration Across Business Boundaries - £1,991,290 (with Dr. D.J.J. Toal).

101. 2021 - Rolls-Royce plc and DSTL award for Technology Advantage for Power, Propulsion and Systems (TAPPaS) - £250,000 (with Dr. D.J.J. Toal).


1. "Generating a multifidelity model of a system", UK Patent number: GB2399187A / GB2399187B, Publication dates: 2004-09-08 / 2005-06-15, Inventors: Leary Stephen John (GB); Bhaskar Atul (GB); Keane Andrew John (GB).

2. "Optimisation of sequential combinatorial processes utilising a surrogate model", UK Patent number: GB2405961A / GB2405961B, European Patent Number 1665146, Publication dates: 2005-03-16 / 2005-08-17 , Inventors: Olsen Tor-Morten Overby (SE); Runnemalm Karl Henrik (SE); Keane Andrew John (GB); Voutchkov Ivan (GB); Bhaskar Atul (GB).

3. "Design by Space Transformation from high to low dimensions", Inventors: C.M.E. Holden and A.J. Keane, GB patent no. 1673732, European patent no. 1673732, US patent application no. 12081788, application date 07.10.04.

4. "Computational design methods", United States Patent 7-092-845, August 15, 2006 Inventors: Keane; Andrew J (GB), Bressloff; Neil W (GB), Forrester; Alexander I J (GB), International Patent Office Application No. WO 2005/001722 A2 (6/1/2005).

Research Degree Supervisions Completed

1. 1990 – R Schacter, PhD – Optimization techniques with knowledge based control in ship concept design

2. 1995 – K Shankar, DPhil – Application of finite element models to powerflow calculations – a receptance approach

3. 1997 – M Beshara, DPhil – Energy flows in structures with compliant nonconservative couplings

4. 1999 – MA El-Beltagy, PhD – A natural approach to multilevel optimization in engineering design

5. 2000 – YS Ong, PhD – Artificial intelligence technologies in complex engineering design

6. 2000 – PB Nair, PhD – Design optimization of flexible space structures for passive vibration suppression

7. 2000 – K Bearpark, PhD – Learning and memory in genetic programming

8. 2002 – W Song, PhD – Shape optimization of turbine blade firtrees

9. 2002 – A Choudhury, PhD – Fast machine learning algorithms for large data

10. 2002 – MT Bah, PhD – Reduced order modelling for efficient prediction of the dynamics of mistuned bladed disks

11. 2002 – S Kim, PhD – User modelling for knowledge sharing in E-mail communication

12. 2002 – DAR Stinchcombe – MPhil – The parameterisation of redundancies in repetitive frameworks

13. 2002 – Y-M Chen, PhD – Nodal based evolutionary structural optimisation methods

14. 2003 – A Sobester, PhD – Enhancements to global design optimization techniques

15. 2004 – CME Holden, PhD – Visualization methodologies in aircraft design optimization

16. 2004 – AIJ Forrester, PhD – Efficient global aerodynamic optimisation using expensive computational fluid dynamics simulations

17. 2004 – M Pargianas, EngD – Technologies for knowledge management: a case study of the semantic web in Rolls-Royce

18. 2005 – T Etheridge, EngD – A structural design process for a next generation aerospace design environment

19. 2006 – SK Sachedeva, PhD – Subspace projection schemes for stochastic finite element analysis

20. 2006 – N Hoyle, PhD – Automated multi-stage geometry parameterization of internal fluid flow applications

21. 2006 – NM Ursache, PhD – The design of adaptive structures for wing morphing

22. 2006 – AR Rao, PhD – Manufacturing cost based methodologies for design optimisation

23. 2006 – A Kumar, PhD – Robust design methodologies: application to compressor blades

24. 2007 – L Lafronza, MPhil – Computer-aided liner optimisation for fan noise propagation and radiation

25. 2007 – TR Barrett, PhD – Aerodynamic design optimization using flow feature parameterization

26. 2009 – SM Prerapa, PhD – Projection schemes for stochastic partial differential equations

27. 2009 – C Tsatsaris, PhD – Evolutionary and genetic strategies for topology optimization of frameworks: Pareto-comparisons and hybrid methods

28. 2009 – DJJ Toal, PhD – Proper orthogonal decomposition & Krriging strategies for design

29. 2010 – A Viswanath, PhD – Dimension reduction for design optimization

30. 2010 – N Thakur, PhD – Probabilistic manufacturing variability quantification from measurement data for robust design of turbine blades

31. 2010 – F Stanley, PhD – Dimensional reduction and design optimization of gas turbine engine casings for tip clearance studies

32. 2010 – GE Endicott, PhD – Achieving speedup of design optimization by predicting parameterized aerodynamic simulations

33. 2012 – D Li, PhD – Physics and engineering knowledge based geometry repair system for robust parametric CAD geometries

34. 2013 – JM Parr, PhD – Improvement criteria for constraint handling and multiobjective optimization

35. 2013 – MJ Wankhede, PhD – Multi-fidelity strategies for lean burn combustor design

36. 2013 – A Nasuf, PhD – An automated Shape Grammar approach to structural design description and optimisation

37. 2013 – A Deshpande, PhD – The use of geometric uncertainty data in aero engine structural analysis and design

38. 2014 – L. Kelly, PhD – Reducing Design Time : The Impact of Evolutionary Structural Optimization on Structural Trade Studies During Preliminary Design

39. 2014 – J Van Schaik, PhD – A Framework for Design Rationale Capture and Use During Geometry Design

This article may be found at

Correspondence to, or Prof. A.J. Keane, School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, U.K.
Tel +44-2380-592944, Mob +44-7802-422728, FAX +44-2380-594813.