Bladder and Bowel Management


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Jennie Wilson & Jacqui Prieto, 2021, Journal of Infection Prevention, 22(6), 242-244
Type: letterEditorial
Jacqui Prieto, Catherine Murphy, Fiona Stewart & Miranda Fader, 2021, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2021(10), 1-74
Type: review
Alasdair Munro, Jacqui Prieto, Emmanouil Mentzakis, Mohammed AM Mansour, Nitin Mahobia, Peter Baker, Sarah Herbert, Trevor Smith, Matthew Hine, Joann Hall, Angie McClarren, Mike Davidson, Julie Brooks, Jane Fisher, David Griffiths, Hywel Morgan, Corrado Giulietti, Saul Faust & Paul Elkington, 2021, Frontiers in Medical Technology, 3(October 2021), 1-13
Type: article
Catherine Murphy, Christine De Laine, Margaret Macaulay, Kelly Hislop Lennie & Miranda Fader, 2020, Age and Ageing, 0
Type: article